Monday week 1

It's monday 7 am, Sarah's alarm is beeping. She has to get up for school, she doesn't want to go. For breakfast she's having some cornflakes. She almost fell asleep again, at 7.40 she had to go to the bus stop. She arrived at school at around 8.10 she was happy to see her friends. Her first lesson was Geography she doesn't really like it, why does she even have to learn about it? She was really distracted, she kept on looking at her best friend, Sophie. Sarah is sitting all the way in the back. Her second lesson was maths, it was alright. After that she had 2 lessons Dutch, it was pretty boring and she just wanted lunchbreak to start. Finally it was time for lunchbreak, her favourite part of the day. She had a sandwich with Nutella and some apple slices to go with it. After lunch break she had French, wich was alright. They talked about food almost the whole lesson, it made her kinda hungry tho. After French it was time for RE (Religious Education) it was quite fun, they talked about bullying and teasing. Last lesson it was music, it was boring they talked about high notes. The notes that they talked about weren't even that high. At 3.40 pm Sarah headed to the bus stop, she didn't have to wait that long. At around 4.15 pm Sarah got home, she didn't have much homework to do so she just went on her phone. She ate pizza that day, pizza Hawaii, her favourite. She started on her homework at 7 o'clock. She went to bed at around 11 pm. She woke up a couple of times that night, but that's okay, it happens quite often. She also talked to her girlfriend Rose that day. Now she felt quite tired and sad that Monday, she doesn't know why. It probably wasn't her day or something.
