🌊The Tooth of Wojira: Y/n's POV...⛱

Season 14: The Island, Episode 4: The Tooth of Wojira

Y/n's Pov:

"He's escaping!" Nya called out. "Oh no he's not!" I shouted, kicking away two thugs before running over. I jumped onto Ronin's ship, walking up behind him with my hands emitting a cold mist. "Oh, and who might you be?" He asked, turning to me and smiling. "Y/n. Now you're not going anywhere." I sternly told him, about to freeze him.

"And I suppose, you're going to stop me?" He asked fists up. "Who else?" I responded, about to charge him when someone started shouting.

"Not on my watch!" My eyes darted to the entrance of the cove where one of the Keeper's Catamarans were charging towards us. But on top of it was Twitchy. "Come on, storm, give me all you've got!" He yelled as lighting struck him over and over.

"Twitchy?" Lloyd gasped. "It's never too late to conquer your fears, especially to rescue a friend! Hold on guys!" Twitchy called out, charging towards the ship which I was on. "Whoa, hey! What are you doing? You're gonna sink us both!" Ronin shouted. "That's the plan!" Twitchy shot back.

Ronin was about to jump off the ship, but I wasn't going to let him get away.

I grabbed him, pulling him in while putting one of my fans to his throat.

I kept my eyes on Twitchy, and was ready for the impact against Ronin's ship. He pressed his hands onto the catamaran, drawing more lightning to power the boat

Twitchy stood up, keeping his balance as he charged the boat, ready to jump into the water.

"Argh! Let me go!" Ronin tried to get out of my grip to steer the boat away, but I wouldn't give him the chance. I brought my fan closer to his throat, threatening him just as Twitchy's catamaran made impact.

It quickly ploughed into Ronin's ship, making me let go of the villain.

I yelped as I was thrown in the air, and towards the sea. But before I could try and land safely in the water, I landed back-first on the waves.

The impact felt like concrete, and I could barely move. It was dark in the sea; I could barely see the flames from Ronin's ship above me.

I felt numb, all over.

I couldn't move.

I couldn't breathe.

I could feel myself starting to slip away...and I didn't have the strength to fight back.

My chest began burning as I took in water.

It hurt so much...but I couldn't do anything.

I think I blacked out for a minute, because when I opened my eyes I saw a clear blue sky.

I blinked, and saw the ocean again, with two bright, icy lights coming for me.

They look frightened.

I closed my eyes, and when I opened them again, the ocean was gone.

I felt dry, and all the pain I felt was suddenly gone. "Ugh...wha-" I sat up, and I didn't know where I was.

I think I was in a field; there was grass spanning for miles and miles around me with no clear beginning or end. I looked up and saw floating mountains, almost being held up by the clouds themselves.

I stood up, regaining myself. "Where am I?" I wondered, still looking around.

But then...there was a voice.

"You are with me."

"Who said that?!" I shouted, about to summon my powers when they didn't respond. Not even mist left my hands. So instead, I raised my fists.

"No one will harm you here. Lower your guard, Ninja."

The voice told me, which was somewhat soothing and comforting. I began to lower my guard when a figure Walked towards me.

"You are safe now."

It took a second before I realised who it was. "You're the First Spinjitzu Master." I gasped, quickly kneeling before him. He chuckled.

"Please, there is no need. Stand, young ninja."

I followed his commands, and stood back up. But then I realised something. Something which frightened me. "Wait. If I'm here? Then...where are the others?" I desperately asked, making the man stand still.

"They are on the Island of the keepers..."

That much I knew, but where was I the-

"...fighting for your life."

"What...?" I gasped. Was I dead?! No. No this couldn't be right. I couldn't die. Not now. Not yet.

The First Spinjitzu Master gently waved his staff, and a small rift appeared beside him. I walked up to it, and almost started crying at what I saw.

It was my friends...on the beach at the island...crowded around my body.

I caught a glimpse of Zane's face, and I instinctively went to reach him. "Zane!" I put my arm through the rift to get to him, but my arm turned into mist.

I quickly brought it back, where my arm reformed.

"You cannot reach them from here. I'm sorry."

Tears began to prick my eyes as I watched my friends. Then a kind of release washed over me, one which made me feel like I was free.

"Her heart stopped." I heard Zane gasp, and that was it.

"No...no..." I sank to my knees as tears started flooding my eyes. "Please no, this can't be it." I sobbed, just as I felt a hand on my head.

"I'm sorry...I truly am. You fought with courage, and strength. And, this is it."

The man told me, just before I felt sharp pains in my chest. I winced, and instinctively reached to stop the pain, but it was repetitive; almost as if someone were punching me over and over.

The First Spinjitzu Master was looking at the rift, speechless. I was able to push past the sudden pain, and see what was going on, and I was honestly taken aback.

It was Lloyd...he was trying to save me.

"In all my years of welcoming elemental masters...this hasn't happened before."

"Well, he is your...grandson." I winced, showing him a smile which made him chuckle.

"That's true."

The pain in my chest only got worse, and I knew I couldn't stay here much longer. "Please, I have to go back." I told him. "I need them...and they need me."

"C'mon, Y/n! Please!" I heard Lloyd cry out, which only made me anxious.

The man seemingly thought for a moment, before closing the rift and turning away.

He ploughed his staff into the ground before turning to me, with his arms outstretched.

"I will allow you to return."

"Thank you." I sighed with relief, about to take his hands when he had more to say.

"But, if you should find yourself here with me again, then I'm afraid I cannot give you another chance."

"I understand." I responded. "Will I remember this?" I wondered, making the First Spinjitzu Master shake his head.

"No, you will not. As soon as you return to your mortal body, you will forget about this place."

I understood completely, and I was ready to return. I took his hands, and felt a rush of power.

As well as this power, I felt pain, a lot of pain which was bringing tears to my eyes.

Then...it all went black.

"Y/n please..."

I heard voices...calling for me.

I tried to move, but it was difficult.

But then I tried to take a breath, and immediately started coughing up water. "Y/n!" Zane gasped. I felt his hand against my cheek, and his other holding my hand.

"Hey...Snowflake." I gave him a weak smile, which was all I could do. I was struggling to breathe as it was, and I felt like giving up again.

"Hold on, Y/n. Please, help us on its way." Zane told me, and I took his word for it.

I was so tired, I just wanted to sleep. But then Zane picked me up, and held me close.

"We'll help you...I promise."

I faintly nodded, before leaning into his chest, closing my eyes again.


So, I had a mini-realisation that Y/n would've met the First Spinjitzu Master while dying for the minute or so that she did, and thus this was created.

I hope you enjoyed it.

