
     Let's just say that it was a long school day. Way too long. The dread of school came back into almost every student. The teachers were very strict and even though it was just the first day, the teachers had assigned so much homework. Ugh, Tenten thinks as she stuffs all her assignments in her backpack. When am I ever going to get time to do all this? Maybe Ino- Nah even if she helped, She would get all the answers wrong...

     "Tenten!" a voice calls. Tenten turns around facing Ino. Ino had her backpack on her shoulders and her hands on her hips. She had a stern look on her face. Tenten groans. She hated when that look appeared on Ino's face. It always meant she was going to make Tenten do something. 

     "Chop, chop," Ino says loudly. "Let's go you have to get ready for-" 

     Faster than lightning Tenten springs forward and covers her best friend's mouth. Some people were staring at them so awkwardly laughing, Tenten drags Ino into the girls' bathroom. "What was that for?" Ino exclaims once Tenten had let go of her mouth.  "I was just trying to make sure we got out on time-"

     "I don't want anyone else to know and you were being so loud," Tenten says chiding her. 

     Ino rolls her eyes. "It's not really a big secret but whatever, ok. Can we just go already? You don't wanna be late."

     Tenten stares at her for a moment. " Ok," she says nodding. "Let's go."


     In all honesty, Tenten was very nervous. One she never had a job before and two, a maid? Seriously? Never in her whole life did Tenten think that she would have to serve someone. She had always imagined being a CEO of some big company and having many employees working under her. She liked to be the boss. Not anymore, you don't get a choice Tenten reminds herself.

     To survive in this world, we can't always follow our dreams. "Tenten!" Ino calls snapping her back into reality.

     "What?" She asks confused. Ah, now she remembered. Ino had decided to drop off Tenten at the gates of the Hyuga household. They were in Ino's little convertible right in front of the gates. Actually, they had been there for a few moments but Tenten just spaced out.

     "Don't worry, you'll be fine," Ino says smiling reassuringly. She reaches over to squeeze Tenten's hand. "Go get them, tiger."

     Despite everything, Tenten can't help but smile. When they were younger they thought that "go get them, tiger" was the coolest phrase ever and would say it all the time. "Thanks," Tenten says returning the squeeze. "I'm leaving now."

     "Alright," Ino says as Tenten opens the door to get out. "Call me when you are done."

     Tenten nods as she gets out of the car. "Bye," she says.

     "Bye," Ino calls as she speeds away. Tenten stares after the dust Ino's car left.  I guess I'm on my own now... As you can probably tell, Tenten has a small fear of being left alone due to an unfortunate experience from her childhood but we can talk about that later. 

     Tenten takes a deep breath and turns to stare at the large foreboding gates. Just walk in she commands to herself and she walks in. Tenten begins to have more confidence as she sees other girls looking just as confused as her making their way up the long-dwindling driveway of the Hyuga's. They were all in the same boat.

     Tenten makes her way into the main doors and lets out a whistle. The Hyuga's were really rich. Everything about the entrance looked very elaborate and fancy. Then, noticing the weird looks the others were giving her, she stops gwaking and quickly moves along. A woman with blonde hair tied into pigtails was ushering all the new maids into a room. 

     Tenten enters the room with the other girls. They were all fidgeting, obviously nervous. "Stand in a straight line against the counter," The small blonde woman says. Despite her size, her voice was scary. Tenten looks behind her and sees a steel counter. Along with the other girls, she quickly walks up to the counter and stands in a line with the other girls.

     The blonde lady seemed to be sizing them all up. "You," she says loudly making all the girls flinch. She had her finger out pointing at a small brown haired girl and the blonde lady was glaring at her.

     "M-m-me?" The poor girl stutters out looking utterly horrified. 

     The lady jabs the air evilly once again. "Yes, you. Tie your hair, how dare you leave it down?" Relief floods through all the other girls as they thankfully had their hair tied up. The brown haired girl quickly ties her hair. It looked like she was about to cry. 

     The blonde lady backs up and stares at all the girls once again. In total there were 7 girls, all of them equally excited and nervous (well except for Tenten but whatever...). "I'm Tsunade," the blonde lady says after a moment. "You might recognize my name as I'm the one who texted all of you."

     As mentioned before, I am not the head of the maids only, but the head of the staff. Any mistake you rookies make reflects badly on me so you better follow all my rules. Understand?" The way she asked it was more like a demand but the girls nodded. Tenten immediately began to dislike this job. Bossy boss (Tsunade) and an even worse bossier boss (Neji) of the boss. Could this get any worse?

     "Anyway," Tsunade continues. "Today is your first day so you will have it easy. Your uniforms will be handed out to you but it is not required that you wear them today. Starting tomorrow and every day onward though, you must arrive promptly with your uniform on. Let's start with the basic rules. The Hyuga family is very rich and this mansion takes a lot of effort to maintain. You aren't allowed to touch anything unless you are cleaning it and when cleaning, you must be very careful. Everything in here costs millions."

     Tenten's eyes widen. If she had millions of dollars her life wouldn't be like this. She would be in Tokyo living out her dreams. "Also," Tsunade says. "If you see any members of the Hyuga family, immediately move to the side and bow your heads. No eye contact can be made and never ever speak unless spoken to. Our only purpose is to serve, not to be seen."

     Teten feels herself frowning. This job had too many rules. Anyway, its not like the Hyugas are royal or anything. Why did they have to hold them in such high regard? "If you have any questions ask me. Misbehaving and tardiness will not be acceptable and expect to get fired if you break my rules. For today, I will have you shadowing some of the older more experienced maids. They will show you around a bit and also introduce you to the chores. Raise your hand as I call your name and assign you to a partner."

     Tenten holds back a groan. This was going to be as boring as hell. Then again, what did she expect, signing up to be a maid? Tsunade starts assigning partners. "Tenten Ito... you are paired with Kerli Ai."


I know that sucked and I'm really sorry. Please don't complain. Promise I'll do Neji's point of view in the next chapter. Also the next chapter will be more interesting!
