06: My Jealousy

"What's going on?"

On the day of the collaboration concert, Iori entered the prep room only to find the rest of I6 members and TRIGGER crowding over a huge flower bouquet. It contained a card with a message, but without a name.

"I'll be watching you today."

"The message is kind of creepy, but the bouquet is beautifully arranged," Sougo commented while admiring the beauty of fresh flowers.

"I wonder who it is from." Ryuu, just like the others, could not think of anyone who would send a flower with this peculiar message. Instead, the boys began to imagine that this bouquet was from the people they loved or dreamed of. Mitsuki imagined that the bouquet was from the legendary idol Zero. Tamaki hoped that the flowers were from his long-lost sister, Aya.

Iori touched the card and flipped it to the back. It looked like a plain card with a black back on the surface. Iori moved it around slightly so that the room light would shine on it. There, on the back, a crown symbol appeared. A crown, though it looked different, was Kujou Riku's idol symbol. Even if Iori hadn't done so, he knew for a fact that this bouquet came from Kujou Riku. It couldn't be anyone else when Riku always sent him congratulatory messages, even if they sounded robotic. He knew Riku was terrible at putting his feelings into words. Iori was grateful that the solo idol went through the trouble of getting a meaningful gift and writing down his own words.

Thank you, Kujou-san. Determined, Iori was sure to use that strength to create the ultimate entertainment for everyone.


"Natsu Shiyoze!"

"Oi, oi!"

When the song started, TRIGGER members ran to the different edges of the stage, encouraging the audience to shout "oi" along with them. Gaku gave the audience around him a thumbs-up. Ryuu waved to the fans on the other side. Tenn winked, earning a loud scream from the young women. Riku felt like he had been transported into another world entirely. That wink was everything, even when it wasn't just directed at him alone. It showed that Tenn acknowledged the people in front of him, that he wanted to tell people that he was thankful they were there for him.

Riku shook. He didn't think watching a concert could have this much of an impact on his heart. When he first saw TRIGGER on stage the day after he got to Japan, he did not feel a thing. No, back then, he probably shut himself off from that dazzling world. Now that Riku began to open his heart, he began to see the world in a different colour and shade. His heart was throbbing so fast he could hardly stand still. This must be 'excitement'. Ah. Riku wondered how Tsukumo could say that idols did not care about the fans when they were clearly living for them.

Seconds later, I6 ran towards the front of the stage and joined TRIGGER in singing, dancing, and interacting with each other and the audience. Their presence was dazzling, so dazzling that Riku wanted to stand under the spotlight with them. Perhaps this was the reason people loved I6. Unlike Kujou Riku, they weren't making people watch them. They connected with them by dancing and singing with them, creating smiles on people's faces. Because the boys weren't perfect and because they were very much like ordinary humans, the fans felt they could relate to them. An idol didn't need to be an unreachable figure to stand out from the crowd.


"So how was it? That concert you were dying to see." Tsukumo Ryo asked while driving Riku back to his apartment.

The idol didn't reply, only staring off into the distance.

"Was it not fun?" Ryo glanced at Riku one more time, ready to mock the boy's lack of emotions. Instead, he was surprised by the sight before him. "Oya? Someone's crying."

"Why...?" Riku sobbed. "Why did father have to raise me this way?" He looked at his manager's face, his eyes full of pain. "It was dazzling. They were all shining so brightly together, smiling happily with their fans. It was so dazzling that I couldn't bear to watch it without feeling like I bore some sort of grudge towards them." Riku couldn't stop his tears from flowing any longer. "I'm jealous, manager. I'm so very jealous. Why must I become a star that no one can reach?"

Ryo didn't really know how to deal with a breakdown like that, so he stayed quiet until exhaustion finally got to Riku and cleared that negativity away. Riku turned back to being a doll once more when his mind told him to forget about the things that did not matter.

"Well, I see now why Kujou raised you this way."


"Kujou-san, you were the one who sent that flower bouquet, right?"

Iori gave his friend a call late that night. While TRIGGER members were drinking and celebrating with the others, he stepped outside IDOLISH6's dorm. He needed some time away from all the noise. This happened to be the perfect opportunity for him to catch up with Riku.

"How did you know?" Riku answered.

"Well, clearly someone doesn't know how to write a letter." Iori chuckled.

"That doesn't mean that it was me."

Was it Iori's imagination, or did Kujou sound irritated? His tone was normally a little softer, even if he could be too blunt at times. Iori thought he should go with his gut instinct for once, so he asked, "Did something happen?"


Okay, something did happen. Worry filled Iori's heart as he thought of possible scenarios: did Kujou get in trouble for going to the collab concert? What could make him grumpy after the concert? Was it something about him or his twin brother? The icy prince wasn't sure whether he should push further, or give the redhead some time to cool down.

"Iori," Riku decided to break the silence. "I should congratulate you on holding a successful concert today, but..." He paused to steady his breathing. "I can't seem to do so." The fire of jealousy had not completely gone out. Every time he remembered the sight of the concert, it burned. He wondered how long it would take for the fire to stop burning. "This thing called jealousy, it hurts. But for me to not congratulate you, it isn't fair."

Iori knew that dealing with emotions wasn't easy, especially when it was a 'new' concept to Riku. Honestly, though, he did not expect Kujou to be so sensitive, considerate, and perhaps too pure. The guy ended up worrying about Iori's feelings instead of his own. The least he could do was to not make him feel any worse. "If our performance managed to stir up some hidden emotions within a stoic guy like you, then I consider our performance a success."

"You're not mad?"

"Why would I be? You silly person." Iori found that side of Riku adorable. The younger boy just hoped it wouldn't cause him too much pain.


