Where We Stand

When the door shut behind her silence rang through like a gong. Felix was the first to speak. "What are we going to do?"

"Well, for one, we can't let Abigail go home until Dante gets back. He'd kill us for leaving her alone," Agustin replied.

"Mira and Camilo would, too." The healer agreed with her husband.

"Speaking of Camilo, get out here. Now. Both of you."

Feeling like a kid that just got caught with their hand in a cookie jar, he listened to his mother, gently taking Abbi with him. The boy was courteous enough to have a sheepish look on his face. "How'd you know we were there?"

"I'm your mother. I know everything. What were you doing back there?"

"I thought you knew everything." That cheeky remark earned him a smack to the back of his head. Abigail giggled behind her hand.

"Clearly, you do find my pain amusing." He eyed the adults, rubbing his  head to sooth the pain. "You're not actually taking her home, yet. Are you?"

"Not until her father comes to get her. She's staying with us. As agreed."

The shape-shifter nodded. Satisfied with the answer. They'd have more time to figure out where they went from here.

"Carina, we do have to ask. Do you know where Mirabel is? Is she ok?"

None of them failed to see how the girl moved closer to Camilo. How she tightened her grip on his hand. The way he smiled and squeezed her hand in return. Something had changed between the teens and the four of them couldn't help the content smiles that spread across their cheeks.

"I, uh, I don't know. Lo siento mucho." Julieta came over and hugged the girl.

"Will you help us find her, then?"

"Si, lo hare." She turned to the curly-haired boy next to her. "Come with me?"

"I planed too. I'm not letting you out of my sight. Bueno?"

Making their way to the courtyard, Camilo heard his father say something along the lines of "It's about time." He smiled at that, a light blush crossing his cheeks. Agreeing with him wholeheartedly.

"Mira? Mira, where are you?!"

Abbi was starting to panic again. She knew Mirabel was still in the house, just exactly where was a complete mystery. And that scared her so much, that she unconsciously tightened her hold on Camilo, making him stop in his tracks.

"What is it, Mariposa?"

When she looked up at him, he saw how scared she was. How those big, beautiful eyes shone with unshed tears. How she clung to him as if he'd disappear.

"What if we don't find her?"

"We will." He tilted her chin up and kissed her forehead. Protectiveness still on high.

Just then, Abbi looked up and saw Mirabel duck down behind the railing upstairs. She wasn't alone either. Is that.........Senor Bruno?

"Mirabel?" The brunette saw the pleading look on her friends face as Camilo searched for his cousin. The bespectacled girl made an 'X' with her arms and gestured to another area of Casita. Abbi nodded, glad her friend was safe. "Mirabe-"

When Abbi turned around, what she saw stunned her to silence. It looked like Camilo had involuntarily shifted again. This time with the head and hands of an infant. The boy was not amused.


That high-pitched voice would have sent her over the edge with laughter. Only Abigail just couldn't bring herself to do it. So instead, she followed him (keeping her distance a bit), waiting until he righted himself.

Soon enough, that head of curly hair was back, along with those gorgeous hazel eyes. Something was off, though. He just stared at his hands, eyes unfocused, breathing in short somewhat rapid breaths.

Slowly, she placed a hand on his arm. "This-this never happens. I always have complete control over my shifting."

"What's it like?"


Now she laughed a little. "No. What's it like having magic?"

He smiled at her, grateful for the distraction. "Well, I don't know how it is for everyone else, but me. I have to focus on who I want to be. Picture them in my mind. Then I getting this tingling feeling. And boom! You have another Jose, or Luisa, or.......whoever."

Looking directly into her eyes, he decided he'd tell her one his biggest fears. "It's great, you know, for the family. For the town. Don't get me wrong, I love my gift. It's just.....it's just sometimes I feel like I'm not enough." He took a deep breath. "Sometimes, I forget who I am. What I look like. And that's one of the things that terrifies me. People never need me for me. They always want me to be someone else.

"That's kind of why, I'm glad you don't like my power. I can just be me. Or at least try and figure out who I am."

"I never said I didn't like it." Her voice was gentle and soft. Like she was afraid that if she spoke any louder, he'd crack.

"But, even when I offer, you--"

"Because I like seeing you, Camilo. I like being around you. Even-even though, I get nervous.........I don't want you to be anyone else. And.......if you let me, I'll help you find yourse--"

He kissed her again. Hoping to let her know how grateful he was to here her say that. How happy she had just made him. Bringing a hand to the back of her head, he gently pushed them together. I could definitely get used to this.

