Anxiety/Waking up

3rd pov

It's been 3 whole months and Y/n was still in the hospital. She didn't wake up, and everyone grew worried. Mari didn't come out of your room. The only thing he did was cry, lay on the bed, just staring at the ceiling or listen to her songs. He grew scared and he got anxiety. One day, Ennard came up to Y/n's room, carrying a plate of food, but when he opened the door...Mari wasn't there. He ran downstairs and ran outside. He saw Mari, sitting by the flowers. He had his knees tucked in, his head in his knees. He was listening to Y/n's songs. Hearing her voice again, made him cry a bit. He wiped away his tears, when he saw Ennard. "What is it?" He asked. "I...brought you some food, you haven't eaten in 3 weeks. You need to eat something." He said, sitting next to him.

Mari pov

I looked at the plate...rice balls. I took one and bit it. My eyes widened. It was Y/n's rice ball. I took two more bites before my eyes filled up with tears and ran down my face. I ate the rest and cried. I missed her and I was scared. "Here, eat some more. You need it." He said. I took the last two and ate one, still crying. I finished them, but I couldn't stop crying. "It'll be okay, Mari." He said. "'s not. It's been 3 months, what if...she never wakes up again? I don't want to lose her...what can I do?" I asked. He looked away, before smiling. "I got an idea. Let's take you should take your mind off things." He said. I sighed, before nodding. We stood up and went inside...only to hear screaming from the boys. We ran to the front, to see them on the floor with VR glasses on. They were panting and shaking. "What...the freak were ya'll doing?" Baby asked. "Playing Emily wants to play." Sonic whined. "Emily wants to what?" I said, as I picked up one of the goggles and put it on.

"AAAAAAAAAH!! OH MY GOD!!! OH MY GOD!!! HOLY SHIT!!! WHAT THE F*CK??!! HOLY SHIT!! NOPE!! THAT'S IT!!!! I'M DONE!!!! NOPE, NOPE, NOPE, NOPE!!! I'M DONE!!!" I yelled, snatching off the glasses. I saw Emily jumpscare me...I lost my shit. Everyone was laughing. "THAT'S NOT FUNNY!! YOU GUYS PUT THE DAMN THINGS ON AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS!!!" I yelled. "Okay, how bad could it be?" Ennard asked. He put the goggles on and so did everyone else. Then not a second later..





"HELP ME!!!"

"OH MY GOD!!!!"

They snatched off the goggles and panted and laughed. "Told you so." I said. "Emily's savage ass! Got me twice!!" Undyne said. "That damn doll..that crap got me." Baby said. "That clown...okay from now on...I hate clowns." Theodora said.

Few Days Later...

We were at the city's square. We were just chilling and stuff. Bendy came running saying, Vincent, Eggman, King Dice, the Devil and Lefty were causing trouble at the mall. We all ran there. I was not in the mood to be dealing with my Uncle right now...but I have to. When we got there, Sonic was dealing with the robots, Cuphead was dealing with the devils and the others were getting everyone out of there. I felt something snap. I felt all my anger and sadness just break. My eyes turned blood red, I had a knife in my hand, and I was breathing really hard.

I heard Y/n's words echo through my head. "Do your best." I smiled. "Uh...Mari?" Ennard asked. "Stay back." I said. "W-What?" He asked. "Stay. BACK!!" I yelled, showing my eyes. He looked shocked. " careful." He said, pushing everyone back. "Well well, if it isn't my nephew." Vincent said. "Cut the crap, Vincent. I'm not in the mood to be dealing with your crap right now." I growled. "And why not! Your little girlfriend isn't here to stop me, so why not?" He asked. I gripped the knife, feeling something rise up. I felt strange. I was already mad and agitated and he just pissed me I feel like Y/n when she sang and showed a psychopathic version of herself...I felt like her. I took a deep breath and began to sing.

