Chp. 15 - Breaking down

When they got home, Nightmare suddenly made himself noticeable. ,,Soooo... What's wrong with ya, kid?"
He asked, seemingly chilled, even if he really wasn't, no one was allowed to make his protégé sad.
Error didn't really respond for a bit. 'It's... It's nothing...'
Error trailed off as he entered the room. "Geno! Fresh! Inky and Ms. Comyet are here, and we have ice cream!"
Error cheerfully exclaimed even though his feelings doesn't match the excitement.

,,Kid...?" Nightmare said in a concerned tone, while Geno came running to Error, hugging him tightly.
,,Ruru! Ruru! Missed you!" He cheered and giggled, interrupted by his coughing.
The child shook his head and grinned then at Error, before looking at Comyet and Ink.
,,Ohhh! Hi! You really have ice cream with you?" He asked in excitement.

"Yep." Comyet then raised a bag and smiling gently. "It's all here, eat it quick before it melts." Comyet chuckled and gave it to the children, even though there was magic sprinkled on it to make it last longer, also healing magic, Comyet specifically paid extra for Geno's as she handed the ice creams.

Error then took his. "M'goin to the kitchen." He needed to wind down.
He can't stop thinking how he almost panicked, how he should be a bit more careful and see if he can find ways to avoid this 'her' entirely.
Sometimes forgetting that Nightmare can still hear his thoughts even when not directly talking to his guardian. 'S'nothin'.'

,,Uh-hu, sure. Error, you can't lie to me- What's wrong?" Nightmare asked, in a more serious tone.
'It's really nothing... Bad day.' Well, that wasn't technically a lie considering who made his day bad.
,,...Alright." Nightmare answered, even if he didn't sound happy at all and still concerned.

Error then glanced at Ink, silently asking if he wants to come with while Fresh took his ice cream.
"Thank ya Aunt Com! You're real rad!" Fresh chirped.
,,I agree to Fresh!" Geno cheered happily, smiling brightly.
Meanwhile, Ink rushed over to Error, looking at him with a tilted head.

Error then went to the kitchen with Ink once he noticed that Ink chose to be by him.
'I'm... Scared Nighty.' He ended up admitting, he doesn't want to hide everything after all...
,,...Scared... scared of what... Error?" Nightmare said slowly, clearly bothered by something now.
Ink patted Error lightly on his head.
'I... I don't want to talk about it... Fears suck, I shouldn't even be afraid! ...'
Error trailed off, glitching a bit at the sudden pat and glaring at Ink before slowly calming down again.

He then moved and sat down on one of the chairs as he opened his ice cream and took a bite. 'I... Was reminded of... Of the ritual...'
,,O-oh... I am so sorry, Error. But don't say you shouldn't be... be afraid. Fear is... fear is necessary in our lives. It's protecting and warning us of dangers. So, we should learn to live with it."
Nightmare said, trying to somehow calm Error down.

Error bit down a bit harsher on the ice cream. 'But... But it makes me look weak... It- It prevents me from being able to protect my family...!'
,,If you didn't have fear, you wouldn't even know the dangers your family is in, as you wouldn't fear it. It doesn't make you look weak, it's making you strong."
Nightmare countered and Ink looked at Error in worry.

'But it also makes me not do things I'm supposed to do! If I'm so fearful then how can I protect my family? Hell even protect Ink from- from....'
Error trailed off and just bit another piece of his popsicle. 'S'not fair.'

,,Error... fear is a really heavy subject. But you are six. Fear is totally normal, it's an emotion. And emotions are part of our being, if we didn't have them, especially fear, we wouldn't be ourselves. You understand? Even if fear can paralyse us, it's not something you should hate." Nightmare answered.

'But that doesn't make sense Nighty...! Why would our fears make us ourselves? Wouldn't it just make us the worst of ourselves?'
He doesn't even realize that the popsicle was gone and he was chewing on the stick now, having curled up and still staring at nothing. It was concerning.

,,Error, Fear is only a part of ourselves, as so is happiness, joy and carelessness. But believe me, if you would only have the positive things or only the negative things of yourself, you wouldn't be yourself, y'know? And if everyone had this, then at some point everyone would be the same and way to careless or anxious."
Nightmare sighed, while Ink sat down next to Error, petting calmingly his friend's head.

'But why...? I don't understand...' Error then leaned into the petting, still chewing on the stick and ended up breaking it.
,,I know... it's really hard to understand, I am sorry. I didn't understand it too for a very long time..."
Nightmare sighed, while Ink flinched. ,,Ruru?"

