Chapter Eleven


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Chapter Eleven

          “I love you,” Brent says to me as we’re packing to leave.

          “I love you too,” I reply, smiling at his cuteness. Brent is really loving, surprisingly. He used to be kind of cynical and a bit of a player, but now he’s whipped beyond repair.

          “You know…how I always told you that I was late because of the janitor’s closet called?” he asked, and I nod, “Well, I was just saying that to make you jealous.”

          “Why?” I laugh.

          “I had this huge crush on you, and you hated me,” he mumbled.

          “I did not hate you,” I say.

          “I thought you did,” he says.

          “Brent, you know very well now that I don’t hate you! Do I have to remind you?”

          “I know…but a little reminder wouldn’t hurt,” he smirks, and I kiss him.


          “Ready to be home again?” Brent asked, as he pulled into our long driveway.

          “Yes,” I sigh, tired due to jet lag.

          “Me too,” he says, getting out, and getting all the bags before I could.

          “Brent,” I hiss.

          “What?” he’s playing dumb and I know it.

          “I can carry some of the bags, okay?”

          “Nah, I got them.”

          “God, you are beyond whipped,” I roll my eyes, and walk inside, greeted by our parents, who give us tons of hugs.

          “BRENT’S YOUR MATE!” His mom smiles. Leave it to Brent to mark me in the most obvious spot, right on the base of my neck. It was really hard to hide the black paw print, even though it was only the size of a quarter.

          “Yeah,” Brent says, grinning.

          “We’ll give you guys time to unpack,” my mom said, and we went upstairs.

          We walked up stairs, and I tried to take my bags from Brent.

          “Nope, you’re staying with me, until we can get our own place,” he says.

          “But what will our parents think?”

          “That we’re mates?” he says in a ‘no duh’ tone.

          “But-,” his lips interrupt me, and I kiss back, willingly. He picks me up, and carries me into his room, and sets me down.

          “Looks like you’re staying here,” he says, his voice husky.

          “UGH! You’re not fair!” I grumble.

          “All’s fair in love and war,” he smirks.


HEY, it's me again, you see that last line?  >>>FORESHADOWING!!!!!!<<< (;
