Thank God Its Friday

Almighty. Help us understand every step of our journey in this life. Let us bear good patience as we wait for our prayers to be answered and Your blessings to be revealed. Help us to always trust that Your timing is perfect and that You always work in our best interest! Aameen!


Friday, 5:20am

The melodious voice of the mu'adhin as he called the adhaan seeped through her ears stirring her back to reality from the world of dreams. She reached for her phone which she usually keeps atop The side table which was positioned next to her bed. Her hand however swung and sagged in the air indicating the obvious absence of the sideboard which made her fully aroused wondering if and when she had repositioned it.

It slowly dawned to her that she was not actually in her room. She had relocated to her mother's room in the middle of the night when she could no longer bear the eerie lightenings and thunderous sounds of the heaving rain. She sighed in dismay wondering when she would get over her rain phobia, if she would ever get over it.

She stretched and got into a sitting position, rubbing her eyes slowly with the back of her hand to wipe away the doziness that was still lingering there. She recited the dua taught by the prophet S.A.W to the person who wakes up from sleep.

Alhamdulillahillazi ahyaana ba'ada maa amaatana wa ilaihin-nushur

Her mother was seated on the prayer mat drawing her casbih, she wakes up by 4 am every day and performs the Tahajjud nawafil and only leaves her praying spot when she prays the salatul duha.

Salma admired her mother's taut devotion, she wished she could be like her. Although she also woke up in the late hours of the night to pray, but it was only occasional, when there was something she needed from the All Giver, like after a difficult paper during the exams and she knew that she was in danger of a carryover, or when Abba refused to allow her travel out of the state to attend a friend's wedding, or when she wanted him to buy a car for her, but it takes someone that has a good deal of piety like her mom to make it a daily routine.

She headed to the bathroom, performed ablution, and joined her mom on the prayer mat to wait for the iqamah, after performing the two units of the raka'atanul fajr nawafil.

"Mami ina kwana" (good morning Mami) she greeted her mom after they had prayed subhi. Hajiya Amina, a staunch looking woman who was in her fifties but looked as though she was forty, nodded her head in response to her daughter's greeting, she raised the casbih she was drawing to her signaling that she was in the middle of lazim and didn't want to get disrupted by talking. Salma nodded back in and resumed her morning Azkhar.

It took her about twenty minutes to finish with her supplications and Mami was still not done so she got up and headed straight to her room which is adjacent to Mami's to get ready for work.

Her phone lay on the side drawer where she had left it yesterday and did not bother to take it with her as she ran off to her supposed safety. She glanced at the wall clock in her room and the time read 6:00 am and she eyed her inviting bed, a sudden yawn escaping her mouth. Her inner voice suggested she took another round of a quick nap and convinced herself that it's only to wear off the drowsiness she still felt.

Thirty minutes only

She promised, and she woke up an hour and thirty minutes later.

"Subhanallah!" she exclaimed yanking the sheets and jumping out of the bed. She quickly got into the shower and took only a few minutes to wash off.

It was Friday, which means a formal free dress code day and she got dressed in brownish cream lace with a touch of dark green floral design. She does not bother about her appearance when going to work but she puts extra effort to look good on Fridays to go with the vibe of the day's barakah.

"What do I do with you?" she asked in rhetoric as she carried the fabric headwrap, as much as she liked dressing up in different and incredible styles that her never disappointing tailor made out her beautifully designed Ankara and other native fabrics, she found tying the headwrap immensely sufferable and so she always just draped a matching veil on her head.

She looked at her reflection in the mirror. At 5'6 height, she was fine-featured with all the feminine curves at the right places. She dabbed some colorless gloss on her full soft mouth and applied some khol on her eyes which emphasized their largeness, fringed with curly lashes, eyes that seemed both innocent and daring.

She looked closely in the mirror and realized that the slight blemishes emerging on her smooth forehead had disappeared, the product she got from 'smoothy facials' was indeed very effective. The woman had asked Salma for photo feedback when the cream took effect and Salma promised to give her one. She isn't one to break a promise and so, she picked her Samsung S series, cocked her head to the side, took a quick selfie and sent it to the lady, lest she forgets about it completely.

She was about to put her phone in her bag when it chimed with an incoming call tone and she turned it around to see the caller.

"Not now Yaya Sadam". She said, turning the sound off and putting it inside her Micheal Khors handbag. She made a mental note of calling him back as soon as she gets in the car, then she looked at her reflection in the mirror and thought

Good to go

"Mami I am gone", she shouted when she walked by her room as she headed towards the entrance door. She found her red vibe Pontiac sparkling from a clean wash.