Error blinked lightly when Ink called him, glancing down at his popsicle before putting his hand into his mouth and pulling the broken popsicle stick.
"Oh..." Error then slowly sets it down before feeling something wet roll down his cheeks, he had begun crying.
He then blinked before quickly attempting to wipe it away. 'Don't be sorry...'

,,Ruru..." Ink mumbled and hugged and patted Error.
,,No cry, Ruru!" He huffed then. ,,Kid, are you okay?"
'I... I don't know...' Error just slowly leaned to Ink and buried his skull on his shoulder.
He doesn't know why he's crying, maybe from the fear, maybe from the stress, maybe from something else, he doesn't know anymore... Why was he crying...?

,,Hey, hey, it's okay. Just let it all out." Nightmare cooed, while Ink was hugging Error tightly.
Ink was still hugging Error, while Nightmare went silent. Ink was whispering sweet nothings - in French - to his friend, trying to calm him down.

Error just kept clinging to Ink as the weight of everything came crashing down.
Just... Everything. From the cult, to the classes, to the bullying, to his brother's sickness, to the annoying bullied in school- everything.

Ink looked at his friend and rubbed Error's skull, before sighing and tugging Error a bit closer, almost on his lap.
Error didn't seem to mind however and just kept crying.
Eventually though, his sobbing had stopped and quieted down to just mere sniffles, still clinging to Ink.
Said child looked sadly at Error, before  laying his head onto Error's.
He rubbed Error's arms and back, hugging the other like if he would let go, Error would die.

It was silent for a moment when footsteps were heard entering the kitchen. "Kids?"
Comyet blinked once he saw Ink and Error hugging, Error's back against the door.
Error subconsciously squeezed tighter on Ink while Comyet blinked. "Awh."
Comyet softly spoke, not having seen Error's tears, but she did noticed the shaking.
She then approached them. "Error, are you feeling cold? You're shaking."
Comyet softly asked and Error was silent for a bit before slowly nodding, better than explaining that he was crying. "Alright..."

Ink looked up at his mother and shrugged lightly, not really understanding what his mother said and went back to calmingly rubbing his friends back.
Comyet then carefully rubbed their skulls and then left the room again, Error then relaxed a bit before pulling away, sniffling and shakily wiping his tears away.
That was annoying... Crying's annoying. He hiccuped. Damn it, hiccups.

Ink looked at Error, sighing slightly. ,,You okay?" He asked carefully. ,,Need?" He then added.
Error then shakily nodded, moving away from Ink a bit and wiping more of his tears.
Ink looked at his friend and looked around, before standing up and taking a glass.
He filled it with water and put it in front of Error, before sitting back down.

Error then took it and shakily drank it, sniffling a bit before setting it down and then wiping his eyesockets more.
Ink looked at Error. ,,Need?" He asked, tilting his head slightly.
Error just glanced at Ink, need what this time...?
Ink looked around, before trying to explain.
,,Uhm- uhm- You need?" He then tried again.

Error blinked a bit before pointing at his glass in confusion just as Comyet entered again.
"Here Error." Comyet then carefully wrapped a scarf around Error, surprising him.
"You can borrow my scarf for a while."
Comyet smiled while Error looked up at her in surprise. "Th-Thank you..."
Ink looked up at his mother and blinked a bit, before taking the glass and refilling it, giving it back to his friend.

Comyet just carefully rubbed Error's skull.
"What's the matter Error? Don't think I didn't see those tears."
Comyet spoke softly, wiping Error's cheeks gently, Error sniffling a bit before looking away and then grabbing the glass.
He then carefully drank it once more. "Is... Is nothing..."
"You crying is not nothing, Error." Comyet frowned lightly and Error just looked away, drinking the water.

Ink looked up at his mother, before looking at Error.
He didn't understand the conversation, but Ink really didn't care, he just wanted his friend to be happy again.
Comyet just sighed softly and pets Error. "Okay... Ink, Peux-tu t'occuper Error pour moi chérie ? Il ne veut pas me dire ce qui ne va pas, alors c'est à toi de l'aider pour le moment, d'accord?"
,,D'accord, maman. Uhm... Dois-je lui donner autre chose?" He asked, looking at his friend.

"Je ne pense pas qu'il y ait quoi que ce soit que tu puisses donner en ce moment ma chérie. Tu dois juste être là pour Error, d'accord?"
Comyet just gave a gentle smile at Ink before looking at Error and rubbing his skull gently.
Ink nodded and sat himself close to Error, patting him lightly.

