
As you wake up from the slumber you noticed that under the sheets it was very humid in which made you a little uncomfortable.

While you opened you eyes and grunted while stretching you look up to see Deku standing on top of you.

Smiling like a maniac.

You jolted up and backed away to look up at him.

"Holy F*ck, Deku! The hell are you trying to do eh?!" You slightly yelled as his grin became even wider.

Something was slightly wrong but you tilted your head in confusion when your eyes laid on the letter in his hand.

"I got the letter from U.A." He said with a small voice crack as his voice became a little more high pitched than normal.

Your eyes widened and you immediately stood up.

"What are you waiting for then?" You said with the same tone of expression

The moment he heard that he immediately opened it and found a disc, in which he ran to his computer to put it in.

Eventually you saw the one and only All Might.
On a hologram.

He begins to speak with an outburst of a voice in which felt a little too much for you since you barely woke up but followed along either way.

"I know it's been a while but with great power comes great amount of paperwork!" He leaned his head down slightly and raised his hand into a fist onto his mouth to cough.

"My apologies young man" he placed his hand over his chest and bowed.

"The truth is I didn't decide to come to this city just to fight villains"
He kept on speaking and after a while it was going to end.

You smiled widely as All Might from the hologram ended and immediately looked at Deku as he did the same as well.

"I- I got in!" He yelled at the top of his voice leading to more voice cracks, he eventually begins to cry as he looks to you.

You both immediately began to jump and hugged each other tightly.

"I'm so happy for you, congratulations!" Kept on yelling in his ear as he kept on yelling in yours as well.

"I did!" Kept on yelling.

Eventually felt something and stopped, hugging him, and pulled away slightly.

"Deku- we are excited, but please that little magic wand you have" your voice became stern as you narrow your eyes.

His face became slightly pink from embarrassment.
"O-oh yeah, sorry..." he looked away and stopped hugging.

A few seconds of awkward silence, then he looked back at you.

"Hey, did you apply as well?"

You froze and looked up at him.

"Oh yeah- I did. Shit I forgot" scratched your hand behind your head and looked up ceiling.

" I might have to pick it up at my home but..." you look down at the floor contemplating whether or not you should go to your house or not. Didn't want to make him so you looked back up.

"I'll go do that. And then I'll tell you how it went OK?" Nodded as you put your hand on his shoulder..

"Okay then" he said with a soft excited voice as a leaving you a farewell wishes of fulfillment.

You eventually went to go to the bathroom to change and said your farewell to his mother and Deku.

On your way of walking down sidewalks, and through the city alleyways. Attempting to ignore every single person you subject to be. Dangerous.

The day begins to start with the sky from the right becoming pink mixed with orange and the left side to be blue and a shade of purple with mountains. To make it better the cherry blossoms tree blossomed with the clouds from the right with a hue or red, yellow, and orange while the other left was purple and blue.

You sigh is sleepiness even though it sounded more of a yawn as you think to yourself that you could've had Deku watch the sunrise with you even though you know damn well he's too 'busy'.

Enjoying the sunshine reflecting onto the glass in the city and the flowers becoming warmer as well your body gets warm from the light but still feels cold from the whisperes of the wind that comes following through the grass.

You could've teleported to your house but your little dumbass went to another route than normal, but it was fine since you wanted to layout more different parts of the city. Maybe one day if you become a hero you won't need some gps to navigate, you can be your own.

You decided to put on your black headphones on and play Should I call my mom by Subpar since you were in the moment.

You passed around crossroads and almost got ran over by a car and immediately teleported on the other side and gasped for air out from panicking from almost getting slammed on.

"DAMN!" you kept your hand on the side of your heart and looked off to the distance and then behind you to see the car already left.

Finally you made it to your house and you can see the gate lock open.

Your parents were home, that wasn't a good sign.

You jumped over the metal fence to not visibly show you were there and went to the side of the house and used your grip strength to climb the wall to your window. Or what was left of it.

You cautiously placed you hands around the window with broken glass to slip inside to your room. Then all of a sudden


You grunted and froze as you slipped and hit your head aggressively into the broken glass.

The feeling of your head burning from the glass stuck in your head while feeling cold liquid going down your back to your thighs.

"Shit.. shit... shit..." you whispered to yourself in silence knowing you made a lot of noise with that head slam.

You placed your hand on the back of your head to feel the sharp glass stuck on your head, you wince in pain and bit down on your tongue to the point it was numb.

You got up from the ground and whimpered as you lean onto the wall and look behind where the window was and see dark shades of blood dripping down to the carpet.