"This new gateman sure knows how to do his job," she said to herself, both sounding and looking pleased. Malam Isiya was employed last week, two days after dismissing the previous gateman Kamilu who had conspired with some petty thieves to steal the inverter batteries. They were caught and arrested and when the investigation got intense, Nazifi's name was revealed as the mastermind behind the heist.

She delved her hand into her bag to bring out her car keys but she did not feel them. She rummaged through the bag bringing out all the contents but to her utter dismay, they were not there

"Where could I have kept them?" she asked in rhetoric and she began to recount the events she got into the previous day when she got off the car, hoping that would help her recall where she kept them.

She remembered going to the kitchen to fetch some cold water as she came back thirsty, then she remembered her purse falling to the ground and her keys falling out of it when she was trying to prevent the glass cup she used to drink water from falling. She remembered picking the purse and her keys from the ground but what she did not remember was putting it back inside before going to Mami's to announce her return. She had probably left them Mami's room, but where exactly? Aaargh...! she was so going to be late! She thought, as she hurried back inside the house.

"Mami have you seen my car key? I left them somewhere in this room" she stated as soon as she stepped into the room and began to look for them, went from one speck of the room to another, opened all the drawers, checked under the bed, and started raising and tossing Mami's set of different shapes of bed pillows.

Hajiya Amina who was engrossed with her Hisnul Muslim finally raised her head to address her agitated daughter.

"Stop messing up my room Salma, you always don't believe that you are going to work late yet you manage to go late every single day, now that is unbelievable". She stated, making an emphasizing gesture with her index finger.

"Mami dan Allah don't start, not now" Salma pleaded in growing frustration and Hajiya Amina shook her head and went back to her book.

Salma searched everywhere but to no avail and when she got tired, she sat down hopelessly at the edge of the bed, facing Mami who was still rooted to her spot.

"Mami" she called out in a tone that suggested she was about to request something.

"I won't lend you my car" Hajiya Amina concluded without looking up.

"Mami please, I am already very late and I would have to walk miles to get to the side of the road and hail a cab, I promise to be back early, I won't speed, I will bring it back in one piece and I will..."

"Your keys are in the bathroom" she cut in.

"Maaaaamii" she called out in an exasperated tone, swiftly getting up and heading to the bathroom. "You've known where they were all along and you let me wander despondently in search for it, what have I done to deserve this?," she asked raising her two hands in bewilderment.

Hajiya Amina chuckled. "it's not my fault that you are discomposed and careless, and very incompetent" Salma who had just came out of the bathroom after retrieving her keys only heard the word 'incompetent' described with her.

"How can you say that I am incompetent Mami" she retorted in defense. "You need to see how just active I am at work, No one beat my dedication and diligence there, not Yaya Sakina and not even the principal" she called the name 'principal as if there was an offensive odor associated with it "Even they can testify to that" she added.

"Hmmm yabon Kai" (self aggrandization) Hajiya Amina mumbled. "yet you manage to go late every single day, I have never come across a tardy person like you, I don't know how that school management puts up with that, you ought to have gotten fired already" she said and Salma gave a bark of laughter.

"Well, it's a good thing Baba owns the school and we so happen to be the management, I guess that makes me unsackable"

"And you tend to take full advantage of that I will see to it that your father does the honors himself, and where did you get the word unsackable? what exactly are you teaching those children" Hajiya Amina queried, activating her English Professor mode

"I don't teach English Language Mami, you can relax, I don't teach at all" she stated in a somewhat dismayed tone. "And to think that my mother wishes to render me jobless, really Mami, what have I done to you this morning?" she asked with feigned despair.

"incompetence" Hajiya Amina repeated with emphasis.

"For the millionth time Mami, I am not incompetent, if only you would watch how I discharge my duties with..."

"Discharge your duties koh, yet after being delayed and knowing very well that you are late, you are nonetheless standing here and ranting, so much for diligence" she interrupted again.

Salma thought her Mom had a point and started to leave, but decided to remark nevertheless,

"I wasn't ranting Mami, I was simply trying to rectify the impression you seem to have about..." Hajiya Amina then gave her a sound glare and she swallowed the remaining statement

"Okay Mami, I am leaving now" she said, starting off, lest she gets a more intense earful from her mom, the look she was giving her right now told her that she was at risk of getting one if she didn't flee.

"Check inside the refrigerator in the kitchen, there is a bottle of fura, take it, and don't go to work on an empty stomach" Hajiya Amina called after her.

