The First Letter

Dear Friend,

They said that if I write my story, it would make me feel better. I don't know if you're interested in my story, so it depends if you will continue to reading this. I actually don't know why I am writing this. Really. I usually play ukulele, or draw something. But anyways.

Hello everyone, My name is Keira Reyes, you can call me Cares or Kares. Let me tell you in advance, this isn't my really name and also, I don't want you guys to freak out if you find out my real name, so it's better to hide my true identity to you and to everyone else. The reason I'm writing this, is for you to know what my store is all about and also for you to accept me for who I am and what kind of person I am.

You know there are certain events in life that will happen to you unexpectedly. So its better to write them down on the piece of paper, or type them on you laptop or write it in here. Crazy right? 

How will I start my story.

My name is Keira, 28 yrs old and this is is my story.
