Part 1:

Today Lan Wangji was sent by his father, the king Lan Qing hungjun, to pay a visit to the yunmeng king Jiang Fengmian as the king wants to ask for Jiang Fengmian's son hand in marriage. Qing hungjun wants his son to spend some time with Jiang Fengmian'son Jiang Cheng so that they could understand each other as in future they are gonna be together.

Lan Wangji is the second prince of Gusu. He is famous as 'The stoic prince' among the people. He has a cold personality. Besides he has a hot temper. No body dares to mess up with him. He's the general of Gusu army also. Gusu army is under his control.

Lan Wangji's elder brother Lan Xichen has been declared as the crown prince. Lan Xichen has married the princess of Jin sect, Jin mianmian.


Lan Wangji, the second prince of Gusu, wearing white and light blue colored clothes, forehead ribbon on his forehead, expressionless face, carrying a cold aura, was going through the yunmeng streets riding his horse. His soldiers were following him. Yunmeng streets were quite lively as compared to Gusu. The whether was also warm as compared to Gusu.

Suddenly everyone went quiet. Lan Wangji sensed that something is gonna happen. He told his soldiers to be alert.

Suddenly fire crackers started exploding near the horse on which Lan Wangji was sitting. Lan Wangji's horse galloped. Lan Wangji was about to fall but he steadied himself using his spiritual energy.

Lan Wangji shot a death glare to the people around. The people started shivering feeling Lan Wangji's murderous glare.

Wangji turned his gaze to a direction from where a loud laughter could be heard.

Wangji narrowed his eyes and saw a person wearing black and red silk robes coming towards him riding a horse, red ribbon tied in his hair, with a cunning smile plastered on his face.

Wangji coldly asked, "Is this all done by you?"

That person laughed loudly and said, "obviously....Yes. I did it because I wanted to see your reaction. As I have heard that second prince Lan always carries an expressionless face. And plan're giving an annoying expression now".

Wangji angrily said, "How dare you insult a Lan prince like this? Who are you?"

Wei Wuxian smiled and said, "I ? I'm the third prince Wei Wuxian of yunmeng Jiang sect. This is my sect and I can do whatever I wish. No one can stop me. Not even you".

Wangji, "You're quite arrogant I see. Is this the way a prince should act? Is this how your sect receive their guests?"

Wei Wuxian angrily said, "Second prince Lan! Be in your limits. Don't forget that you are in our territory. And it's my life and my choice, how to act, it doesn't concern you".

Wangji, "this arrogance of yours will doom you one day. Mark my words. And last and important line.... You don't deserve the prince title".

Hearing this Wei Wuxian got more angry. Before he could say something else the Jiang soldiers came there to receive Second prince Lan Wangji.

The head of Jiang soldiers apologized for arriving late to receive second prince Lan.

Wei Ying rolled his eyes and left from there. Lan Wangji's mood was fully spoiled, all thanks to that brat Wei Wuxian. Wangji started following the Jiang soldiers carrying his usual stoic self.


Wei Wuxian was sitting in his room. A maid was combing his hair.

Wei Wuxian arrogantly asked, "Hey weakling! Do you know why the second Lan prince has visited?"

The maid said stuttering, "Prince! I have heard that he's been sent here by the king of Gusu for asking our second prince Jiang's hand in marriage".

Wei Wuxian, "Oh is that so? Huh....that ice berg is here for marriage but....i won't let it happen". Wei Wuxian had a devil smirk.

The maid was mentally praying for everything to be alright. People think that third prince has some mental problem. Well perhaps that's true because no one knows what the third prince is gonna do the next second.

Wei Wuxian doesn't listen to anyone except his father Jiang Fengmian. Fengmian spoiled him a lot after his (Wei Ying's) mother's death. Fengmian gave top priority to Wei Wuxian, due to which he became arrogant.

Wei Wuxian's relation with his other siblings was also not good as Wei Wuxian considered himself superior to them as he was son of the late empress. And also Fengmian favors him more as compared to his other siblings who are from consorts of Fengmian.


Wei Wuxian went to his father's study and demanded that he wants to marry Lan Wangji. Fengmian refused as he has already fixed the marriage but Wei Wuxian was being stubborn. He wasn't ready to listen to anything. He wanted to marry Lan Wangji at any cost.


Wei Wuxian pestered his father a lot. Thus, Fengmian half heartedly agreed. Well he had no other choice now than to agree to this marriage because Wei Wuxian tried to commit suicide.

And Fengmian can't afford to lose Wei Wuxian. Fengmian really loved Wei Wuxian's mother Wei changse, who was the late empress, she died due to an illness. Fengmian promised his dear wife that he'll take good care of Wei ying and will fulfill his every wish.