"Okay Hajiya Mami, I love you too" she shouted over as she swiftly turned around and hurried towards the kitchen, like the discomposed girl her mother said she was. She was full from distress she momentarily went through about losing her car keys but who says NO to Mami's fura? she took it with her and took off.

Malam Isiya immediately got out of his room which is attached to the entrance door to open the gate when he heard the car engine starting. Salma halted when she came past him and rolled down the car window to speak to him

"Malam Isiya mota ta sai sheki takeyi, sannu da aiki fa nagode" (my car is shining, well done, thanks). He lowered his head to the ground, using his fingers to scratch his head in an embarrassed gesture.

"Haba Hajiya Salma ai aiki nau ne, mi na godiya" he responded in his thick Sokoto accent and Salma smiled at him, Their mom always urged them to make it a habit to tell people thank you for the littlest things because he who isn't grateful to Man, isn't grateful to God. Gratitude is the sign of noble souls and thankfulness is the beginning of it, Mami always said. Salma remembered a saying by William James, a popular poet, that "The deepest craving in human nature is the need to be appreciated" and so, his job or not, he should be appreciated.

"Ga wannan ka saka Kati" She handed him a five hundred naira note and he collected it, crouched to the ground and started chattering words of appreciation. Salma quickly took off without waiting to hear the credits.

She remembered making a note of calling Yaya Sadam back and she got to it. He picked at the fourth ring.

"Hey kid sis,". His voice came through her and she rolled her eyes.

"Yaya Sadam, you can't keep calling me that when you are just a year older than me"

"I may be a year older than you, but I am at least about two decades wiser, and so, since I view you in that context, you are going to remain a kid to me for a long time".

"Okay Yaya Sadam, I will pretend I did not acknowledge that you just call me dumb"

"I did no such thing" He declined, "I merely asserted that I am wiser than you, which I most certainly am, take, for example, you were asked to choose any car of your liking, any car Sals and you chose that!"

"How does my choice of a car have to do with my lack of reasoning?" She asked in a disbelief tone.

"Everything!, it has everything to do with it, but you wouldn't understand, because you are not wise, and I won't bother explaining to you, because you wouldn't understand because you are not wise". He explained.

Salma laughed" Yaya Sadam did you call me just hurl insults at me?, seems like you and your Mom have ganged up and out to get me this morning"

He chortled, "No, on the contrary, I called you because I miss you". He revealed softly and a warm smile curved on her lips. " You told me that yesterday"

"Did I?"

"Yes" she confirmed, "And also the day before" she added.

"Really?!, He exclaimed, "Okay I am taking this one back, when did I become this sentimental, I must really miss you too much to keep repeating it to you, and look, I just said the M. word again, OMG! I think I need help".

"You are impossible Yaya Sadam, Salma said, laughing. " I miss you too, can't wait to have you back, the house is never the same without, this thing called growth and parting ways suck", She said, solemnly.

Yaya Sadam had been her pal, her partner, collaborator, backer, and also the only person in the world who knows how to irritate her. They have been close ever since they were little, wherever he sets his foot, she tails right behind and they always face punishment together because they refused to tell on each other when one of them breaks the tap, spills the milk, or get into any other form of trouble with their parents. They have always had each other's back and it's always been like that. Having only one age difference, they became more like twins and were referred to as 'the inseparable siblings' when they went through primary and secondary school.

Abba sent him to the Nigerian College of Aviation Zaria after graduating and Salma insisted on going to ABU Zaria for her Bachelors Degree just so she could be near him. He completed the course and ultimately became a pilot and the nature of his job doesn't keep him in one place and so, hardly stays around leaving Salma all alone.

"I refuse to get any more emotional" He responded, in an attempt not to, I am going to share this important news I have for you, I have found someone!.

Somehow, Salma guessed Sadam's object of important news was a girl, it always had been.

"Really?" she inquired unenthusiastically.

"Yes," he answered, "you should meet her, she is different". He divulged.

"That is what you said about the three other girls that preceded her, yet you ditched them, but hey, Congrats, I am so happy for you, when is the wedding?"

"Stop with the sarcasm Malama and listen, It turned out I was wrong about those girls, but believe me, this one is differently different. You will think so too when you get to know her, I gave her your number, she will call you".

"Noo Yaya Sadam" she cried out, "You shouldn't have, I always end up at the other receiving end taking in the anguish, rattings, and tantrums of your lovers after a failed attempt of mediation when you obstinately refuse to take them back, you can't keep making me go through that".

"And who says I am leaving her? for God's sakes Sals quit being a cynic, just do your part and play the cool sister and you might as well stop rolling your eyes, I can see you, you look like a jealous ex. Stop being jealous Salma you are my sister, I can't marry you!" he finished on a feigned serious note.

