17 - Sneaking Around

It takes everything in my willpower not to beg Louis to come back with me. Even though my feelings are completely out of control, I don't want to rush things between us. I knew he would be really nervous and I was too. It has been a long time since I've been with anyone properly. When I got back in, Niall and Lara instantly guessed what had happened, with it apparently being written all over my face. They promise to keep it quiet though, meaning me and Louis are free to sneak around and keep things between us. And believe me, we sneak around at every chance we get.

Whether it be in back of his car parked in the middle of nowhere, an empty, quiet corner of campus, or even hidden between the shelves in the library with no one around, covering our faces with a book - we simply could not keep our hands off each other, or pull away from each other's lips for very long. And somehow we've still never been caught and intend to keep it this way - it's our secret, after all. However, keeping it on the down low gets very frustrating during society meets or whenever other people are around. In these situations, I'll often spot Louis blushing and biting his lip slightly while looking at me, driving me completely crazy because I can't do anything about it.

Regardless, it's total bliss and I feel like I'm floating on air. I thought being unable to keep Louis off my mind was bad before, but now it's just impossible and constant, bringing a smile to my face no matter what I'm doing. We manage to see each other nearly every day which is truly all that matters to me right now. I can't even begin to understand how I got so lucky. On Tuesday night, exactly two weeks after our first date and kiss, Louis calls me, which still isn't anything out of the ordinary, yet it still excites me greatly because I haven't seen him all day.

'Hey, boo,' I say excitedly as soon as I answer the call. Boo is a new nickname I have for him - it started as a joke but has since stuck, much to his annoyance (although I'm convinced he secretly loves it). 'I miss you.'

'We only saw each other yesterday, babe,' Louis laughs. 'I have missed you too, though, I can't lie.'

'You have missed me?' I repeat, trying to tease him. 'So you don't miss me now?'

'Well, I don't need to,' Louis says and I can tell he's smiling.

'What do you mean, Lou?' I ask, smiling too. I can never help it when it comes to him.

'I'm outside.'

I jump up off my bed.

'What?' I ask, rushing across my room to look out the window. I move my curtains and peer outside. I immediately spot his car parked outside. 'Wait, I see you!'

Louis laughs down the phone, 'Hurry up!'

'I'm trying!' I laugh, as I scramble to pull on my shoes and a jacket.

When I finally get out the house and into Louis' car, he greets me with a small peck on the lips.

'I've missed that,' I tell him, taking one of his hands in mine. 'I'm pretty much addicted to your kisses.'

'Yeah, I can tell,' Louis teases, quickly kissing me again before starting the car.

'Where are we going?' I ask, still holding his hand.

'Anywhere,' Louis answers with a smile, as we pull away.

We drive off into the night, talking deeply and singing along to our favourite songs. For some reason, I don't feel nervous doing this with him, it just feels completely natural. But then again, so does everything with him. At one point, we end up getting take-away at the drive thru. Louis orders us two large chocolate milkshakes with our food. I can't help but laugh at this.

'What's so funny?' he asks, as we drive away from the speaker and towards the collection window.

'Your obsession with chocolate milk,' I laugh. 'Just something I'd never expect from you.'

'Hey, you can't beat a good choccy shake!' Louis says, playfully punching me in the arm as we get to the window. He takes our order and pays, thanking the server, then proceeds to take a long sip of the milkshake. 'You see, it's really fuckin' good!'

I take a sip of my own drink and can't deny that's he's right.

We end up driving off to a country lane after that, where Louis pulls into a layby, before climbing into the backseat, beckoning me to join him. I climb over too and he pulls me in, before kissing me - a familiar routine for us both. We sink back into the seats, our mouths moving perfectly together, sending tingles throughout my body and the butterflies in my stomach to flutter wildly. It never goes beyond this and I didn't expect it to, but I'm perfectly content with just kissing, especially when Louis is so good at it.

When we pull apart for a moment, I gaze down at him, running a thumb across his cheek.

'Can we go back to yours?' I ask, without realising how it sounds. Louis eyes widen and I quickly add, 'I didn't mean in that way, shit, no! I just...really wanna cuddle all night and watch Netflix with you or something.'

Louis stares back up at me, twirling some of my hair in his fingers.

'I dunno, Haz,' he says. 'Everyone's home -they'll probably just be dickheads about it and not let us get any peace. They don't even know I'm seeing you, sorry babe...'

Louis' voice trails off before he plants a kiss on my nose.

'Oh, okay,' I say, feeling slightly disappointed as we both sit back up again. 'I would suggest mine, but I don't know how we'd both fit in my bed.'

'What a disaster, hey?' Louis says, chuckling slightly, with a hint of nervousness. 'I should probably drive us back, it's getting really late.'

I glance at the clock on the dashboard and notice that it's nearly 1am.

'Shit, you're right,' I say. 'I have a 10am class tomorrow.'

He climbs back into the drivers seat and I follow suit into the passenger side.

Louis smirks at me, as he starts the car, 'Oh and you've also got your Grease audition on Friday. I still can't be biased even when I've been makin' out with one of the contestants.'

He winks at me and I feel a slight bubble of anxiety in my chest.

'What?' I exclaim. It had completely slipped my mind that it's this week. 'Fuck, I completely forgot. I blame you.'

'Well, you've only got yourself to blame if you're shit,' Louis teases, pulling out of the layby.

We arrive back at my accommodation about half an hour later and Louis kisses me goodbye. As we say our goodnights, I gaze into his eyes that are always so captivatingly blue and know exactly what song I'll be singing this time around.