Fengmian somehow convinced Lan Wangji too. Lan Wangji accepted as he has no other choice. If he refuse to marry Wei Wuxian, the Jiangs may start a war and Wangji knew that it's gonna bring great destruction to Gusu as Gusu isn't a big sect as compared to Jiang sect. Wangji isn't selfish that for his wishes he'll put the whole clan's lives at risk.

Wangji already had decided that he'll crush this arrogance of Wei Wuxian. He hates such arrogant people.


Wei Wuxian was very happy that he's gonna finally marry that Lan Wangji. He wanted to teach that Lan Wangji a lesson as Wangji insulted him in front of his clan's people.


Wei Wuxian and Wangji got married. Wei ying was arrogantly standing on the stage while Wangji's face was void of any emotions.

They took the three important vows, one to the heaven and earth, second to the parents and third to each other. They sealed their wedding with the wine. The newly wedded couple got congrats from the clan people. Wei ying was ignoring the people as if they don't even exist for him. Wangji was just nodding in response to the greetings.

Wei Ying bid farewell with his father and left for Gusu with Wangji. The whole ride was quiet. No body talked, neither Wei ying nor Wangji. Wei ying was planning what will he do after he reach cloud recesses while Wangji was thinking how will he handle this brat Wei Wuxian.


Soon the carriage entered cloud recesses. There was slight snow in cloud recesses. Gusu was a quiet place. Wei Wuxian was used to noises so he was feeling irritated by the quiet environment. He was somewhat regretting his decision of marrying Wangji.

The Lan family welcomed the newly weds. This wasn't a warm welcome as the Lan family knew how this marriage happened as Wangji already told them everything through his butterfly message.

Wei Ying arrogantly said, "This is cloud recesses, huh? So boring. Looks like someone has died and everyone here is mourning for that person".

Wangji sternly said, "Wuxian! Stop it". But Wuxian ignored him.

Lan Qing hung Jun came forward and said, "Prince Wei... I mean Lan Wuxian! You are now part of our family. You belong here now. You should follow the rules and regulations here".

Wei Ying annoyingly said, "Rules and regulations, tsk...keep me out of all this cause I'm not gonna follow any rule".

Wangji said, "You are now a Lan and rules should be followed by all Lan clan members".

Wei Wuxian, "I won't follow any fucking stupid rules".

Lan Qiren, who is Wangji's uncle came forward and said, "language lan Wuxian, be in your limits while you are talking. Don't forget that this is the former king, in front of whom you're talking. You're new here that's why I'm forgiving you otherwise you'd have been punished severally".

Wei Ying, "tsk...tsk...tsk...who dares to punish me. If I tell father for only once to prepare for a war against you, he won't give a second thought to it. Then your beloved mourning cloud recesses will turn into ashes".

Lan Xichen who always has a calm composure angrily said, "Lan Wuxian! You can't threaten us like this".

Wei Wuxian rolled his eyes in annoyance.

Wangji couldn't taka it anymore, he excused his family members and without listening to anything else, he dragged Wei Wuxian with him somewhere. Wuxian was trying to get free his hand from Wangji but couldn't.

Lan Wangji took Wei Wuxian to a house on which 'Jintian cottage' was written.

Wangji pushed Wei Wuxian inside the  house. He locked the door and started approaching Wei ying. Wei ying started backing off.

Wei Ying said pointing his index finger at Wangji, "Don't come close. Stay away from me".

Wangji annoyingly said, "who wants to come near you. I just want to warn you. Be in your limits while living here because this is my clan not your clan that you'll do as you please. And talk with respect to my family and elders".

Wei Ying arrogantly said, "I'm Wei Wuxian, who doesn't listen to anyone. So what If this is lan clan. I'll do as I wish. No one can stop me. Not even you".

Wangji clenched his fists but said nothing because he clearly understood that he cannot convince Wei Wuxian that easily. Looks like his idea of changing Wei ying will take a decade. Changing Wei Ying's nature looks impossible.

Wangji came out of his thoughts when he heard Wei Ying's voice.

Wei Ying, "So... Second prince Lan! Would you get out as I want to rest".

Wangji glared at Wei ying who  smirked evily. Wangji came out of there. He went straight to the inner palace to meet with his family.


Just like this days passed by. Wei Wuxian's behavior was still the same with the Lan family. He was cruel to the servants also. He wouldn't listen to anyone. He'd do as he please. He would live separately from Lan Wangji. Lan Wangji tried to bring some changes in Wei Ying's behavior but all in vain.

Lan Wangji in first days would visit Wei ying but then he also stopped visiting Wei ying often as Wei Ying's behavior was not to be tolerated. Only God knows how Wangji has controlled his anger. If his anger burst out one day, it will bring disaster.

