Chapter 1: Being Asked

One morning Princess Celestia Rose the sun and Princess Luna lower the moon with their alicorn magic. Rainbow dash's alarm went off loud enough to wake her up. Rainbow dash was never a morning person but she forced herself to get up anyways. She grabbed a small blanket and wrapped around her because it was cold. She walked downstairs To get some breakfast.

"What to eat, what to eat?!"

She grabbed some fruit along with a glass of water for breakfast. After she ate continued with her daily routine like doing her early flying. She flew out the door to do some flying. As she was flying away the mail pony gave rainbow dash importan mail. As she open the letter she noticed that it was from the wonderbolts! She was excited to get a letter from the wonderbolts.

Dear Rainbow Dash,

We would love it of you came to the tryouts and show us your stuff. Tryouts will begin at noon. We hope you can make it and thanks for saving our lives at the best young flyer competition!



Rainbow Dash was so excited that the wonderbolts wanted her to be at the tryouts. Rainbow Dash can't wait. As she continued flying She kept on thinking about the wonderbolts. she was so distracted that she accidentally bumped into some pegasus that she couldn't recognized for a minute.

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going."

"No need to apologize I should have noticed but I was to focused eating this delicious apple pie.

"Wait a minute, I should have recognized you from before. You are Soarin The wonderbolt!" Said Rainbow Dash.

"Let me guess, you're a fan aren't you?!" asked Soarin.

"Big, big, big, big fan. I've been trying to get into the wonderbolts for like forever!"

"You must be Rainbow Dash! The little pony who saved me and my pie! I cant believe I didn't recognized you either." said Soarin.

Rainbow Dash and Soarin sits on a cloud and began to talk about the wonderbolts.

"Hope to see you around, Soarin." Rainbow Dash said in a awkward tone.

"You too Rainbow Dash." said Soarin.

Rainbow Dash was getting ready to take off but Soarin stopped her.

" Actually Rainbow Dash, I have a question for you." said Soarin in a quiet voice.


"Um.. Well.. I was.. Um, if you would... like to um, go out for dinner tomorrow. Heheheh." said Soarin in a nervous voice,

Rainbow Dash seemed a bit awkward but it's a chance to hang with her top idols so she decided To go with it.

"I'd love to go. You don't have to be nervous to ask. I love hanging. Would ya like to meet up after the tryouts?" Rainbow Dash said laughing.

"Very funny Dash and sure why not." Soarin chuckles.

"Great, see ya at the tryouts, Soarin!"

Rainbow Dash took off and continued her flying.

Soarin blushed a little as she took off. He was actually happy bumping into his hero. He sits there in the cloud thinking about what just happen. Soarin was really looking foward to dinner With Rainbow Dash. Soarin then just realized he had to get back to the Wonderbolts Academy. Spitfire would hate if he was late for practice. So he stormed off.

Rainbow Dash was so excited that she can't wait to hang with her idol. She tries to acted like nothing happen and just play it cool but it was just hard to keep it in. Rainbow Dash needed to tell her friends the news. She noticed All 5 of her friends at Sugarcube Corner. She flew inside. As she entered her friends was staring at her awkwardly.

"Guys you won't believe what just happen! Wait, why are you staring at me weird?!" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Congratulations Rainbow, We are so happy that you were asked out by Soarin!!!" Said Twilight.

Rainbow dash had her mouth wide open And pretty suprised.

"What!? How did you guys know!" Asked Rainbow Dash.

"Well when I was on the way to AJ's I saw you and Soarin sitting on the cloud, and when he asked you to dinner you said Yes. And we wanted to wish you good luck!" Said Pinkie Pie.

"But, did you know that Spitfire and Soarin used to be together but gotten into a big fight? Maybe she still likes him." said Fluttershy

"Well um, I guess she will get over him, right?"

"I must design you a dress! Anyways, Is this your first date? I never knew you that type of person including that you don't have feelings for any pony."

"Date?! Please, This is just a hangout and just talk like what normal ponies would do.Besides, I don't think he likes me anyways. " Rainbow Dash said in a awkward voice.

"If you say so." Replied AJ.

"Well, you must look nice on ur (Rarity pauses) first hangout."

"Rarity, I've been on lots of hangouts. This is not a date. He asked me to go out for dinner with him, that's it." Rainbow Dash in a loud voice.

Her friends calmed themselves down. They all know that it will end up as a date. They just know it. Rainbow Dash flew back to her house and continued her day. She flew to her bedroom and looked at herself in a mirror.

"Is Soarin really asking me out on a date?"

"I nevered been on one because I'm not a loving person."

"Well he is kinda cute, His sparkly green eyes. But, he is also a really goofy pony that eats too much pie." Rainbow giggled.

"Well if this is a date, I guess I have nothing to say about that."
