12 | Scared

Tomorrow is Sunday which means no college and I have to spend my entire day with Ice King.

It’s better if Alex comes here. At least I won’t be bored.
After dinner, Zayden went to study room and I sat in front of aquarium blabbering about my day.
It kind of amazes me how everything I do revolves around Zayden. My day starts with staring at his handsome face as soon as I open my eyes and before retiring to bed I peek inside the study room just to take a glance at his handsome face.

I pour my heart out in front of fish, it’s good that he has closed the study room or else he might hear what I am speaking. Moreover, I don’t think it’s going to effect him even if he hears it.


I blink my eyes staring at the white ceiling while laying on bed. Sleep was nowhere near to me. I didn’t have any book to read because I had somehow forgotten to get a book from library. I was twisting and turning on bed trying hard to sleep but no luck. Huffing I sat straight on bed.

After few minutes, Zayden walked inside the bedroom. He peered at me for a second or two and then strolled towards bathroom.

I pout and laid on bed again pulling the comfy quilt till my shoulder. I was drawing circles on the soft silky mattress when the bathroom door creaked open and Zayden walked out shirtless, showcasing his upper body.

My eyes went wide while my heart beat accelerated.

What the hell!

First of, I was not able sleep and upon that Zayden walking out shirtless was not helping at all. I quickly turned around facing the other side. Albeit, I didn’t properly see his body but with just a glimpse I was able to say that he has quite a hot body. My cheeks were burning while I had pressed my eyes shut tightly.

After few minutes, the bed dipped announcing Zayden presence. I don’t know why but my breathing quickened while the image of Zayden walking out of bathroom shirtless displayed in my mind. I peek with my eyes half opened to check if he was still shirtless but he was wearing a shirt now. He slept on bed leaving good amount of space between us.

The bed is so huge that it can accommodate two more people in between us. He slept with one of his hand tucked behind his head. I kept staring at him till I realised what I was doing. Muttering under my breath I turned around. Another few minutes passed and sleep was nowhere near to me.

A smile swept across my lips when an idea popped my head. Zayden is sleeping so I think he wouldn’t mind if I stare at him.

The room was filled with silence, I was carefully observing the tiniest details about his features. His eye lashes were long and curled which were casting shadow on his cheeks, his eyebrows were thick —

“Want something?” suddenly he spoke startling me. I shrieked closing my ears with my palms.

Why on earth would you speak suddenly that too with your eyes closed?

Zayden opened his eyes and stared at me in confusion. “Why are you screaming now? ”

“That’s cause you scared me.” I answer taking deep breath.

“I scared you? Do I look like a devil to you?”

I roll my eyes, “When did I say that?”

“You said I scared you Harriet.” He stated. I forgot what we were speaking when I heard my name from his mouth. The way he calls my name makes my stomach churn with nervousness.

“Why are you still awake?” he questioned making me stare at him. Did he just start a conversation with me?

Am I dreaming? I think I am cause Zayden Harley had spoken more than 3 sentences today.
I batted my eyelids without answering him.

He studied my face for a few second and then suddenly he pushed himself closer to me making my heart skip a beat. His right hand placed right next to my head while his face hovered over mine. My eyes were staring at his heavenly features and my nostrils were hit with his lemon mixed with honey scent. A nervous feeling sweeped my entire body. We have never been this close before.

Just when I thought that I might survive with this closeness. Zayden averted his gaze towards me. And God, I stopped breathing. My heart thumped against my rib cage, I could literally listen to my erratic heart beat.

With one of my hand I pulled the quilt till my eyes covering half of my face while my other hand clutched the quilt right above my chest where my heart is located. Zayden moved his other hand towards the drawer and pulled out a book.

“Typical girl.” He muttered pushing himself away from me.

I gulp the huge lump formed in my throat while batting my eyelids flabbergasted.
What was that? Why pull such act just to pick a book from drawer?

“Take this.” He forwarded the book towards me.

Now this is what I needed. With a smile laced on my face, I turn the book to read the name of novel only to stare back at Zayden dumbfounded.

I gave him ‘What-the-hell-is-this' look.

“What?” he asked whilst laying on bed with his hands tucked under his head.

“I do not read horror novels and for God’s sake it’s already midnight.”

He tilted his head to stare at me, “So… you’re scared?”

“Huh?” I blink my eyes.

“Read it. I’m right next to you. No one’s going to come here.” He stated looking at the ceiling.

This definitely is a dream. Zayden doesn’t really speak these kind of words. I batted my eyelids still holding the book in my hand.

“There are few books in the study room. If you want, you can read one of those.” Yet again it was Zayden who spoke.

Why didn’t he tell this earlier? Swiftly I jumped off the bed and strolled towards the door only to halt in my track. I still had the horror novel in my hand and to be honest the cover was scary.

Taking measured steps, I placed the book on table and turned to look at Zayden.
“I don’t know the exact place where the books are placed so can you please show me where books are?” I was literally begging Zayden to agree in my mind.

He accompanied me till study room and pointed at the shelf which was at the other end of the room.
The room light was dim yellow and the place was sweeped with eerie silence. When Zayden turned around to leave, I kind of panicked.

