
Lucy's pov

They all looked at me like I was crazy or something

I looked at them for a response

"Well your on the beach near our hotel and we are on a school trip"

The women said stumbling on her words a little

"Then who are you guys?"
I asked a second question

The women with brown hair pointed at broccoli hair said

"That's Midoriya"
Then pointing at glasses
"That's Iilda"
Then at Canadian flag
"And That's Todoroki and im Uraraka"

She finished

"So why are you here this is a private place that our school has reserved for our trip"

Todoroki said in a dead monotone voice similar to mine

"Well I just woke up on shore I'm not sure how...last this I remember was a cliff"

I slightly mumbled the last sentence

"Would you like to come inside the hotel with us to get you some clothes?"

I nodded my head as Uraraka took my hand and lead me to the building
With Todoroki,Midoriya, and iilda following behind us

Once in the building I saw many people with different colored skin and appendages
No wonder they didn't question my horns

I was brought up to a room with a few other girls inside while the three other boys went to a different room

"Uraraka who's that?"

A girl with black hair and a ponytail said crossing her arms

"Well Todoroki,Midoriya,iilda and I found her at the beach"

She said handing me a clean pair of under wear
A baggy T shirt and a semi medium length skirt

I put them one and once I did
Uraraka started to brush out my hair

"So what's your quirk?"
said a girl with short black hair and headphone jack ears

I thought for a moment
I need to fit in
I can not raise suspicion
So I lied since I guessed that there were no such thing as Diclonius in this world

"Umm it's called vector"

I said in a monotone voice

Uraraka just finished brushing

"So what's your name you never told us"
She asked playing with my now smooth hair

"My name is Lucy"

I said to everyone

"Well Do you attend any school at the moment Lucy?"

The ponytail girl said

" Umm no"

"Well why don't you attend this school?"

I looked at Uraraka with a confused look

"Well the school we go to is called yuuei
And we train to become hero's with our quirks!"

Uraraka briefly explained

Well I got nothing to loose I thought to myself

"Why not"

I responded as Uraraka hugged my with a cheery smile on her face and a kind of a annoyed face

"Well I'll take you to Mr.Aizawa"

Uraraka took my hand and brought me over to a man with bags under his eyes and black hair
Wearing all black and a type of scarf

"Mr.Aizawa this is Lucy she would like to talk to you about something"

Uraraka stated leaving me alone with him as she walked back to her room

"Well Aizawa I would like to attend the school Yuuei"

He looked at me weirdly with a questioning look

Tho the process was long and tedious I was able to convince Aizawa to let me attend Yuuei
With the help of Uraraka

I was told I would attend my first day after the class got back from this trip


After the trip everyone went to their dorms

While I went to my new boring dorm

The uniform was on the bed laid out nicely

I sighed as I moved the uniform to the side
To lay in the bed

Tomorrow I start my first day of school
