
—the next day

"wake up!!" you continued to shake taehyung who didn't even move.

"why are you so hard to wake up?!" you turned him around.

he was now facing you, his eyes were closed with his bangs covering them.

"tae, wake up please." you slapped his cheek lightly.

"kim taehyung!!" you shouted loudly.

he groaned and turned his head to the other side.

"you know what!! you're gonna wake up the hard way," you went to the bathroom and poured some cold water in a cup.

you splashed it on his face and he gasped while sitting up straight.

"why the hell did you do that?!" he said while kept his eyes closed shut.

"you were dead asleep!! i thought you weren't alive! get up!!" you shouted.

"stop shouting!!" he wiped away the water on his face.

"ughhh!! tae we're gonna be late!!"

"where are we going?" he said softly while rubbing his eyes.

"the teacher said we'll go out to explore. now please go get ready i've been waiting for half an hour."

"sorry~" he cupped your face, making you blush as he got up and went to the bathroom.


"i'm finished let's go!" he excitedly said and you both left the room.


"glad you showed up." the teacher glared at you two.

you bowed multiple times while taehyung smiled sheepishly.

"everybody left and went to explore the city, you guys can go now. be careful and come back before 12!" she shouted as you two were walking away.

you lifted your arm up and gave her a thumbs up without looking back.

"i wanna go there," taehyung pointed towards an alleyway filled with graffiti on the walls.

"that's pretty.." you unknowingly started walking towards it.

you looked around in admiration as your eyes roamed around the beautiful walls filled with eye catching designs and patterns.

you didn't notice taehyung bringing out his camera and taking pictures, he was taking pictures of you, not the wall.

you traced a finger across the wall and taehyung smiled as he took a picture.

"so photogenic." he mumbled.

"tae look, it's a puppy!" you pointed at a drawing.

he put his camera back inside the case and smiled while heading towards you.

you both walked around and enjoyed the scenery, after a while you both ended up in a field filled with grass.

"can we sit down? i'm tired." taehyung said.

"yeah, let's go sit!" you were skipping happily and then sat down.

you've never felt such happiness and freedom.

"are you happy?" taehyung said as he sat down.

"beyond happy."

"i'm glad." he came closer to you and wrapped his arms around your waist, laying his head down on your shoulder.

you felt yourself blush as taehyung caressed the sides of your hips.

"let's go hang out in the lobby at the hotel, come on!" he pulled you up, intertwining his fingers with yours as you both walked.

"you can let go of my hand you know.." you said.

"oh.. sorry." he let go of your hand and you both entered the hotel.

you saw seulgi walking up to taehyung, she greeted him and he greeted her back.

they both left while talking and you were now all alone.

you bit your bottom lip and looked down, right at that moment someone wrapped their arms around your waist.

you looked up and saw jungkook, "i don't know why i missed you~" he said.

you slightly chuckled and you both went to some sofas.

you both sat down while talking, "did you know mr. kim is dating mrs. lee?"

"shut up." you said.

"i swear!!"

you widened your eyes, "i thought they hated each other?!"

"well you thought wrong."

you gently pushed his shoulder as you laughed, "they look cute together though. i'm glad she's dating someone like mr. kim, he's such a nice guy."

"oh why thank you." someone said, making you jump and land on jungkook's chest.

"oh.. m-mr. kim.. i.."

"don't worry, i loved whatever you two said. it was so cute." he smiled.

you and jungkook smiled, "so i see my favorite student with a guy huh?" he said as he sat down with you guys.

"uhh.." you said awkwardly.

jungkook laughed, "stop making her nervous."

"okay okay," the teacher laughed.

"anyways, it is true that me and mi- i mean," he sighed. "it is true that me and mrs. lee are dating." he smiled.

"that's good then, you found a lover." you smiled.

"thank you." he said.

"anyways, jungkook, hows your brother doing?"

"come on.." jungkook dropped his head back in irritation.

"i'm serious!" he laughed.

"he's doing okay." jungkook said.

you were confused, "nah you don't need to know." jungkook said.


"well i'll go now. have fun kids." he smiled and left.

"i love that teacher." you and jungkook said at the same time making you both laugh.

"anyway, what did you do today?" you asked.

"nothing, seulgi left with some guy and i was just roaming around the streets."

"aw poor jungkookie"

"stop baby talking me it's embarrassing."

"sorry." you said, sticking out your tongue at him.


"have you ever been in a relationship?" jungkook asked.

"no.. i haven't.. i'm scared to be in a relationship, i'll most likely get broken in the end." you shrugged.

"of course you won't.." he whispered, you didn't hear it though.

