Village of the Darned

"Watch our numbers grow! Mole leaders make it so!" Jane chanted around the living room.

"Can you stop screaming? We're trying to watch So You Think You Can Scream." Ethan stopped her.

"She's excited. Selling donuts is a big deal for her." I reasoned, looking up at Ethan.

"Ah ah ah, put the donuts down, and step away from the box." Mrs. Morgan walked over to the window and peered behind the blinds.

"I was just going to take one." Jane put her hands up in defence. "Or two."

"One or two dozen." Ethan snorted. "I stopped eating Moleos when I was twelve, and my teeth still hurt when I look at 'em."

"And you're supposed to sell the boxes of donuts before you get your Business Mole badge, remember? Sell, not eat." Mrs. Morgan reminded her.

There was a honk and I looked up at Ethan. "Sounds like your ride's here. Come on. Let's get your sweater on."

"Do I have to go to the Mini Moles with the Tornado Twins? They're crazy, Mom." Jane whined.

"Oh, honey. Come on. They're not that bad." Mrs. Morgan reasoned.

"I'm not so sure about that." I whispered to Ethan and he nodded.

"See? They're even knocking at the door this time." Mrs. Morgan added, opening the door.

Two boys ran in and sprayed Mrs. Morgan with silly spray. My eyes widened at the twins.

"That's my Mom!" Ethan got up as I ran to get a towel.

"That's my mom. That's my mom." the first twin taunted.

"I'm Ethan, I need a babysitter." the second added.

"Boys, get back here!" their mom yelled at them. "Oh, hey Sam! How are ya? Oh, I love your blouse. Dirk, put it down!" she yelled as I handed Mrs. Morgan the towel.

"It's Moleo season again. All that sugar." Mrs. Morgan blinked and shook her head.

"Oh, yeah. Times two." she added.

"And Ross gets back on Sunday, so I have three days to find a father-proof hiding spot for the donuts." Mrs. Morgan sighed.

"Are you still thinking about putting them in the wall?" Ethan asked.

"Oh! I put ours in the bunker out back. The kids don't even know about it." she explained.

"Oh, do you think you could take ours too? If they're in the house, Ross will smell them. He has a nose for Moleos." Mrs. Morgan asked.

We heard a crash. "Oh, sure, but hurry up. Just before the boys find your matches."

Ethan rushed over to the box and handed it to the mom. I smiled smally at Ethan and sneakily kissed his cheek.

"Our babysitter had a little breakdown. Again. But you. You're old enough to babysit." she spotted Ethan with a smile.

Despite Mrs. Morgan's and Ethan's insistence, she kept nodding her head. "Done! He'll be fine! I'll just drop the boys off when I pick your mom up. Boys! Sugar bomb, twelve o' clock!" she threw one of the boxes outside and the boys ran after it. Jane cleared her throat and I stopped her, taking the silly string off of her before she walked out the door. "You are a lifesaver!"

"So, you'll let me babysit her kids?" Ethan asked.

"Well, I thought that maybe you deserve a second shot." Mrs. Morgan reasoned. "It's okay, I'll call Sarah for backup. Wow." she said as I pulled silly string off her.


"Thanks so much for coming, Sarah." Mrs. Morgan thanked her. "Okay, this'll be great. It'll be fun. Just call me if you smell smoke."

The doorbell rang and Mrs. Morgan rushed to get it.

"So, I have to babysit you, while you babysit two nine-year-olds with your girlfriend? Seriously, how bad could they be?" Sarah questioned.

"Imagine a giant piranha that walks on land. Now give it rabies, and a brother. I'd rather babysit the piranhas." Ethan explained.

"Ethan, (Y/n), you remember the boys. They're being so nice and quiet." she let them walk away into the living room. "They're up to something, I know it! So, let's go, shall we, before they... you know."

"No, I don't know. Why are they running?" Mrs. Morgan asked as they went out the door.

"Ooh, kids drawing. So scary. Where should we hide?" Sarah asked teasingly.

"I'm keeping this at the ready." Ethan said quietly.

"Hey, Jane! Do you want me to color with you?" I quietly asked with a smile.

"Here." Jane handed me a coloring book and I colored with Jane.

"Just wait. Wait for it." Ethan whispered.

"Benny!" Benny barged into the room and Sarah punched him in the stomach.

"Booyah!" Rory appeared behind the counter and Ethan shot a dart at him. "Hey! Is this for me barfing down your chimney?"

"No, no. I just- wait, you what?" Ethan questioned.

"Nothing." Rory said quickly. "I'm here to battle the tornado twins."

"Yeah, are they here yet? I don't see anyone bleeding..." Benny trailed off.

"See for yourself. Hey, boys? This is Benny and Rory." Ethan introduced them.

"Hello, Benny and Rory." the twins said and I went back to coloring.

