50 stars special

A special for 50 stars!!

You let out a sigh. It has been quite a few months since you arrived here... And you loved everyone very much! They were so fun to be around! Honestly, it was so nice to have everyone entertain you so much! You always felt special, and some of your friends even would bring you gifts! You adored all these things, more than anything else!

While sitting in the grass, and staring at the clouds, something you started to do quite a lot lately, you started to think about what you could give back to them. Before an idea came to mind. Kisses and hugs! That makes surface people happy, right? You were sure you saw a few humans kissing and hugging, while they were blushing, so, that must mean that Kisses and hugs were something good, right?

With that, you got up, a goal in your mind, as you excitedly went on your new adventure, to find whoever was going to become the victim of your kiss and hug attack!

^ Awesamdude ^

You arrived to Sam, before giving him a grin. He seemed surprised to see you, but soon, the surprised look turned into a gentle smile, as you walked over to him. "Oh, (y/n)! I'm happy to see you visiting. Can I help you with something?" Sam asked, as you grinned, before nodding your head, walking over to him.

"Sure you can Sammy!" You said, before getting on the table, sitting down right in front of Sam, making him confused, as you placed your arms around his collar. "You could give me a lil bit of sugar!" And with that, you pulled him into a kiss.

The other clearly had a surprised look on his face, eyes wide, but it didn't take long before he relaxed into the kiss, wrapping his arms around you, pulling you closer.

You giggled into the kiss, enjoying the needy nature of the kiss. You barely needed to do anything, as he was keeping you in place as if your kiss was everything that he needed at this moment. As if he was a starving man, and you were the most delicious meal that could be offered to him.

After a little bit, you gently pushed him away, looking at his blurry gaze, a light blush covering his face, as you giggled. It seemed that you were still a good kisser! That's good! You enjoyed looking at such cute expressions, especially from your dearest friend!

Before he could react, you got up from the desk, giving him a wink, running off, as he let out a weak laugh, before touching his lips, and letting out a squeal. You didn't hear anything else, as you were on your way.

^ Dream ^

With a whistle, you were going around, enjoying your little walk. You were wondering who next you were going to see. You can imagine how surprised you were to see no other than Dream! Your old friend! Oh, you missed the green guy! You wondered how he was doing! Stars, it has been at least a week, since you last saw him!

"Dream! Buddy!" You yelled out, as Dream turned around, a small smile appearing behind his mask, as he waved over to you. "(y/n)? Oh man, what a coincidence? The smell of sins attracted you here?" Dream joked as you laughed.

"Awww? Are you trying to get me to eat you up, you naughty boy?" You teased the other, as Dream laughed. "Hey, I didn't think you were someone to kink shame, mh?" You both looked at each other before both of you started laughing.

Suddenly, Dream's laugh was interrupted as you punched him straight in the stomach, so strong that his mask fell off his face, blood sputtering out from his mouth, a dreamy whine escaping from him, as he fell over.

It didn't take long before you straddled him on the ground, gripping onto his shirt, before punching him. "Aww? Me, kink-shaming?" You laughing again, before moving to his ear, and whispering. "Why would I? Especially when I like hearing you scream?~"

Before he could reply, you slapped your slips against his, pulling him into a heated kiss, while biting his lip and licking the blood, as if it was the most delicious meal that you could get in this moment.

Dream tried to wrap his arms around you, but your arms grabbed them, slamming them onto the ground. You pulled away from him, giving him a teasing look. "nu-uh, sweetie. I'm the one in control here. Stay down and enjoy your lil reward" You said before slapping your lips against his again.

For a few more seconds, you stayed like that, before getting up, leaving the blushing mess that was Dream on the ground, getting up and brushing off the dirt, and starting to head in your own direction, but not before giving a good kick to Dream, as a goodbye gift.

To say the least, Dream was quite satisfied.

^ Fundy ^

How could you not go and visit your pretty little fox friend? You have been quite busy with things, that's why you haven't been able to really visit him much, but it doesn't mean that you are going to leave him without affection right now. He deserved a sweet little gift after so much work that he does for you.

