Chapter Two

(Y/n)'s POV

I really couldn't take the clanking any longer. So I decided to stand up and read. I walked around with the book in my hand. Soon the clanking stopped but I still walked around. This was somewhat peaceful.

As I was walking, I bumped into something and fell straight on the ground with my book falling straight on my face and notes flying everywhere. I sat up and rubbed my head. I saw someone across from me with hair and eyes the color of the sun. He was also rubbing his head. "I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed, picking up my things. He groaned. "It's fi--" He stopped himself. He was....staring at me? I stared at him back. I swear you could get lost in those eyes. After a few seconds, I looked away blushing. He shook his head and started to help me out.

When I tried to grab the last piece of my notes, our hands touched. His hand was on top of mine. Cliché I know. His hand was warm and comforting. What the hell am I saying!? I quickly moved my hand and grabbed my paper. "Sorry." I said. He stood up and held his hand out, smiling slightly. "Don't sweat it." He said. I hesitantly grabbed his hand and stood up. When I put pressure on my ankle, I fell over. Or that's what would've happened if he didn't catch me. I blushed madly and so did he. I moved my ankle a bit and popped it. It didn't hurt that much anymore. I stood up and looked at him.

I looked into his golden eyes and he looked into my (e/c) ones. "Oh sorry. I'm (Y/n). Sorry about the bump." I said, putting out my hand for him. He grabbed my hand and shook it. "I'm sure you've heard of me. I'm Edward Elric, the Fullmetal Alchemist but you can call me Ed." He said with all his might and glory. "I've never heard of you." I said. Man does he have an ego. Wait. Did he say alchemist? I swear right then his ego was gone. I giggled a bit.

I then heard the clanking once again and I let out an "Eeeeh" sound. It was coming closer and closer. "Brother. I couldn't find anything. Maybe we should try somewhere else." I heard. I turned around and saw a HUGE suit of armor. I got a weird vibe of it. Something wasn't right. "Who's this, brother?" He said, looking at me. Brother? "This is (Y/n). I just met her." Ed said. "Oh! Sorry. I'm his younger brother Alphonse Elric but please do call me Al." He said. He's so sweet!

"Um. Ed? You said you were an alchemist." I said. Why am I acting so shy? Its just some guy. "Yeah. Along with Al. Why?" He asked curiously. "I was wondering if you could help me learn some alchemy? Its hard learning on my own." I said.

Edward's POV

Man was (Y/n) gorgeous! What am I saying!? It's just some girl! When she asked me if I could teach her alchemy, Al gave me this look. If he had a body, he would be smirking by now. I don't know if I could teach her. I'm not much of a teacher and plus, I have more important things to worry about. "Of course he will!" Alphonse said. "I would love to get to know you and see what you're capable of!" Alphonse added. I looked at all and groaned deeply. "Really? You would do that!?" She said happily. I blushed lightly and looked at the other direction. "Feeling a little flustered, brother?" He said with a giggle. "S-SHUT UP!" I yelled. I heard (Y/n) giggle.

"Maybe we could meet back here tomorrow around 3?" She said. "We'll be here!" Alphonse said with an excited tone. "Well I have to go and catch a train. I'll see you tomorrow. It was nice meeting you. Al. Ed." She said with a smile. She walked out and I deeply sighed.

"Al! You can't just make decisions for the both of us!" I yelled. "You know we have more important things to worry about..." I added. He deeply sighed. "Brother you've been stressing yourself out. Maybe you could take a break. Besides, you like (Y/n). And you just met her." He teased. "I DO NOT!" I blushed. He giggled. "Let's just go back to the hotel." I said as I walked out.

Alphonse's POV

When we got to the hotel, Ed immediately when to his room. He must be really tired. Oh well. I went to the telephone and called Winry to tell her the news. I'm sure she would love to tease Ed with me. I then waited for her to pick up.

"Hello?" I heard. Thank goodness she answered!

"Hey Winry! Are you busy?"

"Hey Al! I'm not busy at all. Did Ed break his automail again?" She said with a groan.

"No. Not yet anyways. But I have some good news!" I exclaimed.

"Really? What is it?"

"Ed met this girl at the library and I think he likes her!"

The call went completely silent. I'm not sure why.

"Hello? Winry?" I said

"Oh sorry. Love at first sight isn't a thing, Alphonse." She said coldly.

"You never know!" I giggled.

The call went silent again. I heard slight sobbing.

"Winry? Are you okay?" I asked.

"Oh yeah! I'm fine! I was just thinking about a sad story. Hey, I'll talk to you later. Tell Edward I said hi."

"Um. Okay. I will. Good night Winry."

She then hung up. I really hope I didn't upset her.

(Y/n)'s POV

As I walked down the dirt road to my house, I couldn't stop thinking about today! Especially Edward. His eyes were so dreamy. I blushed every time I thought about. I don't like him or anything. I just think he's cute. I hope I can learn some stuff from him and Al.

I walk into my house and close the door behind me, leaning my back on it. I bit my lip. I couldn't stop thinking about him! I threw my things to the side and went to my room. I undressed myself. I wish I could unsnap this bra with no problem! Man do I hate these mother truckers!

I finally got it off and put on a huge (f/c) T-shirt. I plopped myself onto the bed and covered my body with the warm blankets. I closed my eyes and smiled. I can't wait until tomorrow.

Edward's POV

I don't like (Y/n) in any kind of lovey dovey way. Sure she's a pretty girl but I don't have time for love. I can't believe I let Al talk me into helping her. I hate him so much for that. I groaned just thinking about it.

I kept thinking about how me and (Y/n)'s eyes met. Her (e/c) orbs looked straight into my golden ones. Our hands touched. Her hands were soft and warm. My heart was racing like crazy. I shook my head and hit my head. Snap out of it, Ed! Its just a girl! I have more important things to worry about. I just need to get this training over with and I'll be right back on track.

I looked up at the ceiling and watched the fan go round and round slowly. I slowly got sleepy. My eyes became heavier and heavier. The more sleepier I got, the more I though of those (e/c) eyes, that glowing (s/t) skin, the smooth (h/l) (h/c) hair. I fell asleep with (Y/n) on my mind.
