46. I'll Pick You Up From Work

Mina hurriedly ran downstairs from the security department and saw Jisoo looking back and forth at the building's gate. she didn't dare to catch a breath, as she couldn't wait to report, "General Manager, Second young master went out the building at 2:51."

"Has she called a car?" Jisoo questioned closely.

"She hasn't. Second young master ran toward that side." Mina pointed to the right side of the road, "After entering the third south road, our monitor and control system can't locate her anymore."

"Lisa doesn't bring her phone nor money." Jisoo was agitated as she punched the car in front of her, "What the heck those people in the security section are doing?! They can't even look after one person!"

"General Manager, please don't be anxious, Second young master must be searching for Second young mistress." Mina  tried to console, but her heart knew, this matter can't be blamed on the security department. In the few the years Second young master spent in the company, her working time was always set like a machine, furthermore, all the people inside were still working as usual, and without such unexpected accident like this, there's no way the security would keep on watching the monitoring system continuously without rest.

"We need around half an hour to go from here to Jennie's studio by car, how can Lisa go there by walking?"

"General Manager, Second young master is clever, there won't be anything happening to her."

"Besides her math skill being better, she's an idiot in other aspects! she can't even speak with other people, and you still dare say to me that she won't get into any trouble?!"

"General Manager, Second young master's memory is really good, she might have remembered which road to take to go to Second young mistress's place. We should drive the car following the roadside to search, we can surely find her this way."Mina suggested.

Jisoo gradually calmed down, she looked at her watch and arranged, "It's 3.16 right now, Lisa had left from 25 minutes ago, you, have the security guards and drivers, all drive cars, ride motorcycles, trail the road to Jennie's place and look for her immediately."

"Yes, I'll have everything arranged." Mina turned and ran quickly to deal with the matter.

Jisoo pulled open the car's door, starting the car with her one hand while calling Jennie with her other hand.

"Hello?" The phone was connected soon.

"Jennie." While driving the car, her eyes didn't stop scanning the road's two sidewalks. Although she clearly knew that Lisa had already left for almost half an hour so that there's no way she would be near the company's building, but she still didn't dare to let slip anyone's shadow from her view.

"Oppa?" Jennie's voice was a little shocked.

"Did Lisa call you?"

"No, isn't Lisa working right now?"

"She went out to find you, saying that she wants to pick you up from work." Jisoo's gaze became dim, even Jennie doesn't know about this?

"She wants to pick me up from work? I'll call her immediately!"

"Don't call. she didn't bring her phone."

"What?!" Along with Jennie's shocked shout, there was also the sound of some kind of heavy object falling to the ground. After a long silence on the phone, Jennie asked again with a shaken voice, "Oppa, you're calling me, does it mean that you haven't found Lisa yet?"

"...she not only didn't bring her phone, but she also didn't take the car that I prepared for her, she walked out alone." Jisoo decided not to conceal anything.

"She... how long has she been gone? I... I'm gonna go and find her." Jennie's shaken voice was mixed with crying sounds and fear.

Jisoo almost didn't stop at the red light in front. her heart had long been anxious, but she didn't forget to comfort Jennie, "Don't be anxious, I already sent the company's drivers and security guards to search her along the road. You just stay in the studio, I'll send her there if I found her. Don't run around, Lisa is looking for you."

"Okay." Jennie took a deep breath, "Oppa, send people to search along the road to home too, there's a possibility that Lisa would go home."

"No, she said that she wanted to find you, so she must be searching for you right now." Lisa's dedication, no one knew better than her family.

"Then... then you follow the map to search, Lisa remembers the map, so she must be following the map to come to my place."

"I know." Jisoo hung up the phone, put up her phone navigation and began to move slowly along the road at the speed of 20 kilometers per hour.

"Jennie, what happened?" Rosie just got back from the advertising company, while holding a bunch of posters, she saw Jennie standing at the door with red eyes.

"Rosie, Lisa, Lisa is gone." Seeing Rosie, the tears that Jennie had been enduring all this time, suddenly flowed down like a rainfall.