Like always, you found him working on something. And from what you could smell, it was a very delicious meal that you wanted to get your hands on. And no, you weren't talking about Fundy this time around. But he was a delicious meal too, to say the least! Always grooming himself so well, that you couldn't help but want to eat him up too...

You walked behind him, wrapping your arms around him, as you felt him freezing up, before leaning into your touch. He looked up at you, as you gave him a grin. He smiled back at you, a shy look on his face.

".. O-oh! I didn't expect you to visit today. Ah, man... I look like a mess" Fundy said, looking as embarrassed as ever. You loved how cute he was, always making himself look as pretty as possible for you. Really, he was such a sweetheart.. It was hard to not eat him up every single time that you saw him!

"Oh sweetheart, don't worry, you look like a snack every single time I see you.." You said as Fundy trembled a little bit, the blush on his face darkening, as he laughed a little bit. "Oh man, you're just saying that..." He really was such a cutie, wasn't he?

You leaned down more, before giving a few gentle kisses to his neck. "Why would I tease you like that, if I didn't mean it, mh..?" You muttered in his neck, as he leaned into your kisses as much as possible.

After you kissed and bit him enough to satisfy yourself, you gently turned him, lifting his chin up, as you placed a kiss on his lips. "... I'll be back later on, and if you behave yourself, I'll give you more affection. Be a good boy for me, yes?" You said as he nodded, as if in a daze, watching you walk away.

Really, he was such an obedient cutie.. You loved playing around with him!

^ Slimecicle ^

Thankfully, it didn't take much for you to find someone to kiss. I mean, little Charlie was, like always, following you around. You laughed to yourself. How adorable would he get, mh? Always following you around, like a lost puppy. You really couldn't understand how someone as cute as Charlie came around in your life.

"Hello, there sweetheart," you said, as you walked over to where Charlie was, him looking at you with a panicked look, a blush appearing on his face. It seemed that he was still not used to you catching him whenever he attempts to stalk you. It was quite cute, to say the least.

"Um.. a-are you following me?" Charlie said, giving a weak attempt at trying to both escape from you and to maybe trick you into believing that you were the one who was stalking him, but instead, before he could run off, you picked him, bringing him up to your eye level.

Of course, he had a cute blush on his face, looking at you as if he was caught doing the biggest crime. Mind you, stalking people was quite a sin, but well, you did like your cuties a little bit sinful. It made things much more exciting.

"Oh? I'm sure I wasn't following you.. Are you being a naughty boy and lying to me, Bones?" You said, grinning at him, as he coughed a little bit, clearly very embarrassed by the way you were speaking to him.

"I.. I'm not lying, you're lying!" Charlie said again, attempting his escape again, by wiggling, but you simply laughed, bringing him even closer, already breathing on him.

"oh? Then, me saying I'm not kissing you is a lie too, mh?" Before Charlie could react, you pulled him into a gentle kiss. It didn't take long before you could feel that his slime was heating up, as he was slowly melting, and falling out of your arms.

You laughed, as you started to walk away. This was going to keep your cute little stalker away from you for long enough.

^ Technoblade ^

You were walking around, hoping to find someone or something, but instead, before you could go anywhere too far, you were stopped. An arm was placed on your shoulders, the grin strong, yet not strong enough to hurt you. You slowly turned around, before relaxing when you noticed that it was simply your good friend, Technoblade.

Oh, what a sweetheart this man was. Since the moment that he escaped from prison, he has been by your side, making sure that you were respected by everyone and that nobody harassed you. Really, you were lucky to have him by your side.

He was also the first and most prominent member of your cult! Or well, you liked to call the group your family, but other people who couldn't understand you and your way of living called it a cult. They really are uncultured swines!

"Oh, Techno! Dearest, why are you here?" You asked as you smiled at him. He smiled back to you, gently caressing your face, taking a strand of your hair. Since you both met, Technoblade has been obsessed with your hair and you had to be honest, you found that to be very cute. You adored him and how he tried to make you feel better about your messy hair.

"... Don't go too far. It's dangerous," Technoblade said gently. You let out a sigh, before pulling him into a hug. He always worried too much! You had mouthy and your claws! You could protect yourself from any sinner and demon that might come your way!

