First of all I would just love to say a big thank you to strawbxrry-sparkle!! For being a great friend! And for being so nice go follow her!! She's the nicest person I met on here and I'm glad that I found her on here!! And so as a thank you I drew a couple of pictures for you!! Well 2!! I spent a few minutes and hours on them so please do enjoy them!! And second

ʙʀɪᴛɴεy! Thank you! Thank you for everything! I'm so happy to have met you on here! As already said haha! And thank you for complementing on my drawings! And voting for them! And all the conversations we had! Thank you a lot!! Even though we probably won't meet in real life! Just know that I'll always be here for you! And that your AWSOME!! So again haha thank you! 

Your now my bestfriend! And when you become a friend of mine I will give you a little box/robot! And so I present you! Your robot!! You can name him whatever you want! And sorry if I got anything wrong for the drawings! Like favourite colours and yeah! So please enjoy! 

And the hand kinda looks funny!! Sorry..but anyways another