"What?!" Rosie was shocked directly on the spot.

"Jisoo just called and said that Lisa went out the company alone without bringing her phone and wallet, she said that she wanted to come here to pick me up from work." Jennie was frightened out of her wits, "You say, will Lisa meet with an accident on such a long road?"

"Don't cry now, you..." Rosie was also in a mess, she anxiously turned and called Sana. Waiting until Sana ran over, she threw away the posters she held in her hands to hug Jennie and consoled her, "It's okay, don't make yourself scared. Lisa has scholar syndrome ah, her IQ is higher than most people, she can remember anything once she sees it, so of course she also remembers the way to come to our place, she will certainly not lose her way. Perhaps, she will even come by herself here not long from now."

"There are nearly 20 km from M Group to our place, there are so many intersections olong the road, and there are a lot of strangers too, also, so many cars and bikes..." With every road condition she stated, Jennie's face got more and more pale, "Lisa doesn't like talking, she also doesn't like hearing what other people say, I don't even know if she's able to look at the traffic light, she..."

"Jennie, Jennie, Jennie!" Rosie nervously pushed down on Jennie's shoulders, almost yelling out her throat, "Calm down a bit."

"Rosie, I'm afraid." A sense of helplessness filled Jennie's voice.

"Didn't Lisa want to pick you up from work? Then you have to wait for her here. she loves you that much, of course she can walk until here, believe in her." Rosie tried her best to comfort her friend, but she herself knew that for an autistic person, walking through the complex 20 km long road by herself, there would surely be a lot of worrying problems.

"That's right, Jennie Unnie, our public order is really good, there won't be any problem with your husband." Sana who heard them silently on the side also followed and consoled her.

"Sana, don't you have an electric car? Ride your car and follow the M Group's path to help with their search. I'll send Lisa's photo to your phone, if you have any news, immediately give me a call." Rosie couldn't be rest assured with how Jennie looked right now, so she only can let Sana go and search.

"Alright, I'll go now." Sana put down the things on her hands, grabbed her car key and went out.

"Jennie, let's wait inside." Rosie wanted to bring Jennie inside the studio.

"No, I'll wait here." Jennie pushed Rosie, sat down on the stairs in front of the studio, hugging her knees and directly gazed at the road junction.

Rosie had no alternative and can only accompany Jennie to sit there.

After waiting for nearly one hour, they still didn't see Lisa, still didn't receive a call from Sana, but they finally met Jisoo.

Jisoo got off her car, looked at the agitated Jennie who rushed to her straight from the flights of stairs, pulling open her car door and searched inside. she originally wanted to ask her some questions, but her mouth can't speak out any words.

Is there any need to ask? If Lisa is here, she won't look like this.

"Still not found?" Jennie was unresigned as she gazed at Jisoo.

"..." Looking at Jennie with such an appearance, Jisoo can only said some consoling words, "Don't be too worried, this isn't Lisa's first time going out, there should be... no problem."

That's right, Lisa had grown up this big, and this wasn't her first time going out. And if we're talking about her most recent scene, it must be when she proposed to Jennie, furthermore, if we trace back to the past, Lisa had sneakily went out alone a few times when she was still a child.

Although she always came back home safely every time, but in the end, Lisa wasn't the same with normal people. Even if she safely returned home a million times over, they still can't put down their worries the million and one time she decided to go out.

"What you say is right, Lisa is that clever, of course she can find her way here." Jennie comforted herself, returned to the staircase, sat down, and resumed her waiting.

Jisoo sighed. she went back to her car, planning to make a U-turn and search once more.

"Rosie, if we need half an hour by car, how many hours do we need to walk by foot?" Jennie asked gloomily to Rosie.

"Around 3 hours." Calculated at a speed of 6 kilometers per hour, one would need around 3 hours to traverse through 20 kilometers long road.

"Lisa already walked one and a half hour, if we wait for another one and a half hour, then can we see Lisa?" Jennie asked.

“Em.” Except for nodding her head, Rosie already didn't know how to give an answer.