"Whoa. That is a tornado of weird." Rory commented.

"Okay, kids speaking in unison. That's never good." Benny added.

"We did that all the time as kids, Benny. I'm sure it's nothing." I waved their observations off.

"Are we going or what? I'm starving." Erica's voice came with the thud of a door.

"Coming, Erica." I said, forgetting that it was tonight. "Be good, don't draw on the walls." I got up.

"Where are you going?" Jane looked up.

"Erica and I are going to get some food." I said innocently. I walked over to Ethan and pecked his lips."I love you, I love you Benny."

"Going where?" Benny questioned.

"New safety rule from the council. They want us to hunt in pairs." I explained, putting my purse strap on my shoulder.

"You're supposed to be my backup, besides Sarah. You can't leave me alone with them!" Ethan hissed.

I kissed his cheek to calm him. "I won't be long. And if you need backup, Sarah and Jane are more than willing to handle it. Right, Jane?"

"You betcha." Jane saluted me.

I smiled and left, flying away with Erica across town. "We're sharing, like last time, right?"

"Yeah, I won't drink that much this time." Erica nodded.

"You better not. I only got the fill of a snack last time."


"There is no one tonight." Erica complained.

A little girl bumped into me and I held her shoulder. "Watch it, girly!"

"Val Mudrap is coming. She will rise!" Red door with a gold circle. Moleos.

"What the..." I trailed off as the girl shouldered me away. "What just happened?!"

"You froze for a minute. So what?" Erica shrugged.

"No, I saw things that I've never seen before, or even heard of. Val Mudrap? What?" I ran my fingers through my hair.

"Those are called visions, and I'm pretty sure only Ethan has them. Unless you got some weird bonus by drinking his blood to save him, I think you're just seeing memories." Erica explained.

Her eyes widened at my fearful look. "Okay. Let's go see the council."


"There is a possibility, yes." Anastasia said simply.

"So you're saying I'm getting visions because I drank my boyfriend's blood to save him from becoming a fledgling?" I questioned, pacing.

"Correct. How exactly, I'm not sure. But you may want to talk to your earth priestess of a grandma for more information on the matter." Anastasia advised.

"Thank you, Anastasia." I bowed, dismissing myself.

I ran out of the room to Erica, where she was pacing. "We're going home, now."

"Great minds think alike." Erica took my hand, agreeing with me.


I knocked on the front door. "Mrs. Morgan?"

"Oh, hi (Y/n). Ethan's asleep." Mrs. Morgan smiled fakely.

"Can I come in?" I asked, biting the inside of my lip.

"Of course." she stepped aside, letting me in. "I'm warning you, it's a bit of a..."

"Mess." I looked around the living room in disbelief.

"Yeah." Mrs. Morgan sighed. "The boys had a little... trouble watching the boys."

"You go to bed. I'll clean the room." I insisted.

"Okay, just... lock the door behind you." Mrs. Morgan walked up the stairs.

"Will do." I said quietly.

I began to take all the papers off the wall, stacking them in a pile on the table. I then took a bucket and filled it with water and soap. I used a scrub brush and a sponge to clean the paint and marker up.

"Magic isn't permanent, so why do it in a way that can't be permanently fixed?" I whispered to myself. "Constantly, boy you play through my mind like a symphony, there's no way to describe what you do to me, you just to me what you do. And it feels like I've been rescued! I've been set free! I am hypnotized by your destiny. You are magic, lyrical, beautiful. You are. And I want you to know that I love you like a love song." I sang softly.


"Hey." I walked up to the boys and kissed Ethan's cheek. "What's going on?"

"Why is everyone leaving?" Ethan added.

"Well hello, kids. Classes are cancelled. All the teaching staff appeared to have left." Principal Hicks explained.

"Left? Left where?" Ethan questioned.

"No idea. They just got up and took off. Not even a word of thank you for the donuts I got them for the staff meeting. Well, at least they left me one." he took a bite out of the donut.

My eyes widened as his eyes turned completely black. He dropped his coffee and the rest of the donut and walked away without a word.

"Did you just see that?" Ethan asked. "Do you know what this means?"

"There's something wrong with those Moleos." I mumbled, thinking about my vision.

"They're making all the adults leave town and turning the kids into droneos." Ethan added. "I wonder what it does for teenagers."

"I don't really think it does anything." I shrugged.

"Speaking of weakness, here comes the hot-mess express." Benny noticed Sarah and Erica.

Erica hissed at him. "She's so hungry, she can't control her fangs." Sarah explained.

"Hey, I'm hungry too, so cut it out. We don't need to go threatening our friends, do we?" I said firmly.

"It didn't help that we had to stop at the council and the place wreaked of the smell. It was so enticing." Erica said hungrily.