“Wait…” I uttered without thinking.

He halted but didn’t turn around to face me. “Take whichever book you want. I will be right here.”

When I took few steps away from him I heard him murmur, “Can’t believe she got scared just by looking at cover page of the book.”

I pulled out first book on the shelf and said, “I am not scared…” With that I dashed out of study room leaving Zayden behind.


Next day Zayden switched back to his normal uncompromising mode. When he was about to leave the room I asked, “Can you give me Alex number?”


What does he mean by why?
“I want to call him here…” I replied.

When he heard my sentence, he cursed under his breath whilst rubbing his temples and said, “I forgot to tell you, today few of our classmates are coming home.”

I stare at him in utter shock. From when did he start inviting people home? According to mom the only person Zayden ever invited home was Alex.

“So you want me to go out?” I know he doesn’t want people to know that we are married and I can completely understand it.

“No. It’s okay, you can stay.”

“…But what will they think if they see me here.” I ask.

Why the hell am I arguing. I should be happy that finally someone other than family will get to know that we are married.

“It’s okay. That’s not a problem…” saying this he exited the room.

The door bell rang announcing the presence of Zayden's friend.
I opened the door to see Alex along with Jannet. God, why did it have to be Jannet of all the girls?
She was the last person I wanted to see.

“Hi…” She smiled blinking her eyes.

“Oh hi…” I forced a smile and moved aside giving them space to walk inside.

“Why are you so shocked cutie?” Alex questioned.

Before I could utter anything Jannet interrupted, “Oh you call her cutie ha…”

Alex face turned red while mine turned pale.
Why is she here?

I still can’t believe Zayden. Out of all the people Zayden had to call Jannet?

Zayden strolled down the stairs, his expression didn’t change even after looking at Jannet who by the way was blushing hard.

Jannet was able to break the first wall Zayden had build around him — she is the second person he has invited home after Alex.
If she is capable of doing this then she can also enter his life.

Actually I think she is already in his life.

“So at what time are you guys planning to go tomorrow?” Alex asked Jannet and Zayden.

Wait! Did I miss any conversation? Where are they going?

“I’m free after second class so we will leave after that.” Zayden answered resting his head on back of recliner.

I was batting my eyelids in confusion.
“So can we go somewhere else. I have few things to discuss with you.” Jannet said to Zayden.

“Where are they going?” I muttered plopping down next to Alex on couch.

“You don’t know?!” Alex voice wasn’t low as mine. Both Jannet and Zayden turned their heads to look in our direction.

“Zayden you didn’t tell Harriet where you are going tomorrow?” Alex questioned Zayden.

“No actually I forgot.” He replied retrieving his phone from nearby table.

“Oh it’s nothing. We are going to visit few colleges around and invite them to take part in various events of our college during fest.” Jannet said looking at me.

How come I didn’t knew about it cause all the lecturer first inform me about these things. In fact, last year I was the one who visited various college and invited them.

“What are you thinking?” Alex asked.

“Nothing. I’m just wondering why lecturer didn’t inform me.”

Both Zayden and Alex face expression changed into serious one while Jannet’s face lit up.

“Lecturer did inform Zayden and asked him to pick a female companion who would accompany him… And he picked me!” she beamed with happiness.

Okay! So Zayden selected Jannet.

I was so elated that Zayden had started making conversations with me but he definitely knows how to my burst my dream bubble. It’s kind of obvious that he would select someone who would match him not someone like me but I was still hurt.

“Well it wasn’t exactly like that…”Alex said trying to come up with some reason.

Now his friend is trying to explain me why he selected Jannet instead of his wife but I didn’t want to hear anything. 

“I have some work...” I said and went to my room.

Alex followed me, “Listen Harriet, it’s not like what you think okay, let me explain…”

“What do you want to explain Alex? I knew this was going to happen someday.” I said

“What are you saying?” Alex questioned.

“Did you see the way Zayden looked at Jannet during basketball match?!” I ask resting on chair.

“No! But what happened?” Alex asked leaning against the wall.

“Your friend —” I pause gulping the lump formed in my throat, “He – He is attracted towards her.” I complete my sentence in agony.

Alex started laughing, “Harriet it’s Zayden you are talking about. You can tell these kind of things about me cause I have history but Zayden. Well, Zayden would never get attracted towards her. He is cold and impassive when it comes to girls.”

“I saw it Alex.” I stated looking straight into his eyes.
He kept quite and studied my face for a second, then his jaws clenched.

“I think you are mistaken…” Alex voice was low

“No I’m not. You can ask your friend, he saw me looking at them.” I said putting a fake smile on my face when I all wanted to do right now is cry.

“Oh now I get what Jannet cousins meant that day...” Alex said

“What ?”

“Nothing. But Harriet let me tell you, he doesn’t like her…”

I cut him short by saying, “I have to do my assignment. I don’t want to spoil my mood and my studies because of someone who doesn’t even care about me...” I said looking at my book, my eyes were on book but my mind was thinking about Zayden and Jannet.


You can’t force people to stay in your life, staying is their choice…!