No one could even raise their voice on Wei Ying or scold him because King Fengmian had given strict orders that 'no one should hurt or scold Wei Wuxian. If they hurt or made Wei Wuxian cry, he'll start a war against the Lan Clan'.

The Lan family could only vent their anger on Lan Wangji. Internally they knew that Wangji is not at fault as they clearly know Jiang Fengmian. They knew that Jiang Fengmian can go to any extent for his son's happiness.

Moreover they could only pray for everything to be alright soon. Because it's an impossible task to tolerate Wei Wuxian's arrogant behavior.

Wei Wuxian secretly started practicing demonic cultivation also. Only his personal servant Wen Ning was aware of this. Out of all the people Wei Wuxian would only talk a bit nicely with Wen Ning.


It has been 3 months since Wei Wuxian married Lan Wangji. All the Lan clan were fed up with Wei Wuxian.

Wei Wuxian would knowingly provoke Lan Wangji but Lan Wangji would always control himself from attacking on Wei Ying.


Wei Wuxian was sitting in his room. He was practicing demonic cultivation. Suddenly someone in black clothes broke into Wei Wuxian's room. That person was holding a sword. He was fully covered in black. His eyes were only visible.

Wei Ying angrily asked, "Who are you? How dare you broke to my house?"

Wei Wuxian started attacking that intruder. That person's skills were like Lan Clan. Wei Wuxian's mind got distracted for a while. Finding the opportunity that person stabbed Wei Wuxian in the chest. Wei Wuxian fell down. Blood was oozing from his chest.

That person casted some spell on Wei Wuxian and then disappeared using teleporting talisman.

Suddenly Wei Wuxian's body started floating in the air. Wei Wuxian wanted to scream as he was feeling extreme pain in his body but no voice came out of his mouth. Black smoke surrounded him. His eyes turned red. Black smoke was entering Wei Ying's body. Looked like Wei Wuxian was consuming all the darkness.

So much dark energy got consumed by Wei Wuxian that it destroyed his golden core and then his soul got shattered. Wei Wuxian's dead body fell on the ground.


Physician checked Wei Wuxian who was lying on the bed like a dead corpse and said, "Second prince Lan! Prince Wuxian's core has been damaged, also his soul got shattered. Prince Wuxian has been secretly practicing demonic cultivation. Looks like.....He consumed too much dark energy due to which he died".

Wangji was standing there stunned but he didn't showed any emotions on his face. He was angry on the fact that Wei Wuxian was secretly practicing demonic cultivation. It's banned in cloud recesses but still Wei Wuxian was practicing it.

One of the healers said, "Second prince Lan! Looks like someone used one of the curses written in our Lan clan's forbidden book which attracted more and more dark energy to Prince Wuxian's body, which caused destruction to the golden core and soul".

Another healer said, "But who could do it? No one is allowed to enter the secret library"

Lan Wangji who was staring at Wei Wuxian's color drained body said, "Prepare for the funeral", saying this lan Wangji left.

The healers and physician also left the room. Wen Ning and some servants were still in the room.


Wei Ying stirred in his sleep when he heard some noises around him. He slowed opened his eyes. He looked around and noticed that he's in a strange place.

He hurriedly sat on the bed. He looked at his left side and saw some people whispering something to each other.

Wei Ying said, "Where am I?"

The servants and Wen Ning looked at Wei ying. The servants ran away from there shouting 'Ghost'. While Wen Ning came towards Wei ying.

Wen ning said, "Prince! You're awake".

Wei Ying looked at Wen Ning confused and then asked, "Who are you? Where am I? What is this place? Why are you wearing such strange clothes? I'm also wearing such clothes, why?"

Wen Ning got shocked listening to Wei Ying's questions.

Wen Ning with widen eyes asked, "Prince! Don't you remember anything?"

Wei Ying scratch his head and said, "No... I remember I was sleeping in my room. Then I saw a dream in which I time traveled to.... Wait....did I just time traveled in real?"

Wei Ying observed the surrounding and it indeed was the furniture like that was in past. Wei ying had watched ancient dramas, he knows how everything is in ancient time. Now he's stucked here. But whhyyy???

Wen Ning couldn't get what Wei ying is saying.

Wei Ying was about to get up but again lied down when he felt pain in his chest. He looked at his chest which was covered with clothes but the clothes had blood stain.

Wei Ying," Hey? Kid! How did I get hurt and....why did I time traveled?"

Wei Ying started crying while saying 'I don't want to stay here.... Take me back....ahhh....wu...wu...wu.....i wanna go back home....ahahaaaa".

Wen Ning was more than confused now as it was the first time he was seeing prince Wei Wuxian crying.

