
πŸŽ‹Ever since my eyes have seen you,

They Don't see anything else
Don't know what magic have you done,
It doesn't know any other facesπŸŽ‹

Zoya pov:

I have an urge to respond to him, but the floor was swaying beneath me and the darkness was flashing in front of my eyes. Slowly, my world became blank.

The Last thing I saw before darkness consume me was, Abhi running to me with a worried face.

Priya pov:

Zoya went out of the car quickly without waiting for us.

Suddenly, What happened to her? I was thinking about her while going to step out of the vehicle when I heard a loud yell of my son.


I looked at my son, he was shouting Zoya name loudly with a concern lacing on his voice while he was opening the car door. He got out quickly and started running towards her.

Why he was yelling her name in worry?

I twisted my neck towards my daughter in law who had stolen everyone's heart in our family with her innocence.

I got afraid when I saw her fainting, luckily my son caught her in his arms.

"Thank god my princess didn't fall on the ground"

I came out of my shock by hearing my husband's voice and looked at him with a gloomy face. He was too appalled when he saw his little princess passed out.

I shook him by my hand while tears brimmed in my eyes. Ram looked up at me with tears in his eyes.

Ram(assuring): Priya, Don't worry! She will be alright.

He said while wiping his tears. I nodded my head and we both quickly walked out of the car towards them.

Abhi, hurriedly lifted her in his arms and took her inside the mansion whereas we both followed him.

Abhi pov:

As soon as I stopped the car, Zoya got out of the car and was walking slowly by lifting her lehenga a little up with one hand and was going into the mansion unsteadily while massaging her temple with the other hand.

I was staring at her back, when suddenly, she started stumbling and was not able to balancing herself. Soon realisation sank in me that she was going to faint.

I got frightened by looking at her state. I quickly stepped out of the car while shouting her name loudly and ran to her. Luckily, I caught her in my arms in the right time or else she would have hit her head to the nearby the edge of the step.

I took her in my arms and in a swift, I rushed inside the mansion by holding her bridal style. None were there in the living room, I think all were sleeping due to the long day. Maa and dad were already panicking by looking at my Zoya's state. They both were coming behind me.

Maa was crying badly whereas dad was consoling her. They both were fond of her. It's good that everyone was sleeping or else they all become worried about her.

I directly walked to my room and laid her on the bed. I removed the chunri & mangtika from her head and slowly take off her necklace from her neck and other jewelry which were adorning her skin. So that she won't feel suffocated.

I sprinkled some water on her face, but still she didn't budge.

So, I straight away went to my cabinet and took out my stethoscope & medical box.

Yes, you guys heard me right, I am a doctor too, but it was only for her. I secretly studied medicine too due to her.

Flash back

It was in my 8th grade. I was staying in hostel, when I got a call from my chotimaami.

"Hello Maami"

Chotimaami: Abhi, choti is suffering from fever added to that she was not letting the doctor to touch her. We were trying very hard, but no use. She only listens to you Abhi, come home as soon as possible.

"Okay, Maami I will be there in an hour" I replied and ended the call.

I took a taxi and went to my home. As soon as I entered into the mansion, the scene in front of me made me astonished.

All my family members have a horrified expression on their faces due to the scene which was happening in front of them. The doctor was trying to check my sweetheart, but she is blackmailing the doctor while placing a knife under the neck while saying..

Zoya: Hey, bald head uncle! If you try to touch me then I will slit my neck.

Is she insane?

She was already not feeling well added to that her skin was looking like rosy due to the fever. Instead of getting treated by the doctor, she was doing all these crazy things to escape from a doctor.

Who will blackmail a doctor like that?

I smiled inwardly at her antics. Only my little sweetheart will do these crazy things.

I came out of my thoughts and looked at her.

"Oye, Do you know what you were holding under your neck. It was a knife not a toy to play" I fake yelled at her.

By hearing my voice, she dropped the knife with a jerk and turned towards me.

Zoya: Vo..No..Abhi, this bald head man was trying to touch me. You know na, I don't like it when someone touches me other than you.

She spoke with a pale pink face while pouting at me. By looking at her little pout, I got a sudden urge to bite her pout, but I controlled myself and walked to her.

I looked at my little sweetheart who was 8yr old girl, wore a black t-shirt of mine and her hair was tied in a high ponytail. She was obsessed with me from her birth added to that she never likes physical contact with someone other than family. I liked that quality within her because I don't like someone touches what's mine.

She is my possession.

I came out of my my train of thoughts and glanced at her.

"First, stop calling him with that name. He is a doctor, Zoya. He is a person who saves people lives. So, we should respect them" I said softly.

Zoya(cringed): But, he was touching me with his dirty hands.

"Zoya" I yelled at her.

She makes me lose my cool by making me angry. She never listens to me when I speak softly to her. She only listens to me when I am in anger.

She stilled to her place by hearing my loud growl.

Badimaami: Abhi, she was just a child. Don't yell at her, she was sick.

By controlling my anger, I decided to speak with her gently.