"Ha Ha" she gave a satiric laugh, please Yaya Sadam don't flatter yourself, I don't even get why they fall for you" She snorted.

"The looks Salma, the charm, the uniform, the title, ...

"Oookay Yaya Sadam," she interrupted, as much as I would like to listen to you praise yourself, I have reached the school and I am already awfully late, so, got to go".

"You decided you want to work in that place and you won't admit that you are not wise, I strongly sympathize with you, baby sis".

"Okay Mr. Wisdom, the Zeddicus of my time, I love my job and I love my car, both work just fine for me, find someone to irritate, this one has got work to do, bye".

"Wait!" He stopped her before she could hang up, "She will call you, don't give her that attitude of yours and don't say anything I wouldn't want you to say, she is a very sophisticated girl so, please and please Salma, do not disgrace me".

"Yaya Sadam", She called out in a frustrated tone, "Are you done?" she asked irritably.

"Uhmmmm..., there is one more thing actually"

"What?!" She asked, her patience running out.

"I love you".

That statement went a long way to erase all his provoking remarks and she found herself grinning. He hung up before she could respond.

She honked in greeting as she passed by the securities who immediately yanked open the school gate to grant her entrance. She found a parking space right across from the administrative block and pulled over.

The gigantic three-floored school building loop was painted in blue and white and arranged in a square shape. The central edge surface of the building was boldly labeled 'SSS International College' which could be sighted from meters away. There is a wide-open area with a flag pole at the center, the area is used for assembly, sports activities as well as other outdoor activities. The principal's office is located not far from the entrance gate, alongside the administration staff office and teacher's hall.

She checked the two message alerts she saw while talking with Sadam before getting off the car. The first was from Yaya Sakeena,

Khalid called in sick, I won't be able to come in today, manage things.

"Oh my darling, get well soon". she muttered

The second one was from, a smile automatically crept on her face before she read the text.

If I was asked to count my blessings, I would start from the day I found you, I am grateful for every sunrise that gives me a new day to love you.

A mushy joy dawned on her face and she immediately shut the content of the SMS out of her mind because she knew if she dwelled on it at the moment, she will lose concentration and most likely won't be any lucrative, and so it will have to wait for later when she is in the comfort of her cozy bed, devoid of any kind of noise, when it is only her and her emotions, then she would dwell on the words of the person that dominated her heart.

She walked down to her office that was located in the admin department. A label of 'School Accountant' on a metallic plate and was placed in the front door of the office. She got settled on her comfy chair and powered on her computer to get to work. The term was coming to an end and she needed to get Abba's account summary intact.

There was a knock on the door and she raised her head from the system screen

"come in" she ushered.

Lydia, her assistant, came in. A southern Kaduna woman who looked several years older than Salma. She held a pile of sheets in her hand, "Good morning Ma". She greeted.

"Good morning Lydia, and how many times do I have to beg you to stop calling me that, call me by my name please, that 'Ma' makes me feel old". She attested and Lydia chuckled,

"Okay, Ma...sorry...Miss Salma," she rectified.

"Just Salma will do, what do you have for me?" she asked looking at the sheets in her hand.

"These are the defaulters that their parents were able to settle their fees this week after we sent them home with a reminder," she stated handing her the list and tellers.

"God bless them for responding," She said, extending her hand to collect them.

"I will ring you when I get their receipts ready, thank you" she dismissed and got back to her computer.

Lydia however remained standing and when Salma raised her head to at her, she appeared to be contemplating whether to speak or not.

"Is there anything else Lydia? she inquired.

"Miss Salma I am not sure f I should tell you, but I think you should know, Alhaji Dauda met with the principal when he came to drop off his kids this morning. I stumbled upon him when he was coming out of his office and he looked quite disturbed and so I asked him what the problem was"

she hesitated for a while.

"go on" Salma urged, her gaze turning inquiry,

"He told me that he was going through some financial crisis at the moment and he came to relate to the principal and plead with him to accept a part payment for each child and he would pay off the remaining balance next time"

"And...?" she asked in an irked tone.

"He refused, he asserted that the children will not be allowed to write the examination if he failed to pay before time".

"That insensitive excuse for a being" she grumbled, taking the intercom to buzz at his office. He picked at the third ring and she asked to see him.

Alhaji Dauda has been an exemplary father when it comes to his children's academics. His is a polygamous family with quite many kids all of whom attended SSS International School, some had graduated and some are still in attendance varying from primary to secondary section and he had never deliqueted in paying their fees, for him to come and make such a request means that be was really having it bad and the least they could do is show leniency.

