Come Saturday Morning

The Official Date.


Woke up this morning with my heart singing. Where did this joy come from? That Gergorio, how did she know? Then I remember talking about her ex. Yeah, she knew that pain too. Don't even want to see her on Monday. She will never let me live this down. I feel like a weight has lifted off me.

Quick shower and this hair, what will I do with this hair.

Lunch? Oh crap what am I going to wear as she ponders as she looks through her closet. This, no, not this. This, well maybe. Percy finally settles on a sun dress. Never can wear a dress at work she thought. These shoes are slam'n.

Ding -- Text from LaSalle. "Be there at 11."


Woke up with a start. Was that a dream? No, here's a picture on my phone from the concert. That Tammy. How did she know? I laughed it off when Patton told me what she said about my 'perfect type', but I knew she was spot on but just didn't know how.

What's clean that I can put on? Wait, let me text her with a time.

That shower felt good. Didn't take long to get dressed. I took a minute to look at the pics on my phone again. I don't remember her eyes sparkling like that before or that dimple on her face.

Ding – a text from Gregorio with a pic of Percy sleeping during a stake out with her. It makes me laugh as I think that Monday is going to be hell facing Gregorio.

10:30 – I am out of here. Looked on the phone and found an old Chicago song called "Saturday in the Park." Man I'm so excited that I could indeed watch fireworks from the Fourth of July.

As I drive up I notice how different her house looks in the daylight. For a minute, fear strikes my heart. Which Sonja Percy will I find when I go up there? Maybe the drinks got to her last night and she will back track to standoff Percy. Well, get going 'Bama no time like the present.

Knock, knock. "Hey LaSalle, come on in" Percy called out. Two days in a row – Percy in a dress. This was a hot yellow sun dress. Sonja had on a straw hat with a matching yellow band around it and espadrilles shoes. So "where we going" she asked. "Where would you like to go?" I responded. "Some place quiet where we can talk." "How about a Museum?" "Which one? ' "You choose" I said.

We decided on the one at Tulane University. I wanted this first venture to be non-threatening to her. We found a restaurant on the way and arrived at the center 90 minutes later. It was a great day and I am not sure when I put away so much information into my brain.

Back at her door step, she invited me in.

Once inside I realized that I had forgotten how bright the yellow walls were. The paint color made the front room a warm and welcoming environment. I didn't remember seeing all of the photos of individuals that I guessed to be her family from the time that King, Brody and I surprised her with dinner. A large painting replaced the white board she had over the mantle and was the focal point of the room. It was a matted work of the new Smithsonian African American History Museum in Washington DC. I stopped in front of it and she approached me as I stood there. "That's on my bucket list" she said. "They say that you will laugh and cry and sing and want to shout when you are there. I can't wait to go to D.C. to see it"!

"It's too late for coffee would you like some juice?" "Sure" I responded. When she returned to the room, I asked her to tell me about some of the people in the photos. There was lots of laughter as she pointed to each face, then quiet talk about those who had lost their way in life.

I took her hand and moved to kiss her, then stopped, stood up and pulled her into an embrace. I started laughing and she looked at me as if I was crazy, "what's so funny? Now, right now?" "Percy do you know how short you are?" Smack. I pulled her back to me for a heated kiss.

"So now what?" she says. I said "now, I go home, it's late". "No I mean now what with us?" she quietly says. "What do you want"? "I asked you first" she says. "Well, since my feelings surprised me so soon after losing Savannah, I thought they might have left you with questions". "Yes" she replied, "but I am not sure that I need to know everything this instant".

"Then how about tomorrow?" I'll take you to my quiet place." She nods yes. "Wear pants and your work boots". Yep, she looked at me sideways. "My boots"? "Yes, your boots". With that I planted a last peck on her lips and out the door I went.
