Exciting day

Ok so... A lot happened yesterday and I didn't have the time to write about it so I'll tell you today. I'll try to write as much as I remember.

In the beginning of the day I had to go get a physical. Yeah I know... Bleh... Well turns out I had to get 2 shots (my worst nightmare seeing as I have a huge fear of blood and needles) and about that fear of blood thing. I saw my own blood in a tub and thought I was going to throw up.


I had to get two shots and the last time I had shots I had to get five and I cried. I shit you not a was like twelve or some shit and I cried. But this time I didn't even feel the first shot so when the doctor moved to the other side of my body I was like "the fuck did you already do one or something?" Yeah she did and I had no fucking idea. And then the second one hurt like shit but I didn't cry. It's all good. But I babied my arm for a while after that.

After the doctors my mom took me to go get school shit because that shit is starting soon... I'm not excited. But I got a bunch of new shit. Not really... I got a notebook a binder and some pencils... I think I'm used to high school.

She also bought me doughnuts... They vanished in a heartbeat.

Don't worry the doctor said I was healthy!

Anyway. After I got home I was just laying in bed and earlier that day I sent out a tweet to my favorite band of a picture I edited with some song lyrics and I was telling them how much the song meant to me and blah blah blah. But I shit you not, the lead singers fucking father. THE MAN THAT CREATED THIS GOD. Retweeted my damn tweet!! And he retweeted another of my tweets and sent me a message like... The fuck? Shit like that doesn't happen to normal nobodies like me! I lost it! I was so freaking happy! I told him how much his sons band and the music meant to me. It was just... One of the absolute highlights of my dad.

I cried. But not because he tweeted me... During that time I was listening to probably the only song that makes me cry.

After that my mom took me over to a gun range. There was this festival going on and we got there just as they were closing sadly. The only reason I went is because I was promised to shoot a gun. But we were late.


A girl was like "I'll tell you what. If you wait for just a bit, I might be able to get you to shoot the AR-15." And I'm all like "fuck yeah!"

So I waited a bit and let me tell you this gun is loud as fuck. Not even my headphones could ease the sound. But finally I was able to shoot this bad boy.

Maybe I should mention that this was the most badass gun they had there at the time. I mean this beast was big.

And they let me shoot it for some reason? Yeah that's smart mom.

But I had an awesome ass day yesterday. Probably the best day of my summer. I had pizza for dinner also.

I'm satisfied with that day.

I'll post a pic of the gun.

Oh and if you don't believe me about the whole retweet thing this is my Twitter (@jennifermewmew) go check it out yourself!

Bye guys!
