
Selena's POV
I watch as Wyatt puts some disc like object in his computer and the screen flashes with a image of a chest area.

"Very nice" Gary says proudly

Wyatt then clicks a few keys and the boobs grow an abnormal size and we all flinch back.

"Woah woah woah that's weird guys that's not normal, is it? Why can't we make a boy" I ask

"Hold it wyatt, if there is one thing I know it's female stats, I mean anything bigger than a handful, you're risking a sprained tongue" Gary tells wyatt



The boobs shrink to a normal size.

"Perfect" Gary gushes as he stands up and paces around the room

"Okay now what" wyatt asks

"Should we give her a brain?" Gary asks himself. I take a seat in his chair and watch Wyatt type stuff in the computer.

"Yea definitely she wouldn't be alive without one you moron" I told him

"Yeah we can play chess with her" wyatt calmly says
Gary gave him a confusing look.

"Chess?" Gary asks "just give her a brain okay"

A rainbow colored image pops on the screen with the words brain analysis on the top.It then changes to an image of a person with a brain and on the side it said intelligence level: 5th grader slow learner boring dipshit.

"Wow, boring dipshit huh?" I jokingly ask Wyatt

"Okay that's about all we can do with my stuff" wyatt leans back in his chair

"I can't believe this shit, I can't believe this" Gary furiously asks "did you get a free toaster with this too"

"Hey it's smarter than you" I defend

"The problem is it's a lame idea,.okay?" Wyatt stands up but immediately gets pushed back down in the chair by Gary

"It's not a lame idea, the problem is your computer is a wimp, and we need a lot more power than this"

"What do you suggest?"
I look at Gary to see a smirk on his face.

I study Wyatt as he types on his computer.He presses a few keys and he is sent into a new program. Access denied

"Well so much for that" I nervously laugh

Wyatt types some more and the access denied wall is broken down and he is lead to a room with a skull and the screen starts screaming.Wyatt then locks the screen and moves to another 'room'.
Me, gary and Wyatt look at each other then back to the screen where a bunch of random objects appear.

"We're in" Gary breathes

"Yea in deep shit" I choke out

"This is highly illegal"wyatt tells him which makes me more worried.

"Well you need more input, we got to fill this thing with data, we gotta make her as real as possible, I want her to live, I want her to breathe, I want her to aerobicise" Gary tells Wyatt

Wyatt looks at him and opens a chest full of play boy magazines

"Oh god wyatt what is this" I cover my eyes
He blushes but continues to take them all out and cut up pictures then feed them to the computer.I just watch them do there thing not wanting to cut out pictures of women's body parts.

"Look at this it's moving, it's working it doing itself , it's working by itself" Gary exhaustingly says

They then connect cords and a doll with wires connected to it on a life game box.

They drag me to the ground and strap one of Wyatt's mom's bras on my head. They uncover the doll and gary begins chanting random words to the doll.

"Gary,by the way why are we wearing bras on our heads" Wyatt confusingly asks

"It's ceremonial" gary explains

After that I hear a bolt of thunder and I jumped landing on wyatt.

"Scared ?" He laughs at me

"Oh haha yea" I look at him before realizing im still on him so I quickly get up.

"You ready"


"Let's go"

Gary presses the enter button and a huge burst of wind and light blind me

"Turn it off!!" Gary screams

" It is!" Wyatt screams back

"Holy shit we are going to die" I scream
Everything in Wyatt's room breaks and papers fly everywhere

"Hang up the phone" wyatt tells to gary

"Wyatt what's going on" I scream to him

"I don't know!" He yells

"Well unplug it"

"Okay" he yells as he goes under the desk to unplug the device
He pulls the plug but the power is still on

"Oh shit!" Wyatt screams

Gary comes out of Wyatt's closet with a baseball bat and runs toward the computer

"No IT WAS A BIRTHDAY PRESENT" Wyatt begs. I pull him away and let Gary hit the thing only for the bat to shatter.

All the doors slam close and we all simultaneously yell 'oh my god!'. Wyatt and Gary runs their hands through his hair.

"we gotta get this thing out of here!"

"You do it, it was your idea! "

They started grabbing ahold of each other arguing before Garys throws it out of the window.

I look to see the doll not on the box.

The wind stops and everything turns back to normal but I stared at the door in shock as it look like it was about to explode. Wyatt grabs ahold of my hand and drags me under the desk with him and Gary.

I watch the door expand more and then Wyatt puts his arm around me and faces me away from the door.I hear a big boom and look up at the door to see a woman in a cut sweatshirt and underwear, Wyatt and Gary were practically drooling over her.Shes alive, alive. I felt like a potato compared to her.Finally she spoke up....

"So, what would you little maniacs like to do first"

I sunk into the desk and hid feeling self conscious.
