Getting ready,shopping, and the party

Me, the gang, and Mike sat around a table discussing my birthday. After some persuasion, I managed to get the animatronics and Mike to get along, for my sake. "LYDIA, CHICA! COME ONE WE'RE GOING SHOPPING!" Faith said dragging us out. We all piled in the car along with one of her friends who somehow knew the animatronics were alive. Her name was Jennifer and her brother worked the night shift before me. First we went to a dress shop. "Faith, do I really have to wear a dress?" "Of course, what if foxy asks you to dance. I mean you too are boyfriend and girlfriend right?" I blushed and said "No Faith, we aren't dating." "But you want to date him right?" I heard Chica growl and I said "Faith, I really don't want to talk about this right now." She shrugged but than squealed when she saw a dress. "Lydia, look at this." She said pulling it out for me too see. I gasped and took it. "It's perfect." I said, because it was my dress from the dreams. "And I found the perfect dress for you Chica." My heart stopped when I saw the dress. It was the purple dress from my dream the other day. "Oh that's perfect." Chica said. Faith ended up getting a ankle high black dress with a purple sash and Jennifer got a green apple sleeve less dress. We paid for the dresses and went to Starbucks to get some coffee. We got some for the boys and headed back to the pizzeria. When we got there we walked in and saw it was decorated with streamers and two banners. One said 'happy valentines day' and the other said 'happy birthday lydia'. "Ya like it lass?" I heard foxy say. I ran up to him and hugged him. "I love it." Mike than walked in the room. "Hey Lydia, I see ya saw the room cool right?" "Hey lad,can I ask you a favor?" "Sure, what do ya need?" Foxy walked with Mike to the other side of the room. Mike nodded and beckoned the guys over. Than they left. "That was weird. Let's get dressed." Faith said. We all went to the ladies room and got it separate stalls. After we all did each other's make up and hair. Than we heard a knock on the door. I opened it and saw freddy with a boutique of roses. "Um, can you give this to Faith but don't tell her it was me." I smiled and nodded. I closed it and said "oh faith, looks like someone has a secret admirer." I said handing her the boutique. She blushed and read the note. "Will you be my Valentine?" We all went 'oh' and she wrote yes on the back. I slipped it under the door. I looked at the clock and saw the party was starting. I opened the door and Jennifer stepped out first. Than Faith stepped out and I saw freddys jaw drop. I giggled and stepped out. I walked over to foxy and tapped his shoulder. He turned around with a boutique of lilys, my favorite flowers. "Happy birthday lasssss.." He trailed off when he saw me. He stared at me and I blushed. I kissed him and the others turned human. "WHAT THE HELL?! HOW CAN THEY DO THAT?" I heard Mike scream. I chucked and said "let's open my presents." I said walking over to the table. First I opened faiths, and she got me a new phone cause my old one was cracked. I hugged her and went on to the next present. It was from bonnie and it was big. I opened it and saw a guitar. I gasped and hugged him. Freddy got me a microphone and karaoke machine. I hugged him and gave him a thank you. I got a gift and card from Chica. The card said "stay away, foxy is mine." I opened the gift and saw a knife. I thanked Chica and moved on. Mike had gotten me a new book and at last it was time to open foxys gift. It was box and when I opened the box I gasp and put a hand over my mouth. I started to tear up when foxy took it and got on one knee. I saw the others mouths open while Chica growled. "Lydia, will you be me Valentine and me girlfriend?" I smiled and nodded. "Freddy, do you wanna dance?" I heard faith ask Freddy. I turned on the music and grabbed foxys hand and started to dance. Soon freddy and Faith joined us. And so did Jennifer and bonnie. When I saw them all I chucked and foxy looked at me funny. "What?" I rested my head on his chest and said "look, bonnie and faiths friend are dancing. Don't they look cute?" "Not as cute as you." He said. I was about to say something when I heard "Can I cut in." "Sure." I said stepping back. I saw Chica start to dance with him and try to kiss him. I sat at a table and after a while foxy sat down next to me. "Ye enjoying your birthday lass?" He asked wrapping a arm around my shoulders. I snuggled into his side and replied "Ya know what? This is the best birthday I've had in along time." I said yawning. "I love ye lass." He kissing my forehead. "I love ya too foxy." I said falling asleep. Little did I know I was stepping into a nightmare.
