A Dragon's Bite

Outside Skye's apartment the next day,

Skye- "Boys, this is called Brooklyn. It's a city right by Manhattan. I come here to live with my dad on the weekends."

Pierce- "Can we go skateboarding again?"

Skye- "I wish. There isn't a skate park around here."

Milo- "Oh. What can we do here?"

Skye- "Lots of things. And I know a lot of people from my babysitting jobs. Just follow me."

Kaden- "Babysitting? Since when are humans so violent?"

Jasper- "Finally!"

Skye- "Oh god. You know what? Never mind. Just... follow me."

The boys follow Skye around the street

Skye- "So we can go to the arcade, go to the summer festival, or we can...!"

But she was pushed on a building wall

Pierce- "Skyler!"

Skyler tried to make who was holding her against the wall let go

Skye- "(Grunting) What is your problem?!"

Julian- "There's something fishy with your five boyfriends. I mean, besides the smell."

Skye- "Whoa! Not my boyfriends!"

Milo- "But you kissed me on the cheek."

Skye- "Milo! Quiet!"

Milo- "Okay."

Skye- "Julian! Stop picking on me! And let me go!"

Jasper- "Yeah! The only dragon who can do that to her is me!"

Skye- "Ugh. Jasper, you opened you big mouth."

Jasper- "Aw scales."

Julian- "Dragon?"

Skye- "Don't listen to them! Now, let me go!"

Pierce- "Exactly!"

The boys get their weapons out

Milo- "Now... let her go."

Julian- "Wh-Where did you boys get those?!"

Milo- "Let go of our Chosen One, you big... jerk!"

Julian- "You think you can scare me?"

He punched Skye in the stomach and she coughed

Kaden- "Let her go, now!"

Pierce picked Julian up with his super strength and threw his across the ground

Pierce- "You pick on her just because she is different! Maybe you never stopped to get to know her! Maybe she's special and you didn't know it!"

Julian- "What? That she is a daughter of a monster?"

Skye (weakly)- "Don't you dare... talk about my dad... like that!"

Julian- "Shut up!"

Milo- "You tell her to shut up and we will... huh?"

The shadow found Skye and went in her chest

The boys' eyes shrunk 

Skye tell her to knees and screamed in pain

Kaden- "Skyler! Fight it! Fight it!"

Milo- "Skye!"

He ran to her side

Julian- "Run away! Run away!"

He and his gang started to run away but Pierce caught them

Pierce- "You sons of the Shadow Demon aren't going anywhere! You made her suffer, now it's your turn!"

His eyes became red and his teeth became fangs

Kaden- "Pierce! Control it!"

Pierce started to calm down and his eyes went back to normal and his teeth became duller

He dropped Julian and his gang and the three ran away

Pierce breathed heavily and Kaden put his hand on Pierce's shoulder

Kaden- "Great job, General Pierce."

Pierce- "Heh. Thanks."

Milo- "Hello? Chosen One cursed here?!"

Boys- "Oh right!"

The boys get to Skye

Kaden- "Skyler, can you hear us?"

Skye looked at them but with grey eyes and looking very sick-like

Jasper- "If she dies, we're dead."

Milo- "For once, Jasper is right."

Kaden- "We need a way to keep Skyler from dying."

Aaron- "But the Dragon Curse is too powerful! No one has ever faced this and survived."

Pierce- "I may have a solution."

Milo- "What? You do, Pierce?"

Pierce- "Okay, call me "crazy"..."

Jasper- "You're crazy."

Aaron punches Jasper in the arm

Pierce- "But hear me out."

Kaden- "What are you proposing, Pierce?"

Pierce- "What if I bite her?"

Boys- "WHAT?!"

Kaden- "That is your craziest idea yet! And that's saying something!"

Pierce- "Different dragons have different affects on who they bite. One can kill them, another can heal them."

The boys look at each other 

Aaron- "If you're certain you can heal her."

Pierce nods and makes his teeth into fangs...

And bites her.
