An unexpected trip...

._. dont ask me anything. 

And also, in the dream, I know that I was dreaming, and I keep decide to go through the flow of the dream instead try to wake up. So yea that's why I can write stories like this one. 

The underlined sentence are my thoughts when I KNOW I was dreaming. 

So yea just onto the story.


When I realized, everything had done. Like someone has set it up, perfectly. Here we go again, another wierd "lucid" dream.

I was on a train. To where? I wasn't known. Just know that... In my memory, I've been left alone, I left the place I could called it the orphanage. I was... keep walking... to where I wasn't known. The people... looked at me with such disdainful and hatred. And then... I was ended up on a train....

I was wearing a tattered blanket, well, I used ropes to and with my hands, so I re-designed it, not really revealing. Has straps, dont misunderstand. So, like I said, I was on a train to... well, I don't even know.

(You know what?


From this part

I've freaking write 700 more words on my phone

Then what?

Battery died.




let just start over... again...)

I just ended up here. With no ticket. Yay me. 

I thought what will they do when they caught me with no ticket. Probably kept me until the next station and send me to an orphanage. Or let some kind of slave trade took me away. Who know? Oh well...

I sat next to the window, so I could watch trees and trees moving backward. I always like to sit near the window. The snows had stopped falling, but hadnt all melted yet on the ground. so it just a mixed of snows, rocks, soils, sands and dirt. The sky was covered by the grey of clouds. All I could remember of the outside was that.

Yea, just staring like that. Just, forget all the things was happened... let us saw what this train was leading me to my way, in this dream...

- Ehem!

I turned around. Just to saw the not-in-the-good-mood inspector. I couldn't remember what was he wore or how he was looked like. But, the not-in-the-good-mood  inspector's expression.

- Ticket, please?

I sighed.

I looked down on my feet, noticed they were bare, fulls of scars and bruises because walking. Oh well, that wasnt matter me, right?




(why u always keeps dots dots dots in 3 lines in mostly every single chapter there author?)

Well, they was. Really was. And I was got a plan for my feet to got more hurts, again. 

I suddenly jumped over the inspector and pushed him, made him falled down on the ground. Chased the chance, I ran away. I could felt the pain caused on my feet again. Nope. Not the time to care about that.

- Catch her!! - The voice behind me yelled.

I ran through coaches and coaches. All the passengers on the train looked at me with the eyes: "A beggar kid? Ew!". Or I could say, disgusting. Huh. Interesting.

I kept ran and ran, until the end of the train. I realized it was moving very fast. Very. Like 400 km/h. And the prosecutor still chasing me. Great.

There was no time for me to thinking. I took a deep breath.




Then, feels the winds flew through me, the hardness of the ground, jumped off the train. 

The prosecutor had reached the end. I could remember his face was shocked and terrified, until darkness blinded my vision.


Did my death end like this?


My eyes tried to open, but something seemed sat on, heavily. I tried again. It did work, but the right one can't. My hand was heavy, slowly and carefully touched the right. A shot of pain hitted and I gasped, growled. Then, through my hand, I could feel something wet on my right cheek, and it was red. Another drop rolled down on my cheek and it was dark red too. Well sh(ee)t.

My body seemed crushed, each single tiny bones seems blended with pieces flesh of mine.  I breathe heavily, growled in pain every time I tries to moved just a joint. All of my body seems covered with dirt, rocks, sand, red liquid and pain. Too exhaused, I just fainted away, my vision blacked again with a shape of a man, his shadows landed on me with the dirt. And a voice, echoed all in my mind, even I can't remember what'd he said.




- Will they even survive?

- I don't think so. I saw them fainted on a train railway.

- They definitely not crushed by the train. Since there's no sign of the train crossed.

- Deary! Their left eye is hurted so bad!!

- I'm not gonna curing some wander. No money, no help.

- How d-dare you even say so?? A child!

- I will help her. Forget about that selfish doctor.

- But.. you're-...

- I will. Promise.


I slowly opened my eye, realizing everything just white. Am I in heaven? Ha. Previous dream was hell, now's heaven.

No. Not heaven.

Something comfy under me, more better under my head. I turned my head, saw a hanger (idk what's called) hold 2 bags, one is half contain yellow liquid, had a wire connected to my arm. Another wire from other bag, thirt quarter of red liquid, connect to my left chest. I was covered in white blanket, except for my head and arms. Wait.... is this my.... memories? No. I wasn't opened with 2 eyes. My left eye was covered. Wierd. Oh right. I remembered what was happened. Jumped off the train. Why not?

- Oh! Y-you're awake!

A voic, a bit stammeringly was heard. A lady in white nurse uniform. Her hair was yellow, seems to be shoulder-length, tied up slightly. She wore a thick glasses. That was all what I could remember about her apperance. She held some papers, seems the informations about me. She looked at me, then called again, a name that I couldn't heard or being blurred:

- U-Um... miss ######? They're awake!

From the curtain long by the door, appeared a woman. She was older than the yellow lady, much. Her hair was long, a mixed of black and white, and grey. Clearly to say she was like over 40 or 50. She came to me, then I realized I was on a bed. She looked and greeted me with her warmest smile I ever knew or seen, but somehow I could felt sadness somewhere hidden behind her eyes:

- It's nice to see you've awake. I'm #######, a nurse of this hospital. And this is #######, my nurse student. - Then she looked at the bags - I see that you've fainted for a long time. Have you feels better?

I nodded slightly. These peoples was acting very nice to me, but still I'm a little afraid of strangers.

- Oh, and I should explain why you're in here. - The old woman began - You see, the forest edge was where I'd love to go for a walk with my student. We both enjoyed it. Then suddenly, my student found you was lying on the dirt. You was hurted so badly and your left eye... was injured with the sharp of  rock. I couldn't believe in my eyes ... such a young, poor child with so much... - She stopped for a while, then continued - Then, we have to bring you to the hospital, where we work.

I carefully listened to her. With her words and tone, I could say, she's a mother. A mother who had suffered a lot, of her family. She continued:

- Thankfully, you was survived. You was luckily survived. Don't worry, dear child. You just need to rest here for a short time until you're fine enough. - She smiled at me again. Truly to say, I could stared at her smiles everytime I saw her.

Yet the dream didn't let me. Someone's voice echoed, and the old lady turned back, said:

- Yes, I'm coming. Please wait me a moment.

She looked at me again, sighed:

- I have to go now. Just rest here and I'm sure you'll be fine. Don't worry, we'll take care of you.

Then the old lady stood up, and walked away with her student. They lefted the silent in the room, the silent that I didn't felt safe and seems like I was being watching. To my tiredness, my eye started to close, filled my vision with black void.


1393 words not including 4th wall. Ok then

During final exams and I'm writing this. This dream until now is very old, like 1 month ago. But still I could remember it. Ok that's it. Bye