Wen Ning started to shush Wei ying, Wei ying hugged Wen Ning and cried more.


The Lan family got to know that Wei Wuxian has woken up as the servants informed them. It was very shocking for them as they were preparing for the funeral and they had also sent message to the Jiang clan.

Lan Wangji started going towards jintian house, where Wei ying was staying. Some servants and a healer also came afterwards Wangji.

He opened the door and what he saw shocked him. Wei ying was crying like a child hugging Wen Ning. Wangji got shocked as he never saw Wei Ying like this.

Wei Ying looked up when he heard someone clearing his throat. He was mesmerized by the charm of the person. He was staring at Lan Wangji with big doe eyes.

Wei Ying came out of his thoughts when he heard such manly voice of the magestic man.

Lan Wangji, "Healer! Check him".

A healer came towards Wei ying and started checking Wei Ying's pulse. Wei ying was confusedly looking first at the healer and then at Lan Wangji who was standing there with a cold face.

The healer after checking Wei Ying's pulse said bowing to Wangji, "Second prince Lan! Prince Wuxian is alright. His meridians are back to normal. He's... Perfectly fine.....but how's it possible....clearly Prince Wei was dead when we checked him earlier and now....Its a miracle".

Wei Ying was confused.

Wei Ying asked Lan Wangji, "Hey! Er gege! Can you explain to me what's happening here?"

Everyone present in the room got shocked as it's the first time Wei Wuxian called Wangji like this.

Wen Ning said apologizing to Wangji, "Second prince Lan! Pardon Prince Wei. He doesn't remember anything....
I think he has lost his memory".

Now everyone again got shocked..

Wei Wuxian said, "Yes this kid is right. I don't know any of you. It will be better if you all introduce yourself to me", Wei ying gave a sweet smile to everyone which was again shocking to everyone as no one had seen prince Wei ying smiling so genuinely in these recent three months.

Lan Wangji gestured the others to leave. The others bowed and left.

Wei Ying said to Wen Ning, "Hey kid! Bring something spicy for me. I'm hungry".

Wangji sternly said, "No spicy food. You're ill".

Wei Ying whined saying, "uhh...why did I got ill. I really want to eat roasted spicy duck".

Wen Ning said, "prince! I'll bring that for you once you get well".

Wei Ying nodded while pouting sadly. Wei ying was looking so cute while pouting. Wangji find this side of Wei ying quite amazing. To him Wei ying was looking adorable while pouting like a kid.

Wangji shook his head after realizing what he was thinking. The others left the room. Now only Wangxian were in the room.

Wei Ying said, "Er gege! Why are you standing. Sit down please".

Wangji dragged a chair for him and sat on it.

Wei Ying excitedly said, "Er gege! Now tell me about yourself".

Wangji was feeling something in his stomach hearing 'Er gege' from Wei Ying's mouth for himself but he ignored it.

Wangji said, "I'm Lan Wangji, second prince of Gusu. General of Gusu army. And lastly.... Your husband".

Wei Ying squealed saying, " gege is my husband. That's cool. You're my handsome general...hehe". wei ying was giggling.

Wangji's lips curved slightly upwards but he steadied himself quickly.

Wei Ying, "So.... Tell me about yourself more. I want to know more about you".

Wangji told Wei Wuxian about his family members. He also told Wei Wuxian about his Jiang family but Wangji didn't told about Wei Ying's recent behavior to him.

Wei Ying asked seriously, "What happened to me that I got injured? Why did I died? "

Wangji raised his brow at Wei ying but then told everything that had happened previously with Wei ying.

Wei Ying thought, "why would someone try to kill me this brutally? Was I this bad in the past?"

There was a knock at the door. There was a servant who told Wangji that 'the king has called for him'.

Wangji nodded, he then left from there. After Wangji left, Wen Ning came inside. He had brought soup and some boiled vegetables for Wei ying.

Wei Ying felt like vomiting smelling the herbal soup.

Wei Ying said, "Kid! What is this? Do you want to kill me? I can't eat these bland food".

Wen Ning, "Prince Wei! My name is Wen Ning. And the healer said you have to eat these, you're still healing. And as you don't have a golden core now...your healing process will take time".

Wei Ying said whining, "wen Ning! That's a nice name".

Wen Ning slightly blushed and said, "Thank you prince Wei".

Wei Ying, "Please bring some spices for me. I can't eat these bland food".

Wen Ning, "I'm sorry but....i can't. You have to eat these".

Wei Ying pouted. Anyhow Wei ying finished the food.

Wen took the tray back. Wei ying lied on the bed and was thinking, "when am I going to return to my time?"


Thanks for reading....

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I wrote this ff on request of @Aphy254. Hope you'll like it dear.

Love ya all, my marshmallows....
