Chapter 3

Jungkook: J-Jennie?

Eunwoo: so me and Jennie will be getting married!

Everyone clap and I did too

Y/n: aren't you happy for your brother...

I look at him and he looks sad and mad

Y/n: Jungkook-

Jungkook took my hand and he threw me in the car.

Y/n; ouch!

He drove very fast

Y/n: j-Jungkook slow down

He didn't speak

Y/n: hey! Are you listening to me


I kept my mouth shut. I notice this wasn't they way home.

Y/n: j-jungkook

Jungkook: what did I say...

Y/n; this not the way to my house...

He ignored me

Y/n: where are we going-

I stop talking when I see the tears in his eyes falling down. Then we stop at a house. He got out and I did too. I follow him in side

Mind; this is probably his house

I went in and Jungkook slammed the door. It made me flinch.

Jungkook: ahhhh!

He push everything on the ground and it cause it to break. Then there was a picture for him and that girl and he threw it at the wall behind me. I was frightened.

Y/n: j-Jungkook-

He came close to me

Y/n: h-hey why a-are you coming so close

I back up until my back touch the wall.

Y/n: j-Jungkook-

He leans in closer and he went to my ear and whispered.

Jungkook: are you afraid~

I looked down but Jungkook lift up my chin so I was facing him.

Y/n: j-Jungkook are you ok

He moves back. He started to drink beer. And breaking stuff again

Y/n: j-Jungkook your destroying your house

Jungkook: does it look like I care

I walked up to him and took the beer out of his hand

Jungkook: Hey!

Y/n: shut up and stop acting like a child!

Jungkook; who say I was a child!

Y/n: you acting like one!

Jungkook: give me that!

Y/n: no!

Jungkook snatch it but I try to grab it but he pushed me and cause me to fall and the glass cut my skin.

Y/n: *groans* I had enough

I get up and grab it again and drank it all. That was my first time drinking.

Y/n: ahhh

Jungkook: what was that for

Y/n: how strong was that

Jungkook: hey you drank it all!!!


Jungkook: is that how you talk to your boss like that!!!

Mind: omg he drunk

Jungkook: I can fired you

Y/n: *sigh* Jungkook go take a shower and sleep

Jungkook: why are you here anyways


Jungkook; why would i bring a virgin bitch to my house

He crossed the line

Y/n: that it! I had enough of you!!! If you won't shut your funken mouth then I'll shut it for you. You stubborn piece for shit-

Jungkook passed out

Mind: shit he heavy

Y/n: ughh

I lay him on the bed and looked around.

Y/n: look at all the mess he made

I clean up his mess he made and I look at my arm.

Y/n: shut it hurts

I looked for a aid kit and found one. I bandage it up. And it was 4 in the morning.

Y/n: I have work in a few hours

I look at Jungkook and he looked cold so I put a blanket over him. Then I fell asleep.


I woke up with a headache.

Jungkook: *groans*

I looked around and it was clean. I looked down and I see Y/n on the floor sleeping.

Jungkook: what the heck?

Then I see her arm bandage up.

Jungkook: what happened

I look at my phone and my eyes widen

Jungkook: SHIT!!!


I heard a scream and I woke up

Y/n: *groans* what the hell

Jungkook: we're fuckin late!!

I get up and fix myself

Jungkook: really your just wearing that

Y/n: what do you have clothes I wear

He rolls his eyes.

Jungkook: I'm gonna take so wait here

I nod. I waited for like 5 minutes and he came down

Jungkook; come on let's go

Y/n: your hair still wet

Jungkook: don't care now let's go

I went in his car and we drove to work.


We arrived and I get out.

Y/n: finally!

We went in and I went to my office on the top floor where Jungkook office was.

Y/n: who was that girl? Was she Jungkook ex? Her name and face sounds familiar?

I thought about it and it click

Y/n: It's Her!! Kim Jennie my other bully and Jungkook girlfriend which now I know is his ex.

"Y/n come to my office"

Y/n: *sigh* what does he want

I went in his office.

Jungkook: somebody wants to see you

He turns around and my eyes got teary with anger

???; h-hey

Y/n: Mark what are you doing here

Mark is my ex boyfriend. He abused me and he cheated on me multiple times.

Mark: I came back for you

Y/n: shut up and just leave

Jungkook: Y/n! Don't talk to him like that

I walked to his desk and slammed my hand on his desk.

Y/n: shut up you know nothing of what happened between me and Mark

Mark; babe chill

Y/n: don't tell me to chill

Mark: come on please come back

Y/n: why should I? Your the one who abused me and cheated on me. Why should I come back?

Mark: I've change

Y/n: you told me that so many time and I believe it. I'm not the same person you saw

Mark: ugh your so stubborn

He grabs me and drag me out of the room. He slaps me.

Mark: you are embarrassing me!

Y/n: *scoff* shut up you bitch

Mark: now you got a mouth. Maybe I should shut it

He kick my stomach and I spit out blood. And he chokes me

Mark: watch your mouth you sluty whore

He throws me and I'm on the ground coughing. And he goes back in the office. I stand up and walk in.

Jungkook: so how was your conservation

Mark: great!

I kept coughing

Mark: me and her are back together

Y/n: shut up no we're not

He glare at me

Jungkook looks at me with blood on my mouth and my neck bruised like a hand print.

Jungkook: mark what did you do

Mark: what do you mean

Jungkook: you did something

Mark: u didn't

Jungkook: I'm sorry mark but I cancel the deal.

Mark: what!! That not fair!! This is all your fault

I close my eyes cuz he tired to smack me but Jungkook grab his hand

Mark: w-

I open my eyes and see

Jungkook: get out and don't ever come back here again. Security!!

They came and grab him. Jungkook looks at me

Jungkook: come here

Y/n: w-why

Jungkook: just come

I come and sit on his chair. He took out the aid kit.

Y/n: what are you doing

Jungkook: treating you

Y/n: why?

Jungkook: just for a thank you

Y/n: for what

Jungkook; yesterday

My heart starts to beat faster

Mind: why is it beating so fast