"..." Technoblade held you tightly to himself, and sadly, without you noticing, he picked you up, slowly starting to carry you back over to the cathedral that you and a few others had made your new home. Oh well... You won't worry Technoblade today. But tomorrow you'll sneak out for sure!

^ Tommyinnit ^

Tommy and you were like family. It was strange to care for someone like you cared for Tommy, but you saw yourself in the young boy. Forced to grow up too soon. Thrown into a dog eats dog world. It really was cruel.. So cruel for such a young boy like Tommy. He should be playing with his friends and thinking about what next prank to do, not think about how to catch enough food for tonight or how to survive at night.. This place was too cruel.

It wasn't that strange that Tommy was always with you, trying to get as much affection from you as possible. You really didn't mind giving him what he wants either. He really is such a good child, so you didn't mind one little bit giving him all of your affection.

"... Thank you so much for being always there for me," Tommy said, as you looked over to him, laughing a little bit. Honestly, you found his gratefulness really endearing. I mean, he was always like this, thanking you for things that he didn't need to thank you for. You did all of this because you wanted to be there for him.

"Hey, little buddy? Please don't thank me. I'm here for you. I'm happy to be there for you. Please don't think otherwise..." Caring for Tommy makes you feel... Like you are a good person too. It's strange, seeing as you know you aren't, but well, it's good to live in a little delusion from time to time.

Tommy, without a second thought, ran into your arms, pulling you into a tight hug, as you hugged him back. He really was a young child... Stars, you were lucky to have him... You know that life is unpredictable, but you will be here for Tommy, protecting as much as you could. You weren't going to let anyone hurt him anymore.

^ Ranboo ^

Ranboo and you were good buddies! He was also part of your happy family! You were really happy to have known him. It's funny to think about how the two of you met. You really hoped that he would never leave! You know that he is a sinner like everyone else, but who cares! He is such good kiddo, and you adore having him around!

Ranboo has the same problem as you. I mean, emotions are really hard to understand! That's why you understand his struggle and you try to teach him all that you know. It might not be too much, but Ranboo is always happy to listen and follow whatever you tell him. Which is very wonderful! You've never met such an obedient person.

Today, Ranboo had brought you some more cookies. Honestly, he is pretty good at that! You can't understand how one can cook so well, yet you are pretty happy to have seen Rnaboo out of nowhere! You were getting ready to go and find someone to spend the day with, and here he was! What a great surprise!

"Ranboo! Hello!" You said cheerfully, as Ranboo smiled over to you, as he brought the cookies over, before starting to feed your second mouth. While he was doing that, you happily patted his head, grinning over to him. "Thank you for the delicious snack, Ranboo!" You said, when he finished, before pulling him into a tight hug, as he was surprised for a moment, before hugging you back tightly, muttering a thank you. Seriously, how sweet could he get?

^ Wilbur Soot ^

With a soft smile on your face, you were walking around, wondering who you should spend your time with. I mean, sure, Tommy and Fundy were here, but if you were honest, you were slightly getting bored of always being around them. You didn't really know if you wanted to spend any more time with them right now. You needed something... exciting! something that you weren't exactly used to.

You suddenly stopped when a huge grin appeared on your face. Of course. Why didn't you think about it? Why wouldn't you visit your favorite little pet? Honestly, you weren't sure why you didn't come and do this much sooner! With Wilbur, your days are never boring, and you adored that! Such a darling little pet.

"Oh! (y/n), so nice that you visited me" Wilbur said, a huge grin on his face, almost rivaling your grin, as he walked over to you, pulling you down to his level, almost moving you kiss you, but you stopped him, by pushing him onto the ground, causing him to let out a weak cough, as he tried to get up, but instead of letting him, you put your boot on his head, pushing down enough to keep him on the ground.

"You know, Wilby? You look so good like this... Just where you deserve to be!.. Disgusting bug.. You think I didn't notice your sins increased?" You said, a teasing smile on your face, before you removed your foot, laughing, as you helped him up. "Aww, I'm just teasing you, sweetheart!" You said, placing a kiss on one of his arms.

"Now, stop looking so cute, and let's go have some fun! So, where are we going today?" You said as Wilbur fixed himself, his grin returning on his face. It seemed that the two will have a lot of fun today too! How exciting!~
