15// Mentor and Guardian [ DADZAWA ]

Izuku Midoriya had always dreamed of becoming a hero, and when he was orphaned at the age of 10, he thought his dream had died along with his parents. But fate had other plans for him, and one day, his hero and idol, Shota Aizawa, showed up at his door and offered him a chance to live with him and learn how to become a hero.

At first, Izuku was hesitant and scared. He had always admired Aizawa from afar, but the thought of living with him and relying on him for everything was intimidating. But Aizawa was patient and understanding, and he promised Izuku that he would never let him down.

And so, Izuku packed his bags and moved in with Aizawa, who became his guardian and mentor. Over the years, Aizawa taught Izuku everything he knew about being a hero, from combat training to strategic planning. And as Izuku grew and learned, he began to realize that he had found a new family in Aizawa, who had always been there for him and believed in him.

Over the next few years, Izuku threw himself into his studies and training, determined to be the best hero he could be. He made friends with his classmates, including the brilliant and talented Ochako Uraraka, and learned from his teachers, who pushed him to his limits and beyond.

But even as he excelled in his studies, Izuku couldn't shake the feeling that he was missing something. He had always dreamed of becoming a hero to make a difference in the world, but as he stood on the brink of graduation, he realized that his true calling was to help those who were suffering, just as he had suffered after being orphaned.

And so, Izuku made a decision. After he graduated from UA, he would dedicate his life to helping orphaned children, using his skills and knowledge as a hero to give them the support and guidance they needed to thrive.

As Izuku stood on the stage at his graduation, his heart was filled with a sense of purpose and determination. He knew that he had a long road ahead of him, but he was ready to face it head on, armed with the strength and courage that he had gained at UA.

And as he received his diploma and stepped out into the world as a fully-fledged hero, Izuku knew that he was ready to make a difference, one child at a time.