He turned the doorknob and got in without bothering to knock, which was so expected from him, his manners were as short as his stature and his arrogance was big as his belly, Salma thought, giving him a disdainful glance.

"I can see you came to school early as usual, and to what do owe this graceful summon your highness?". he asked, the haughty tone of his voice matching the contemptuous look on his face. Salma didn't care to dignify both of his dry sarcasm with a remark and went straight to the Issue she called to address, she couldn't stand the sight of him for long.

"Alhaji Dauda requested for part payments and you refused". She stated accusingly,

"Yes!" he answered in a very arrogant tone.

"Why?" she asked, her voice trying to betray the calm attitude she was putting on.

"Because I didn't feel like giving him that kind of liberty and to think that he reported me to you?" he chuckled in ridicule. Salma raised an eyebrow, did he just belittled her? She thought to show him what she is capable of and put him in his place.

"Lydia" She called and Lydia who had been standing beside Salma, witnessing the discussion quivered and answered.

"Yes Ma"

"How many children does Alhaji Dauda have in this school?" she asked, her eyes still fixated on his irritating form

"He has six Ma".

"Put three of them on the list of scholarship students, then he will be able to pay the full fee for the other three with the part payment for six".

"What!?" he exclaimed, his eyes bulging out.

"Yes," she said, in the same arrogant tone he used earlier.

"You can't do that, not without the consent of the director"

"Well, she asked me to manage things and this is me managing things, should I show you the text? she mockingly asked.

"You are not authorized to do that"

"Oh but I just did"

"You are undermining my authority". He said between gritted teeth.

"I am doing what I think is right, no hard feelings," She said, getting back to her computer, an indication that he had been dismissed.

He stood and glared at her in contempt. His nose flared spitefully at her. He muttered some words in his Igbo language which Salma knew were insults and curses directed at her.

"Same to you James, Same to you" she mumbled.

He turned around and stormed out office in a boiling rage, banging the door behind him.

Lydia who had been holding her breath ever since the fuss started finally exhaled.

"That was huge," She said, sounding impressed. "But don't you think you will get in trouble with your sister," She asked with a disturbing look and Salma smirked.

"What was the last word in your last sentence?"

"Sister?" she replied, not certain what that was supposed to mean.

"Exactly," Salma said, raising her head to flash Lydia a smile. "We will sort it out" she added and Lydia got the message then, and then she smiled back.

"Exactly" she repeated before turning out to exit.

Salma slumped back in her chair and huffed out some air. She disliked having to quarrel but only that seems to serve some people.

The man had always disliked her ever since she took her place in SSS about a year ago, he thought she was too young to walk on shoulders with him but the truth is, he felt threatened by her like she was going to eventually take his place and kick him off his seat, but who wants to be principal? she thought, She just wanted to be a classroom teacher but had to settle on being the school accountant on Abba's instruction, if only he knew, she thought.

she always tried to stay clear of him but sometimes, he implements unacceptable regulations regarding the school which Yaya Sakeena overlooks but Salma does not, and his loathing grew with every disagreement that she gets an upper hand. she shrugged off her thoughts and refocused on her work.

Salma wasn't blabbering when she told Umma that she was a diligent employee, by 2:00 pm, she had successfully cleared her table, she was able to update the financial record of the school by documenting each transaction, and processing invoices and orders, prepared weekly expense reports and managed the monthly budget, and prepared a report to the school general on performance and funding opportunities.

She stretched her back which ached from being in one sitting position for hours finally acknowledging the rumbling and grumbling sounds her stomach made in a reminder of its food deprivation, she thought to go to the school canteen to grab something to eat but kicked the idea when she remembered the fura she brought along and kept inside her bag, she brought it out hoping it had not soured. The cool moisture from the bottle suggested that it was still good and she took a gulp and savoring in its delightful taste, only Mami knows how she makes this thing, she swore. She had tried the recipe several times but it didn't come half close as good as hers.

It remained about one hour before closing Salma decided to watch an episode from her newfound Turkish romantic comedy series "Early Bird" to pass time. She loved the lead actor, Jan Divit, some of his behaviors and attitudes resembled that of Mukhtars, her lips curved at the thought of him and she immediately shut him out again,

Not now

she said to her wandering mind, with a smile.


So this is Salma and this is her life!

She says "Nice to meet you too".

Your thoughts about her?.

Do you think that Tareeq stands a chance with the way she seemed to be very much in love with her Boyfriend Mukhtar?

Who is he by the way?

Follow me and let's go find it out together.

Maryam Gide.
