The next day.
I woke up to my alarm. I did my morning routine and got a call from work.
Looks like txt are free today to record the song.
I got ready for work

I headed downstairs and made myself a cup of coffee with toast.
I brought food last night for today in the fridge so that jin could get his beauty sleep.
I wrote a note on a sticky note telling them that i am off to work and the foid is in the fridge and i pasted the note on the counter.

I got my car keys and drove to work.
During the drive to work i played txt and bts songs.

I reached the studio and headed inside.
Then i got everything ready for recording. After some time txt arrived and we spent the whole time recording till we were satisfied with the results..

Me: it was fun working with you guys. Hope this song is loved by your fans.

Soobin: same here noona. Hope we can work together next time too.

Me: Sure

Then they left the studio.
I checked the time and it was already 8pm. So i decided to get something to eat. I headed to a nearby café.
I ordered a slice of cake and coffee and sat down while waiting for my order .

??: Y/n is that u?

'i heard my name and turned around to see who it was'

Me: Oh my gosh Hanbinna! 

Hanbin: hi y/n long time so see.

Me: same here what are you doing here?

Hanbin: Just came back from my studio.
I'm guessing you too

Me: yeah, have a seat with me it's been so long since the last time i saw you.

Hanbin: yeah 3 years is a lot. You got even prettier.

Me: oh my thank you. U look handsome too.

Our food came and we talked for a long time. Before leaving we exchanged numbers and waved each other good bye.

I headed home and didn't forget to get some CAke for the others at home.

At home:
Me: oppas!  I brought cake!

After i said cake everyone came running downstairs.
To be continued....
