Chapter Sixteen: Old Friend

Will's POV

I've never loved my parents more than I did when they said Nico could stay. Nico gladly answered all their questions, some he was a bit hesitant to answer but did so anyway. I learned more about Nico because of this. I learned that he used to live in the woods, a good distance away from the city and that he and his older sister Bianca ended up here by chance. Also that the shop owner Octavian had killed his sister and kidnapped him, which is how he ended up at the Cat's Meow in the first place. It was hard to see the tears in his eyes when he talked about his deceased family. I don't know what I would do without my parents..

After a week of Nico staying here and being just another member of the family. He still cries as he thanks my parents, how cute. My parents went out again and since it was the weekend, Nico and I had the place to ourselves. After watching the newest episode of Adventure Time, Nico complained for twenty minutes straight once it was over, I decided to get Nico out of the house and take him to the arcade down the block.

I was pretty upset with myself for not taking him sooner. Though it was funny to see how excited he got once I explained what an arcade is. We got dressed and hurried outside. I held his hand as we walked so we wouldn't get separated. His face lit up when I grabbed his hand. It turned red too. His pretty weird but I wouldn't have it any other way.

We were walking and he was just admiring everything about the city when he suddenly stop, calling out "Hey! Hey!" excitedly. I couldn't help but smile at his sudden dog-like behavior and I allowed him to drag me to bit. I looked up and saw a short girl with purple (dyed maybe) hair carrying a small boy on her hip. Nico gave one last shout before lunging and tugging on the boy's leg.

"Woah!" The girl spun around, revealing her AoT shirt.

The boy she was carrying wore a black beanie that blended in with the strands of black hair that poked out of it. His emerald green eyes were shielded by thick rimmed glasses. He looked down at Nico and smiled.

"Hey!" The boy grinned, the girl who was holding him looking confused.

I smiled and waved at the girl, letting Nico and the boy talk. Apparently they knew each other. The girl laughed at how happy the boy he was holding looked and waved back. Her blue-grey eyes looked energetic.

"I'm Will," I had to speak a bit louder to be heared over the sounds of city and Nico and Little Mystery over there speaking. "And that's Nico."

"My friends call me Kitty," she giggled. "Don't ask why. And this is Budsters. I assume..." She points at Nico's beanie, which was also black.

I pointed back at Budsters and she nodded. "Well, you're the only other person I've met who's friends with a Neko."

Kitty nodded and kisses the side of Budsters head, making him snap up from his conversation with Kitty and look at her funny. After a moment though he was back talking with Nico. We stood off to the side of the busy sidewalk and chatted for awhile. Apperently Kitty had gotten Budsters from the Cat's Meow as well. I wonder how many other cats have gone this long without getting caught as a Neko. After we chatted and me and Kitty exchanged phone numbers, I noticed it had gotten late and Nico and I went home. We both completely forgot about the arcade. Maybe next time.
