Chapter Twenty-Two (Demetri's)

Chapter Twenty-Two (Demetri’s)

I watched Ellie left the room, leaving me alone with my father. He had an emotionless look on his face, making me a little nervous. I expect him to cast me out of his home, or disown me for killing Rose. After all, what person can stand to look themselves in the mirror after killing someone of the same blood?

“How are you, son?” He asked me, surprising me a little. I didn’t expect those as the first words out of his mouth.

“I’m fine.” I said, placing my hand over the wound in my stomach.

“Good.” He nodded.

There was a long silence. I was becoming uneasy. I have a feeling that I’m not going to like this conversation.

“Just say it, father.” I said, braking the silence. “Just say whatever it is that you came here to say.”

“Alright then. I’m heartbroken about what happened yesterday. I spent hours mourning over your sister and I’m still in mourning. You know that when your mother past, it was hard for me. It was hard for all of us. Yesterday was like that night all over again, only my own son committed the crime.”

“I’m sorry father.” I said quickly. “I didn’t want to. I almost stood there and let her kill me, but then I thought about Ellie and you and our kingdom. I’m next in line for the throne. It’d be selfish of me to leave my kingdom in search of a new heir. I hate myself for what I did and I can’t take it back. I killed me only sister and I will be cursed with the memory of that for the rest of my life. If you want to exile me or disown me, I will understand. Why would you want a monster like me around? I give the house of De Rege a bad reputation.”
All I want is my father’s forgiveness. I know that I hurt him and there’s nothing I can do but apologize.

“I don’t hate you.” My father said. “You’re my son, I could never hate you. And I understand that you did what you had to. But that doesn’t change the fact that she’s gone. And I can never forget that it was you who took her away. I need to know that I can trust you. Tell me why I should forgive you. If you don’t feel as though you should be forgiven, then maybe you shouldn’t be. If you feel you’re worth forgiving, tell me why.”

Do I deserve to be forgiven? I killed Rose. I’m the one who plunged the stake through her heart. Rose could be complicated and cold hearted, but she was my sister and I loved her. I don’t hate her for what she tried to do. I forgive her.

If I can forgive her for what she did. I can also be forgiven for what I did. Both acts were equally bad.

“I deserve to be forgiven because you forgave Rose for trying to kill me, your son. She came close to killing me, but I used my last bit of strength to kill her first. I’m sure if she would have gone through with her plan, you would have forgiven her. Therefore I should be forgiven also.”

“Good.” My father said, nodding. “I do forgive your sister and I forgive you too. I just wanted you to forgive yourself.”

“I do. I did what I had to.”
“Yes you did. Now, I have some things to take care of. You get some rest. Those wounds will heal quicker.”

“I will. Thanks.”

My father left my room and soon Ellie returned. She studied me and I could tell she was looking for some emotional distress from me.

“I’m fine.” I said.

“Really? What did King Lucien say?”

“He forgave me.”

She smiled and I couldn’t help smiling back. It’s funny how when she’s happy, I am too.

“Good.” She said. “I was so worried that he’d be hard on you. You disserve to be forgiven.”

“Come here.” I reached my hand out to her and she took it. I pulled her close and held her in my arms.

This is all I’ve wanted, is to hold her in my arms again and feel her warmth. Now that I have her back, I’m never letting her go.

“Let me heal your broken rib.” I said, biting into my wrist.

“No, you’re supposed to be healing. I can’t take your blood.”

“I’ll be fine. I’m not going to let it get worse. Here, drink.”

I held my wrist out to her and she hesitantly put her mouth to it and began to drink. She doesn’t know, but I love it when she drinks from me. It‘s a great sensation. I feel like we’re connecting.

“That’s enough.” I said, pulling my arm away. “It should be healed soon.”

“Now it’s your turn.” She said, holding out her arm to me.

“No Ellie. I already told you…”

“Please?” She frowned.

I could hear her heart pumping the blood that’s coursing through her veins which made it harder for me to resist. I’m incredibly thirsty but I refuse to drink from anyone but Ellie. But now I’m afraid of draining her.

“Just take a little.” She said. “I want to help you.” She gave me a pleading look.

Took her arm and brought it to my mouth. I sank my teeth into her forearm. She winced and I felt sorry for hurting her. Her sweet blood filled my mouth. I could feel my strength returning to me and my wound hurt less, telling me it’s in the process of healing.

“Okay, I think that’s enough Demetri.” Ellie said.

I want to let her go, but her blood is so sweet and my strength is returning. Just a little longer.

“Demetri, that’s enough. I can… hardly stand.”

I looked up at Ellie’s face and saw her eyes beginning to droop. I pulled away from her and wrapped my arm around her waist as she collapsed.

“I’m sorry Ellie.” I apologized to her. “I couldn’t help myself.”

“It’s okay.” She said in a low voice. “Do you feel better?”

“Yes. Thank you. You sleep, okay?” She nodded before closing her eyes.

I picked her up and placed her on the bed. I climbed on beside her and wrapped my arms around her. I’m happy that the elders allowed Ellie to stay. Banishing her would have ruined me. I can’t lose Ellie. She’s changed me. I used to be so unhappy before she came. I never smiled and I was very anti social. I didn’t like anybody and I always misused my power. From the moment I saw Ellie I was intrigued, but the law would forbid us to be together.

I took the risk of falling in love with her and I don’t regret it. We fought to get to where we are now. We can finally spend our lives together without anyone’s objection. At this point, that’s all I want.


There's the chapter! This chapter didn't turn out as well as I wanted it to, but it'll do. Tell me what you thought of it. It could have been much better in my opinion. And I'm thinking of making the next chapter in Ceasar's POV but I'm not really sure yet.

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