"You were suffering from severe fever Zoya. To cure your fever, you should treated by a doctor first because he was the only person who cures our illness. So, allow him to treat you" I said cooly as possible by controlling my temper.

Zoya: Naah! Abhi, I don't want to cure my fever by someone who was a stranger. You heal me na, Abhi.

She mumbled gloomily with fear on her face.

It's her first time, she asked me something. She was asking me to nurse her, but I don't know how to cure her fever.

"Doctor, she speaks nonsense. You go and check her" I ordered blankly by masking my sad expression, knowing that I can't able to fulfill her wish.

The doctor nodded, but my sweetheart quickly started running to hide.

Oh god! Why she was testing my patience.

Chotimaami: From last one hour she had been doing the same, Abhi. We got tired of her behaviour.

Doctor: Ha beta, that naughty girl, drained all my energy by making me run at her back all over the mansion. Now there was no energy left in me, so I am leaving now. Please call any other doctor.

The doctor started to walk out of the mansion. I looked at my sweetheart, a small smile was playing on her lips.

I shook my head in disbelief. If we call another doctor also she will behave in the same way. So, it's better to know how to treat her.

I straight away walked out to talk with the doctor. I asked him how to cure her fever and he explained me everything and left.

I went in only to see her sleeping on the sofa. She was looking weak and tired due to running. Chotimaami had placed a wet cloth on her forehead and started caressing her bubbly cheeks.

Who will have the energy to run when they were ill, but she does. Even though she doesn't have the energy, she will think of an another plan to escape.

I shook my head in disbelief and clasped her in my arms from the sofa. She was burning like a fire. I took her to her room and make her lay on the bed.

Chotimaami: What had doctor told to do with her.

Maami asked me with concern lacing in her eyes.

Abhi: Nothing much, Maami. He gave tablets and also told me to give an injection to her.

Chotimaami(mourning): But, we all don't know how to give an injection except your chotemaama & Bademaama but they are not there.

Abhi: No need to worry Phuphi, I will do it. The doctor explained to me, how to give a shot.

She nodded her head and said..

Chotimaami: I trust you Abhi because I know you very well that you won't hurt her.

I didn't say anything and gathered all my courage, took the injection with my hands. My heart started pounding rapidly. It's the first time I was doing it.

Please god, don't make me hurt her while giving an injection to her. She was the only one who has brightened my miserable life. I inwardly prayed to god.

I rubbed the alcohol on her arm with cotton, slowly injected the needle in her arm and gently took it out with my shivering hands.

"Iss" she hissed lowly in her sleep.

Maami gave a genuine smile to me.

Chotimaami: I know you won't harm her while you were giving a shot to her.

Abhi: Thank you for trusting me Maami.

That day I decided to study medicine only for her, but no one knows about it except veer & Rahul.

Flash back ends

Dad: When did you buy all this stuff?

He asked me with perplexed look. I didn't say anything and continued doing my work.

Dad: Abhi, Don't hurt my little princess. I am warning you, If you do so, then I will send you to jail.

Which parents send his son to jail because of his daughter in law.

I wanted to laugh at his concern and possessiveness for his daughter in law. He adores her more than his own children.

Maa: Shut up Ram!! Why would he hurt her when he loves her more than anything in his life.

They both started arguing like a teenager's. I didn't care about them and started checking her. Her blood pressure was low due to stress. I gave an injection to her and took her blood sample for the blood test to check whether her body is in good condition or not.

I left them in the room and went to my study room where all the medical equipment was placed. I tested the blood sample.

I took the reports in my hands to take a glimpse at them. The moment I saw the reports I got angry at her.

Why she always brings out my Beast inside me.

Zoya pov:


This headache is killing me.

I woke up, but didn't open my eyes because I was hell tired due to yesterday event's. I just wanted to sleep, but I was feeling weak and sick too.

Why I was feeling like this? Then slowly, All incidents were appearing like a flash in front of my eyes that, what happened to me after getting out of the car.

Hey bhagwan!! I fainted.

Thank god I am alive or else what would happen to my Abhi. He will be devastated without me because maybe he is arrogant and cold towards me, but he loves me.

Maybe he won't say it out in words, but he expresses his love towards me through his actions and simple gestures.

Anyway, I know very well how to change him.

I was busy in thinking about my devil when I heard a crying sound of my Mother in law & Father in law.

By the way, what were they both doing here and where am I?

I wondered and slowly, opened my eyes only to get shocked by looking around the surroundings.

What I am doing in my devil room. I looked at my Phuphi and Phupha. They both were looking sorrowful and were sobbing continuously.

I think they both believed that I had died, that's the reason why they both were crying.

Hey baghwan!!!!


I quickly got up, sat on the bed Indian style and tightly, closed my eyes while exclaiming loudly in horror.

"Phuphaa!!! Phupphii!!! Don't cry, I am not dead. Look at me, I am alive. Stop preparing for a coffin for mee!!! I am aliveeee!!!!!!"