"Why'd you have to stop at the council? Did something happen?" Benny looked at me.

"I sorta found out I got a new power by drinking a specific type of blood. But it's nothing to worry about. It's only happened once in twenty-four hours." I explained quickly.

"You guys hungry? Want some of my lunch? It's fresh." Rory held a bag that I guessed had a rat in it.

"I fed on rats and the blood substitute until the Jesse incident. I'm done with rats." I declined.

Erica smacked the bag away and Rory went after it. "No rats! We need real food and this town is running on empty."

"So? Just fly over to the next town and get some takeout." Benny shrugged.

"The Vampire Council says hunting outside of Whitechapel can cause a turf war." I rolled my eyes.

"Can't you just take a small nibble of a student?" Ethan asked as Erica scoffed. "Not me, of course." Ethan backed up.

"Of course not." I put a hand on his shoulder.

"Teenagers are full of junk food and hormones. Do you have any idea what that can do to your skin?" Erica walked away with a sigh.

"Okay, we need to go home and come up with a plan." Ethan decided.

"Wait! No adults? I have been dreaming of this moment my whole life. We can do anything we want!" Benny said excitedly.

I rolled my eyes. "You do that, I'm going home and researching Val Mudrap and her adult-disappearing moleos."


"Sis? I called Ethan because I found something! Are you okay?" Benny called up the stairs.

"Yes." I winced as my stomach growled. "Just hungry, but I'm dealing with it until Grandma comes back."

"Can you come down?" Benny yelled.

"Can you come up?" I retorted.

"I'll be right there. Just hold on." Benny said.

I heard multiple footsteps after a moment and Benny opened my door. I was sitting at my desk with my computer in front of me. My computer kept freezing frequently, and it didn't help that my hunger was making me moody.

"Wow. I really like your room, (Y/n)." Sarah admired it.

"Thanks. I've modified it from time to time, but it's perfect for me." I closed my laptop and looked at Benny. "What'd you find?"

"Grandma left this on the table. Secret Order of the Mole by Val Mudrap. Oh, and don't mention..." Benny motioned to Erica and Sarah, who both had tails.

"I wish I knew how to get rid of them." I sighed, whispering.

"Anyways." Benny pointed to the book. "The mothers and fathers departed from the village, the children played for eternity. All hailed Muldvaarp, child-beast, charmer, keeper of the key to the underworld."" Benny read.

"Sounds like someone had strict parent issues." I looked at Benny.

"Number two." Benny showed me the newspaper article. "Clip."

"Mini Mole Club House Collapses. Everything got sucked into a door on the floor." I mumbled. "The door. This door." I pointed to the drawing Jane had drawn on the wall. It was a good drawing of the door.

"It's the girl that beat Benny up." Sarah snickered next to me.

"You got beat up? By a kid?" I looked up at him in disbelief.

"It was a group of Moles and Ethan and I ran into them. We couldn't punch kids." Benny reasoned.

"Very gentlemanly of you." I said.

"Ethan needs to see this." Benny said and I nodded in agreement.


We walked through the front door and I immediately noticed something was off. The house was dead quiet. I looked over in the living room and my eyes widened when Ethan was on the floor with a dented frying pan next to him.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Easy, sweetheart." I said as he tried to get up. "What happened? Can you remember anything?"

"Where's Jane?" Benny added.

"I turned my back on her for one second and the next thing I know, she's gone and I have this killer headache." Ethan explained, holding the side of his head.

"Dude, she grilled your cheese." Rory held the frying pan.

"You're okay now, right?" I said, concerned.

"Yeah, I guess." Ethan shrugged as I pecked his lips softly.

"Recognize this little rugrat? Her name is Val Mudrap, aka Muldvaarp. She likes to take little kids on field trips to the underworld." Benny explained.

"I found the clue!" Rory exclaimed as I helped him up carefully. "It was fun!"

"Where is this place? I saw it in my vision!" Ethan looked at the newspaper.

"It was in the old part of town." Benny explained.

"We need to go there, fast." Ethan said, his breath speeding up.

"Easy, Ethan." I whispered as I rubbed his back. I was worried about Jane too, even if I didn't show it.

"How can you have so much meat in your freezer and none of it be human?" Erica fumed.

"Hey. Cool tails." Ethan complimented them.

"Tails?!" they looked at Benny in disbelief.

"Come on. Jane's got a good head start." Ethan grabbed my hand and we walked out the door.


"Jane." Ethan said worriedly.

"We'll get her, she'll be okay. Nothing will happen to her on my watch." I whispered, cupping his cheek in reassurance.

"Here, guys, drink this. It should give you a bit of a boost." Benny handed us a vial.

I downed the whole thing and I felt like I had gained a level in a video game. I smiled, my body feeling more alive and not full of lethargy.