Two days ago, when she accompanied them looking at the new house, she had just felt relieved, relieved that even though Lisa wasn't perfect, but Jennie looked really happy with her. However at this time, seeing Jennie's frightened appearance, Rosie just felt really unhappy.

A partner ought to mutually support each other' existence, but Lisa was actually a person with autism that can make other people burning with worry and impatience once she went out alone. Jennie's family could only depend on her support alone. There were a lot of happiness, but there were a lot of burden too. [T/N: She's talking about Jennie and Lisa as a family]

The time passed for another half an hour more, Sana came back with her electric car, but she shook her head with an empty hand. Knowing that Lisa hadn't been found, she only silently resumed her search again.

Another 20 minutes passed, Jisoo who had made another round trip, returned to the road junction again. she gazed at the Jennie who's still squatting on the flights of stairs, and she felt herself unable to take a step closer.

"General Manager, the people who went out had returned but there's still no news." Mina called her phone, "How about we report this to the police?"

"Don't be hasty. Wait for another one hour." If Lisa really went out to find Jennie, then she must come here after another hour has passed. After she circled two times, she knew that the road from M Group to here was unimpeded, that showed that there's no accident happening anywhere. As long as Lisa didn't have an accident, even if she was lost, she could be found with the financial resources of the Manoban family.

Comforting herself, Jisoo hung up her phone and lit a cigarette with an irritable mod. she intermittently sucked it, and just before the cigarette butt was burned out, her eyes inadvertently swept across the rear view mirror, her pupils contracted in a flash.

Lisa? Am I seeing Lisa?

Jisoo pulled the door in disbelief, and at the end of her car, she watched Lisa walking from the other end of the car... passing her by.

At this time, Lisa's body was full of sweat, her cheeks were blushing, she hurried her steps while her hands were holding a box of chocolate decorated with purple ribbons. When her eyes saw Jennie sitting on the stairs, they burst with warm light all of a sudden.

This ray of light stopped Jisoo who was just about to shout. she just followed Lisa and watched quietly on the side.

Jennie also saw Lisa, she stood up excitedly from the stairs and staggered towards Lisa.

"Lisa!" Jennie plunged fiercely towards Lisa's arms, striking against her until she stepped backward, and the two nearly fell to the ground together.

"Jennie, I'm here to pick you up from work." Lisa looked at her watch, right now was 5.20, she successfully arrived before Jennie was off work.

Jennie bit her lips, trying not to let her whimper out of her teeth, she held Lisa tightly so that she couldn't see her crying appearance.

"I'm suddenly picking you up from work, are you happy?" In order to create a surprise, she didn't tell Jennie in advance.

"Happy, why are you here suddenly?" Jennie wiped her tears non stop, trying to make her look happily surprised.

"I also brought chocolate, you see." Lisa moved, trying to show her the box of chocolate.

"Don't move, let me hug you a bit more." her tears hadn't dried up, and her eyes were still red, Jennie didn't want to let Lisa see her in such an appearance.

Lisa deliberately came here by walking herself, if she knew that she's crying, then wouldn't that mean that her effort to give her a surprise would be for naught? her hard work, Jennie didn't bear to destroy it. She could only hold Lisa tightly, crying like a mess in a place where she couldn't see. She waited until she cried enough and her mood calmed down before she released herself.

Lisa obediently stood in place, hugging Jennie until she had enough. she then saw the smile on Jennie's face and then offered the chocolate like handing over a treasure, "Eun Woo said, you will surely love eating this."

Jennie pulled off the beautiful bow and lifted the delicate lid, revealing a pool of black chocolate sauce inside.

"It's all heated up." Jennie said with a smile.

"How can it be like this..."

"It doesn't matter, we can just take it home, put it inside the refrigerator and eat it when frozen."

“Em.” Lisa nodded.

"You see yourself, your whole body is all drenched with sweat, your face is also red like this."

"I walked for 3 hours, it was really hot on the road."

"You've worked hard."

"It's not hard." Lisa grinned silly, immersed in the perfect satisfaction from successfully making the surprise herself.
