
Text between Mama Hall, Papa Hall,Jasmin,&Bryce

Jasmin~Don't you fucking dare show up here and ruin my life I left Maryland to get away from you and live my life. I started YouTuber to actually do something, don't you dare come touch me or my child. You have no right. Have you told Dad you killed your on child did you ever tell dad that you were pregnant huh? No then if you show up here I will call the cops I don't give a fuck no more!
Bryce~Touch my sister you will have a problem with me. Yeah did you ever tell Dad? Stop hiding shit and being innocent you ruined our lives stop!!!
Mama Hall~ Y'all are my kids you guys will listen to me your getting that abortion weather you like it or not!!!
Papa Hall~Lay a hand on my daughter and my grandchild I won't hesitate to show the cops right now. I can't believe you lied to me I'm finally to sign these divorce papers.
Papa Hall left chat
Bryce left chat
Jasmin~Now your alone
Jasmin left chat