IDOLiSH6 were on a roll. Not long after their successful collaboration concert with TRIGGER, they were informed that they were getting their very own live TV show called 'Kimi to IDOLiSH6 Night'. The hype did not just stop there when Ogami Banri soon burst into the meeting room, saying TRIGGER would appear as their very first guest on the show. The co-training of the two idol groups resumed once again. The preparation went without a hitch, and so the boys and the staff at Takanashi Productions were in high spirits on the morning of their show. Nervousness could never compare to the excitement the young idols were feeling.

Fate would not let things go so smoothly, it seemed, when Banri rushed into the filming studio, panting and sweating heavily. "Big trouble, everyone."

Ugh, does it have to be today? Iori's hands trembled. He had worked himself to the bone, making sure that everything would go smoothly, and now that Banri appeared to be panicking. He feared something terrible had happened.

"Ogami-san, what's wrong?" Tsumugi rushed to Banri's side.

"TRIGGER got into a car accident on their way here."

The idols froze. The first thing that came to mind was whether their co-workers, no, their friends were okay. "No way... Are they hurt?" Mitsuki placed whatever he was carrying on the floor and joined the other boys in gathering around Banri.

"Fortunately, their injuries aren't serious. However, they definitely cannot make it here tonight."

Iori cursed under his breath. A good thing TRIGGER would be alright, but he had a show to worry about. Postponement wasn't an option when they had their TV slot set in stone. To make matters worse, the talk show was scripted in such a way that a guest was definitely needed.

"Is there nothing we can do?" Tsumugi felt hopeless, as anyone would be. This show was so big of a chance that if they couldn't do it, IDOLiSH6's career would be in danger for sure. While President Otoharu was trying to reach Yaotome Sousuke, it fell to little Tsumugi to come up with some sort of strategy. She and Banri began contacting other agencies. They knew full well that the chance of other idols accepting such an urgent request was near zero, but they weren't in a position to give up. Not when the boys' future depended on them.

It was then that Iori saw a glimmer of hope. He knew someone he had been regularly contacting. Someone who was probably talented enough to take the job. Someone who was also working in the same industry as them.

Kujou Riku.

No, no, hell no. It was too much of a risk. Iori would be going over too many lines. One, Kujou could get in trouble with his manager or his father. Two, he would be breaking Kujou's promise. Argh! But what other options did he have? None! His group was in a desperate situation. He felt guilty, but as people said, desperate times call for desperate measures.

"Everyone." He took a deep breath as he caught everyone's attention. This is it, Iori. "What if... we invite Kujou-san instead?"

There was silence, and it was soon replaced by the loud "EHHHHHHH????" People were baffled by what Iori had just said. Now that Iori had said it, there was no turning back. His eyes darted left and right, observing everyone's shocked faces before continuing. "There's no time to explain. I can contact him directly."

His heart felt heavy. Selfish, ah, how selfish he could be towards the guy who was always so considerate? They were doing a show, a talk show to be exact! Definitely something an emotionless Kujou Riku would struggle with. Just before he drowned in regret, he heard his leader's voice.

"Okay, Ichi. We're counting on you." Yamato spoke after catching everyone's eyes. They all nodded in agreement. "Is that okay, Manager?" He confirmed it one last time with Tsumugi.

"Y-yes, of course! I'll begin the preparations right away." Then she rushed off, dealing with the staff of several departments.

Yamato and the others stared as Iori began to dial Kujou Riku's number. The leader felt bad for placing a great burden on their centre. It should have been him, the leader and the oldest, who dealt with these situations. If he were to be completely honest, he suspected most people in I6 did not have such a good impression of Riku. After all, they heard that he was the reason Nanase Tenn messed up at Music Festa. The 'living doll' rumour was also somewhat troubling. Not that they had any other choice at this point.

"Kujou-san!" I6's attention turned to the high school boy once he started speaking. "L-listen, I have a favour to ask. A big one."

Mitsuki was surprised by how Iori got straight to the point like that.

Riku stopped the music that was playing in the practice room. It didn't come to his mind that something was off. "What is it?"

"So we are doing our first live show today..."

"Ah." Riku cut Iori off. "Kimi to IDOLiSH6 Night, right? Sure, I'll watch it." He was planning to anyway, even if Iori hadn't asked.

Cute. Iori had to slap his face mentally. This is not the time to be distracted. "That's not the point, Kujou-san!"

The other I6 members looked at each other, wondering if Iori was okay.

Iori continued. "TRIGGER got into an accident so-"

"Tenn-nii?!" Riku cut Iori off yet again. "Is Tenn-nii okay?!"

"Let me finish my sentence, you idiot!" Here he was, ready to break under pressure. Couldn't Riku be a little easier to deal with? "Seriously, is your brother the only person who could get you so worked up?" He vented before getting to the point. "TRIGGER is alright, but they definitely can't make it here tonight." Finally, Iori took a deep breath to calm himself down. "Is it possible for you to be our guest instead?"

"..." Riku paused. He was not expecting that. Him? On a talk show? Impossible! And what of his agency? What about his father? How would he deal with them afterwards? Several questions ran through Riku's mind.

I'm jealous, manager. I'm so very jealous. Why must I become a star that no one can reach?

All of a sudden, the memory of the collaboration concert flashed in his mind. This was his chance! His chance to learn to connect with people, to change! Acting on that sudden desire, Riku gave his final decision.

"Understood, I'll be there soon, Iori."


Well hewlo again lovely ppl! I'm back! I don't have a lot to say about this chapter but I hope you enjoyed it. Please feel free to comment if you'd like. For now, bye bye~