Let me introduce myself
You didnt think i was done
Did ya?
Well i just began having my fun
Some people live for attention,
Playing the victim
But baby i was born to do the

I see how your going crazy,
Always thinking bout me
Baby on the daily
Feed me your negativity
Talk some more about me
I know that you love me
Love me!
Funny how you think im bothered,
Know im nothing like the others
You shouldnt have messed with me

I heard
That your afraid of monsters
Are you ready for the
Are you ready for the
Are you ready for the
You ain't ready for the

I'm just being me,
Cut out the things that I don't need,
And I dont care if you disagree,
I don't need no sympathy!!
Winning the game on my own,

Yeah baby,
I see how your going crazy,
Always thinking bout me
Baby on the daily
Feed me your negativity
Talk some more about me
I know that you love me,
Funny how you think I'm bothered,
Know I'm nothing like the others,
You shouldn't have messed with me

I heard
That you're afraid of
Are you ready for the
Are you ready for the
Are you ready for the
You ain't ready for the

Ah, it could've been so different between us,
But then you went and messed everything up
You took a knife and stabbed me in the back
Took everything I had
Went to your friends and laughed
This is the last time,
Imma gonna tell you now
If you try to break me,
I'm gonna burn you down!
Baby im done with you,
Not coming back for you

(Let me introduce myself)
Its funny how you think im bothered,
Know I'm nothing like the others,
You shouldn't have messed with me

I heard
That you're afraid of
Are you ready for the
Are you ready for the
Are you ready for the
You ain't ready for the

I swung my knife at them, barely missing Dice's head. I landed feet first and dashed to them at full speed. I jumped and I swung my knife at them again, making a purple slash mark come out. It hit the clown car. I jumped and smiled. "Stay down." I said, as I kicked the car, causing it to hit the ground. I looked and everyone was laid out of it. Eggman sat up. I grabbed his head and slammed it on the ground, blood began to pour out. I turned to the devil and dice. I grabbed their wrists and slammed them on my knee, breaing them. They screamed in pain and passed out. I turned to Vincent and he looked scared. He tried to crawl away, I dragged the two bodies with me. I kicked his head on the side of the wall. Blood poured from his head as he fell down knocked out. I dropped the devils and dice's hand. I looked at them and stomped on their backs. Lefty was trying to crawl away. I picked up my knife and stabbed him in his back. Everyone that was there, looked shocked and ran away screaming. "Mari...what happened to you?" Foxy asked. I turned to him and everyone shivered. I had some blood and oil on my face and clothes but I didn't care.

Y/n pov

I felt a strong wave of magic rush over me. I shot up and looked around. I was in the hospital. I panted. Then I remembered. "Mari!" I yelled as I pulled the cords off me, shot out of bed and dashed out the room. I ran out the hospital, remembering I was in my hospital gown and I was barefoot. "Whatever." I said, as I kept running.

I ran all the way to the mall. I burst inside and saw the others. I saw Mari, he looked like he murdered someone. I walked then I ran. I pushed past them. "Y/n?!" Bendy asked as everyoen stared at me in shock. "MARI!" I yelled. He looked at me, shocked. I was panting. I smiled, as tears ran down my face. He dropped his knife and ran to me. I ran to him and he picked me up, spun me around and hugged me. He checked my face and pulled me into a hug, crying. I saw everyone smiling. I hugged him close. Frisk ran to me and hugged me, soon we were in a group hug. We broke away. I saw the bodies and I saw the blood and oil on his face. "What...happened while I was out? AND...How long was I out?" I asked. "1, Mari injured the villains and 2, you were out for 3 months." Chara said. "3 MONTHS??!! THAT LONG???!! Oh. My. GOD!!!" I yelled. I sighed. "I swear...Imma kill that bitch when I see her again." I groaned. "Mari was worried that you weren't gonna wake up." Ennard said. Mari glared at him. "I would feel that way to, if he was out for 3 months." I said. "Let's talk more when we get home." I said, as we walked out the mall. I slowed down a bit. "Wait a minute guys." I said, as everyone stopped. "What's wrong?" Chica asked. I looked in my gown and blushed. I looked at the others. "I just realized...I'm not wearing anything underneath this thing." I said. Mari's whole face was red. "Oh boy." Frisk said. 

Ballora gave me her jacket and wrapped it around me. "Thanks." I said, clearly flustered that I forgot that. When we got home, I teleported in my room and changed my clothes. It felt good to be in my clothes again. 

I went downstairs and saw the others talking. It turns out Mari never left my room, hardly ate, cried all day, listened to my songs and barely slepted. I was shocked. Mari had gotten anxiety while I was out. I felt so bad. 

I noticed it grew dark real fast. Everyone found a room to sleep in for the night. Mari and I headed to my room. When we got in bed, Mari held me close. "Please...don't do that again." He said. I smiled and hugged him, putting his head to my chest. "Okay...I won't." I said, as well fell asleep holding each other close.
