Ask God For Help


Memory Verse

       With your hands you made me and helped me become what I am. Now help me learn and understand your commands.

Psalms 119:73 ERV

God's Word

       The Lord is the One who made us. He knows everything on us even the smallest part of our lives. We can never hide before Him.
      He is our very present help in troubles.
      The psalmist knows that God is able to help him and he asked God for a help, a help to understand His commands.
      As we understand the commandments of God, for sure we shall continue to obey Him and it will help us on our daily lives. Ask God for help of understanding and He will surely show us His ways.

God's Character

      He is our Help

God's Promises

      He will help me to understand His Words

Life Application

      I will ask God for help