"why's the question?"

"i don't know, just curios." he shrugged.

"what about you?" you asked him.

"yeah, she was a gold digger so i broke up with her."

"bitch." you said irritatedly.

jungkook laughed hysterically, making you chuckle.

"was she even sad about it?" you said, still irritated.

"nah, she said 'you weren't rich enough anyways'!" he mocked her with a high pitched voice, making you laugh.

"that irritates me." you said.

"what does?"

"girls only dating guys for money. like, if i would date a guy i would date him because i love him, not because i need money, money doesn't buy happiness and it never will. i'd just be happy by spending time with the one i'm dating. that'd be nice." you smiled.

"you really wanna date?"

"yeahhh.. haven't found the right guy yet."

"mm.." he nodded.

"you know, its not only girls who are gold diggers."

"so you're saying guys are also gold diggers?" he said and raised his eyebrows.

"not all of them." you corrected him.

"ah, right."

"let's stop talking about this." you laughed.

"sure thing," he smiled.

you both talked for a really long time, you didn't even notice the lobby slowly becoming empty by the second.

"hey," he said and cupped your face.

"yeah?" you rubbed your eyes.

"you're tired, go sleep." he ruffled your hair.

"okay, goodnight jungkookie." you waved to him and he waved back, you entered the elevator and it started heading up to your floor.

you opened your room's door and taehyung wasn't there, you were confused, "where is he?" you suddenly remembered him being with seulgi and that slightly made you upset.

you laid in bed after you changed into some comfortable clothes.

you couldn't sleep at all, so you grabbed your phone and started going through social media.

you found jungkook's insta account and followed him, he followed you back within a second and you messaged him, 'on your phone i see ;)'

shut up you should be asleep right now 🙄

okkkk then goodnight jeongguk

it's just a username omg

ok lol


you laughed and taehyung entered, making you flinch.

he didn't even spare you a glance, he immediately went to the bathroom.

you sighed and turned off your phone, you slept and taehyung slept afterwards.

you suddenly woke up a few hours later and you groaned, grabbing your phone to check the time.

01:23 am.

you sighed and opened up social media, you decided to go through 'jeongguk''s pictures and see what he posted.


his profile picture;

"so aesthetic" you said.

yo fam are you awake

send me your pfp it's so beautiful

did u just call me beautiful

yes i did


just screenshot it


you better send it to me later

give me ur number then

not now later



-studying:(( how're u guys

197 likes, 27 comments

damn u so hot

can we date

im fuckin exhausted tbh, and since when did u look cute 👀

that's my boyyy

work it biisshhh

don't forget to study well or i'll whoop yo ass

@jhoe replied to @worldwidehandsome
oh god mom's back at it again

@worldwidehandsome replied to @jhoe
shut up horse face

@parkchimchim replied to @worldwidehandsome
ok stop it


oh wow look at jungkookie

@jeongguk_ replied to @parky/n
r u serious

@parky/n replied to @jeongguk_
yes omg


-back at it again with @jhoe 🤪🤪

153 likes, 12 comments


-i stole jungkookie's phone :)) how're you guys

232 likes, 53 comments


who's this cutie damn

@jeongguk_ replied to @parky/n
what are you doing here leave 😤

@parky/n replied to @jeongguk_
i'm too busy admiring this angel right here


-guess who has jungkookie's phone again ;)

207 likes, 19 comments



@jeongguk_ replied to @parky/n
have u ever seen him in school????? i'll introduce u to him tmrw

@parky/n replied to @jeongguk_
wtf no i'm too scared to face an angel

@parkchimchim replied to @parky/n
awwwwwww who is this cutie right here

@parky/n replied to @parkchimchim
holy fuck is that you

@parkchimchim replied to @parky/n

@parky/n replied to @parkchimchim
SKSJSHD i'm sorry.

@parkchimchim replied to @parky/n
i'll dm u rn wait

@parky/n replied to @jeongguk_

[no reply]



i saw ur insta feed

ure so cute

shut up no i'm not

after a while of talking, jimin said he had to go to sleep.

you bid your farewells and continued on checking through jungkook's posts.


-HI GUUUYS we're back!!!

231 likes, 43 comments.



-were such idiots 🥴 @parkchimchim

223 likes, 31 comments.


there were more pictures of him, jimin, and some pictures he took of scenery and nature.

you absolutely loved his posts.

you didn't even realized it was 3:04 am.

you turned off your phone and went to sleep.


god i hate myself for making it so short
i'm sorry this is so boring it's 4:56 am and my cramps are really bad god give me the strength
hope ya enjoyed ilyyy

