Suki kirai (Froggie and Fly)

Is it like or dislike, I don't know, I don't like you
Please say like not dislike, only you, I like you
Is it like or dislike, I don't know
These feelings won't stop, like or dislike you

That stupid guy just had to flaunt her love for me
My head is spinning from this new sensation inside me
Like or dislike what's the line between the two
Guess there's only one thing to do

Well it's done and all, I know what answer she will choose
We'll have a cake and flowers for our wedding too
That's right, we'll live in a mansion surrounded by lots and lots of trees
For our children, we're having three

Wait just hold it, why all this planning
You know we're just fourteen, one four
Like I'd go out with you, I like you
You're a creep, just listen to me
The thing is you're just a wimp
I want a guy more manly

I don't know I want to love you, this fluffy feeling
I'm not listening to the speech, I'm smiling
In my dreams, a panda and milk become a white bear
I love the world and everything there
Is it like or dislike, I don't know
I like you, maybe I do

Yo eh, rainbow quartz
Your favorite stone, I bought it for you yesterday
I saw you looking at it on your way from home one day
I walked halfway across the town from school for you
Don't worry bout it though, I know you do

Oh please, how many times have I told
you you're not my type
But still there's joy in me, I can't deny
Oh I get it, it's because you're never ever this sweet to anyone
What will I do now cause of this guy

Wait just hold it, don't give up on me
I know we're just fourteen, one four
I won't stop liking you, is that true
Would I lie to my future wife
There won't be any problems
Just put your faith in this guy

Because you're the one who lights
up my heart, a blazing fire
Looking at your radiant smile, it burns even brighter
Maybe I can't say I love you just yet
But I know this for sure, I know the answer

Why am I blushing so much today
Could it be my heart is being swayed
You're a dolt, and you're a pervert too
Even so, I see that I love you

Now I know that I want to love you, this glow I'm feeling
On my lap my panda's asleep, I'm smiling
All it took was sunshine and rain for
our amour to grow into a wonder anew

Interlacing hands and a string of red, a bloom of love
We were fated to meet, our destiny
With love one can see, two is everything
Feelings ever true, Rin, Len, I like you

Is it like or dislike, now I know, I like you
You said like not dislike, I'm so glad, I like you
It's not like or dislike, now we know
It's lalalala liking, loving you