"Was that.......was that the tingle you were talking about?"

A chuckle escaped him. "No. That was much better."

They just stood there, looking in to each others eyes. Content smiles and rosy cheeks. It felt like they were the only people in the world. Nothing else mattered.

It was becoming so easy to push away her negative thoughts when she was around him. Maybe, just maybe, he could help those thoughts disappear all together. She'd have to tell him eventually, but for now she settled for placing her arms around him, smiling when he reciprocated the action.

"Camilo.............,I really, really like you."

"I like you, too." He pulled away but only enough so that he could look her in the eyes again. "If you want, I could talk to your dad. See if we can get his approval."

"You--Would that change anything?"

"Probably not. But I really want to be with you. I want to do this right."

They leaned into the other, lips centimeters from touching, when a plant sprouted up between them, pushing them apart. Startled, they both observed the unwelcome thing. Abigail's curiosity got the better of her and she reached out to touch it.

"I wouldn't do that. Isa said some of them are carnivorous."

Camilo grabbed her hand and tugged her toward his sister. Dolores had that little smirk she always had whenever he'd talk about Abbi (which was often). He just rolled his eyes.

"Shouldn't you be helping everyone look for Mirabel?"

"Shouldn't you?" she countered.

"I was. I just got distracted."

"I heard."

"Of course, you did."

Abigail could only smile as the siblings bantered back and forth. No venom or foul meaning in their words. It was just playful. If Mirabel and Isabela could be like that, they'd be much happier.

Soon enough, the two sisters could be heard laughing like they didn't have a care in the world. They fell from the sky and landed in a bed of flowers, right in the middle of the courtyard. Joy exuded off of them in waves.

"You're a bad influence," Isa said as she flicked a flower in her sisters direction.


To say Señora Alma was angry was an understatement. She walked into Casita looking shocked and confused. Underlying how upset she really was.

Abbi intended to be by Mirabel's side, but Camilo only held her hand tighter. She looked back at him and saw the apprehensiveness in his eyes. Don't.

"Abuela? It's ok! Everything's........We're gonna save the miracle. The magic--"

"What are you talking about?! Look at our home! Look at your sister!"

"Please just...........Isabela wasn't happy." Mira tried to explain her reasoning, but her grandmother wasn't having it.

"Of course she isn't happy. You ruined her proposal!"

"No, no, no. She needed me to ruin it. And then we did all this!" She gestured to all the new exotic plants that grew in almost every single area in the house. "And the candle burned brighter and the cracks--"


"That's why I'm in the vision! I'm saving the miracle!"

"YOU HAVE TO STOP, MIRABEL!" There was only a beat of silence before the Madrigal matriarch spoke again. "The cracks started with you. Bruno left because of you."

Casita started rumbling. "Luisa's losing her powers. Isabela's out of control. Because of you! I don't know why you weren't given a gift, but it is not an excuse for you to hurt this family."

Abigail had finally had enough. Wrenching her hand out of Camilo's grip, she made her way over to her best friend. Both girls looked as if they would cry at any second.

"And you! You were to be sent home, immediately! This is a family matter!"

That stung. Abigail had always thought she and her father were a part of the family Madrigal. Apparently, she was deeply mistaken.

The cracks became more prominent as the silence dragged on. Mira took Abbi's hand in hers before she spoke. "I will never be good enough for you. Will I? No matter how hard I try." She glanced at her sisters. "No matter how hard any of us tries. Luisa will never be strong enough. Isabela won't be perfect enough. Bruno left our family because you only saw the worst in him."

"Bruno didn't care about this family!"

"He loves this family. Abigail loves this family. I love this family. We all love this family." The more they argued the more the cracks spread. "You're the one that doesn't care. You're the one breaking our home."

"Don't you ever........."

"The miracle is dying, because of you!"

No one could have expected those words to come from Mirabel. Least of all her grandmother. A stunned silence rang through. Then the floor split in two, dividing the two arguing Madrigals. Casita had started to fall.

Meanwhile, the local carpenter had just returned home. Greeting friends as he walked by. However, the further he went into town, the more he noticed how things had changed. Had he been gone that long?

Strange plants growing out of every crevice and a large crack in the middle of the road. When he looked in the direction it was coming from, his blood ran cold. The Madrigal house. He ran.