Conyet then pulled her hand away just as Ink reached out.
"We'll stay until your mother gets home like usual, alright?"
Comyet smiled gently and Error slowly nodded, leaning against Ink.
Comyet then got up and left again.

Ink rubbed Error's shoulder. He sighed, wondering if this Karina-Girl made Error cry. He didn't like her.
Error then finished the second water, taking a deep breath in and then letting it out, his hiccups now less.

Ink smiled at Error, happy that his friend calmed now slowly down. ,,You okay?" He asked then carefully.
Error slowly nodded. "M-Merci..." Error mumbled, moving and hugging Ink again, hugs were comforting.

Ink blinked and hugged Error back, rubbing over Error's skull and back.
,,Il ñ'y a pas de quoi." He mumbled to his friend.
Error blinked in confusion at what Ink said, shaking his skull, he just went back to hugging him.
Ink sighed and rubbed Error's head even more.

Eventually, Error had let out a yawn, already quite sleepy from how much he had cried...
But... He can't sleep early- he has to take care of his brothers still...!
Ink blinked and looked at Error. ,,Fatigué?"
He asked his friend, slightly smiling at the yawn. Ink thought it was cute.

Error shook his skull. "N... Nuh... Not tired." Error grumbled in annoyance, he refuses to be tired.
The other looked at Error, before raising a bone brow in disbelief.
Error just shook his skull. "M'not tired."
Error stubbornly spoke and then slowly got off the chair.

Ink sighed and just stood up too. The child stood close to Error, in case he would trip or something like that.
Error then shook his skull a bit before moving and grabbing the stepping stool and getting on the counter, he then quickly washed his skull to freshen up.

Ink just waited until Error was finished, still worried about his friend.
Error then took a towel and wiped his face before getting off the steps and turning to Ink.
"Let's go." Error yawned again and began to walk out. He was not sleepy!

Ink followed Error quickly. The child stared at his friend and rubbed lightly over his cheek.
Error then arrived back at the living room to see that the Magic Box was currently charging so Fresh and Reno was drawing.
Comyet had suggested for them to draw something for Error, but didn't elaborate any further so here they were now.

Geno looked up from his drawing.  ,,Ruru!"
He cheered happily and smiled at his brother.
Error then gave a smile back, albeit tiredly and sat down.
"What are you guys doing?" "Drawin'." Fresh replied, looking up at him and tilting his skull, judging from the blandness of his voice, he's not feeling emotions for the day.
Geno nodded agreeing and went back to his drawing, smiling lightly.

Ink stared at Error and sighed, rubbing lightly his friend's head.
Error then leaned against Ink a bit, just silently watching his brother before Fresh got up and gave the drawing to Error.
"Huh?" "Aunt Comyet told us to draw somethin' for ya, so here."
Fresh spoke and Error blinked, it was an image of everyone together, even Ink and Comyet.
It's sweet. "Thanks, I hate it." A Small smile twitched on Fresh's face at that, knowing that Error actually loved it.
It is Error's own language after all.

Geno giggled and then pushed his drawing to Error.
It was just a drawing of the brothers, sitting together on something that distinctively reminded on a couch.
Error then glanced at it as well and just carefully placed it on top of Fresh's and nodding.
He likes it, he then carefully folded them while leaning more against Ink.
Comyet looked at the time. "While waiting for your mother, do you four wanna go to the park? Ink, tu veux aller au parc?"

,,Oui! Bien sûr que je veux aller au parc!" Ink cheered and giggled slightly.
Comyet chuckled softly. "Sure... I guess." "Sure."
Fresh shrugged before the brothers glanced at Geno curiously.
Geno's eyelight was a literally vibrating star. ,,Yesyesyesyes!"
He cheered and jumped excitedly up and down.

Comyet then carefully placed her hands on Geno's shoulder. "Geno, calm down."
Comyet chuckled softly. "Relax yourself." Comyet smiled gently before getting up.
"Well, c'mon then. Allons-y!" Comyet then smiled at Ink and Error, who then got off the couch.

Ink looked at his mother, then at Error and smiled gently at his friend.
Geno coughed slightly, but was still excited.
Soon enough, they all went on the car and they were on their way to the park.
Geno was quite excited to go to the park again, and that in such a short time span!
The child looked at Error, before giggling excitedly.


Honestly, I barely remember what happened in this chapter lol

2432 Words