"I ought to kick your butt for turning us into freaks." Erica hissed.

"Yeah, before those wickedly awesome upgrades, you guys were totally normal." Benny retorted.

Erica's tail hit him in the back of the neck. "Oh, it's like sandpaper." Benny winced.

"Guys, quit it." Ethan and I hissed.

Val held a stick with a snake head on top in the air. "All hail Muldvaarp! And now we open the door to eternal freedom!" she revealed a key.

"Okay. Muldvaarp's the guardian of the door, keeper of the key. We've gotta get the key away from her and she can't open that door." Ethan instructed. He looked at me and Erica. "How do you two feel?"

"Better, but not enough to have all my powers back. My magic is still a little iffy." my hands sparked blue.

"Then you get those kids outta here." Ethan decided.

I nodded and Erica and I gathered up the kids, holding them back from Val. I glared at them with glowing yellow eyes and I begged for them to stop fighting. They looked at me with the same yellow eyes and froze, straightening like soldiers and staying still.

"How'd you do that?" Erica asked, fighting off her own batch of kids.

"Stop fighting and stay still!" I barked at the kids with my eyes glowing.

They did the same thing my batch of kids did. They stood in front of me, looking up at me as I felt something draining from my body. I kept whatever I was doing on, until I heard a muffled declare.

"How do you like them donuts?" I heard after a couple moments.

"Ethan!" Jane said in relief. She looked over and saw me. "(Y/n)!"

"Jane." I smiled, letting go.

I stumbled and Ethan swiftly caught me, holding me against his body. Jane hugged both of us, not noticing my weakened state.

"Are you okay?" Ethan whispered in my ear.

"What happened? My brain's all fuzzy." one of the kids complained.

"You glamoured them." Erica breathed in disbelief.

"'M tired." I mumbled.

"I know you are, princess. Let's get you home." Ethan whispered, supporting me with his arm.


"Here. This should help." Ethan held up another vial.

I sat up, smiling as I drank the vial. I held it in my hands, the blood making my body feel electric. "Where are you getting the blood?"

"It's actually... kinda... my blood." Ethan said sheepishly.

"What? Why are you giving me your blood? I could've waited-"

"No, you couldn't have. You were weak, and I understood. It's only been my blood that you've been drinking, don't worry. But, you needed something to keep you up." Ethan explained calmly.

I looked at the vial, savouring the taste of the sweet blood. "You know that new power I was talking about?"

Ethan nodded. "The night that we went out hunting, Val bumped into me. I grabbed her shoulder to keep her from tripping, and... I got a vision." I swallowed my nervous breaths as Ethan's eyes dilated. "Anastasia said that drinking your blood might've done something and now I have your powers. It's all such a mess! I mean, I have magic, I'm a vampire, and now I have your powers."

"Hey, it's okay. It's actually really cool that you have my powers. Do you know why?"

I shook my head. "Because then we can see together. We understand what we see if we have visions. And I think that's a great thing to have."

I pulled him into a hug, taking in his warmth. His shirt was soft, and I felt protected in his arms. "I love you, (Y/n) Weir."

I smiled, pulling away and kissing him sweetly. "I love you too, Ethan Morgan."

"Come here." Ethan said as I leaned forward, connecting our lips for a small kiss. He held me to his chest and moved us so that we were laying on the bed. He kept his arms around me as I closed my eyes, the sheets filling me with warmth and Ethan's adding to it. He moved his legs to be under the covers, twirling the ends of my hair.

"You're so beautiful. So sweet, so smart, so strong." Ethan praised, kissing my head in different spots. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, Ethan. More than anything." I mumbled, sleep entering my body.

"More than Benny?" Ethan asked teasingly.

"I love both of you equally." I giggled before I fell asleep.


"Grandma had no idea how she got to that singles resort in the Dominican." Benny said as we walked the next day.

"Mom ended up at Funfunland. Jane was furious she went without her." Ethan smiled as I giggled. Jane loved Funfunland.

"Well, you two look better." Benny stated as we saw Sarah and Erica.

"Thanks to your Grandma getting rid of those tails, you escaped an epic butt-kicking." Erica nodded.

"Hey, what was in that energy potion you gave Erica and (Y/n)? It was like Erica was on a sugar high all night." Sarah asked.

"Little of this. Little of that. A lot of my blood for yours and Ethan's for (Y/n)." Benny said the last part quickly. "Later." Benny walked away with Ethan and Rory.

"I drank Benny's blood? This is awful." Erica spat.

"Yeah. So gross." Sarah shuddered at the thought of drinking blood in general.

"No, you don't understand. I liked it. It was the best. I can't stop thinking about it." Erica panicked.

"Now you know how you know you're obsessed with something. Or, more like someone." I smirked as I walked away, picking up speed to catch up with the boys.
