Chapter 3


Recently I had been taking interest in writing since I had more free time without Miguel. Though I especially took interest in writing things like dialogue and scenarios so I decided to start applying for part time writing jobs to write script for movies to do after school or on the weekends. And to be completely honest I wasn't paying too much attention to what movies I was applying for I was just applying for a few then waiting a few days to receive an email to see if I get the job or not.

One day after school I went on my laptop to check for any new emails. My eyes lit up when I saw I received an email from the official 'The Black Phone' email I quickly clicked it and started reading.

Dear Y/n,  we looked at your application and we absolutely loved your work! We think you would be a great addition to our team and a great representation for our young actors. Just email us back with your contact information and we could work out a schedule to work for you!

From - Scott Derrickson

I squealed with joy and ran downstairs to the kitchen where my mom was making dinner. "Mámi!" I yelled "Yes mija?" she asked dumping a few diced vegetables into a pot before turning around and wiping her hands on her apron. I ran up to her. "Look just read this email I got!" I handed her the laptop and stared at her waiting for  her reaction while bouncing around in excitement. "Oh my goodness! Congratulations sweetie!" My mom set the laptop down before going over and wrapping me in a hug. "Oh I'm so proud of you! How about we celebrate tomorrow with whatever food you want!" You just nodded unable to form words at this point out of pure excitement. "You take your laptop and go email them back!" My mom handed me my laptop and kissed me on my cheek. I quickly ran up the stairs and sat down then started to type an email to them.

 Dear Scoot, Thank you so much for this opportunity I couldn't be more grateful and I hope I can be a helpful asset to the movie! Please give me a call whenever at (***) *** - **** feel free to call me whenever you can so we can work out my schedule!

"And sent!" you spun around in your chair clapping happily. Over time you worked out you schedule and any other information you needed to know before you went to work on set. And tomorrow was finally going to be the day you started working, you we're so excited you could barley get any sleep that night.
