It was a Tuesday night, i sit in my room in front of my mirror applying my finishing touches to my makeup. I brush my dark brown hair, and stare at myself in the mirror for a while, looking at the features of myself, wishing I could change.

"Lucy honey are you ready" my mom shouts to me from downstairs. Tonight me and my family are going to a party thing for someone's birthday. I'm not going to lie, I honestly don't know why the fuck i'm going. I don't talk to anyone, all i do is sit there like the miserable shit i am. But my mom insists so, better make her happy. I walk downstairs and find my mom, dad and sister waiting for me at the door. "Take your time" my sister says sarcastically. I roll my eyes and follow them to the car.

I recently just came out of rehab actually. Yeah no big deal I just got into the wrong crowd of people and started doing stuff I shouldn't of been doing. AKA drugs. As a result of that i am no longer allowed to be on my own or go out with anyone my family don't trust. Which is fucking amazing. "Ok Lucy you know the rules, no drinking tonight" my mom says as we pull up outside the venue. "Of course mom i'll just sit there bored out my arse and moan every 2 minutes" I reply sarcastically. My dad smiles and we all head inside and are instantly greeted my uncles and aunties and cousins who i don't remember the names of. "Lucy welcome back darling" one of my uncles says and gives me a hug. "thanks" i reply. We all find a seat and my dad gets the drinks, everyone has there bottles of wine and i'm here with a fucking glass of lemonade.

10 minutes in and i'm already fucking bored, the music is shit there's just some random tiny stage thing that some random guy is signing some shitty pop music on. Yet everyone is dancing and drinking and i'm here like a loner. "Ok guys thank you for all coming i'm happy your all here, i would just like to introduce you to our next musical guest, my good friend miss lana del rey" My auntie says. Oh shit that's who's birthday it is. Everyone claps and a woman walks on stage, she has dark hair and pale skin. She looks pretty cool.

"Hi everyone, this is a song called video games, i'd appreciate it if you all got up, grabbed your partner, your friend, anyone and dance for me" Lana says into the mic as some guy sets up a piano behind her. Of course everyone is up on there feet on the dancing floor except me as usual. Even my sister is dancing, i'm literally the only person sat down. The piano melody starts and she begins singing. She has an amazing voice, i'm actually really impressed. "It's you, it's you, it's all for you, everything i do" she sings into the mic. I watch her facial expressions as she sings the chorus, her eyes squeezed shut like she's in pain. Her eyes slowly open as she gets into the second verse and out of all the people here her eyes meet mine. I look away quickly because i hate awkward situations like that but look up again shortly after to find her still looking at me. The song ends and she does a small smile at me and begins her next song.

A few songs later lana has finished her set and a new singer has taken the stage. I watch as she walked around thanking people as she praised them. "Lana!" my mom shouts her over. For fuck sake we literally just stared each other for ages and now my mother has to make it awkward by calling her over. I look down at my hands and start messing with them as Lana comes over and begins talking to my parents. "and these are my daughters, Meg and Lucy" my dad says pointing to us both. Meg stands up and shakes her hand smiling. I look up and see Lana looking at me once again. I stand up and shake her warm soft hand "nice to meet you lana" I tell her and smile warmly.

"I saw you when i was performing, why weren't you dancing?" she asked, by this point my parents and sister had walked off and my heart was racing. I'm really not good at talking to new people as you can tell. "I had nobody to dance with" I admit and she frowns but then smiles. She reaches out her hand for me "Come on, let's dance" She says looking at me smiling. I hesitate at first but take her hand. She leads me onto the dance floor as a slower songs begins. She takes my hands and positions them onto her waist, making me shiver. Her hands join themselves around my neck and she starts swaying. "Your doing well" She says laughing. Her laugh is the cutest thing ever. "I fucking hate dancing can you tell" I admit, laughing.
She nods, "yes". A smile comes upon her face.

"I probably wouldn't say this if I wasn't slightly drunk, but you're fucking beautiful" She tells me bringing her body closer to mine as we dance. I can feel myself beginning to blush but i try to hide it by looking down at my feet. Once i finally feel my cheeks returning back to their normal colour, i look up again meeting her eyes. "Thank you, your not bad yourself" I joke.
The song finishes but she keeps her arms around me and stares into my eyes. I let go of her and step back once i start feeling slightly awkward.
