My Hijab

When you’re shouting at me about this and about that

Just remember that so close it’s in my face that you spat.

“Take that off here, you’re free”…this is our cultural mosaic…

Brother please, just stop talking, really, I don’t know if I can take it.

I have to act like you now since this is my home

And in this country, there is no room for the backward to roam.

So I just nod and walk gracefully by

I take each one of my steps with my head held high.

You want to tell me how to act, but not what to believe,

How to suck it up and fit in but never relieve

This burning desire I have deep down in my heart:

To see the lies - and know the truth by tearing them apart.

So, despite what you think and what you might do

I am going to remain me as you are still being you.

And that means I have to see into the darkness to understand the light

Just as I have to see the injustice to understand why I fight

For the liberties that, yes, my granddaddy went to war to protect,

But apparently I can’t have them for myself, oh no, not yet.

I have to look like you, and with all that I see, apparently

I have to give up on being that real true me.

But I can’t do that and you know that as much as I do

Just by looking at this extra yard or two

Of fabric that covers me all up and shows you what it is I believe;

As it blends together my dignity with those rights which from me you cannot thieve.

So stand back, let me keep going – really, just let me walk by

Because if you ask me, harass me, I will never lie.

I tell you what’s on my mind though you may not be ready to hear

That this little covered lady can bite off your ear.

So try and tell me, with all that you’ve got, what to do

I won’t listen, I have only one Master, and He sure as hell isn’t you.
