2nd Encounter

Just like the day of the incident, Izuku Midoriya's body moves of it's own accord, rushing in the direction of the scream.

His shoes slap the pavement as he runs, voices growing louder and clearer as he leaves the back road and races down an alley.

He comes out toward the other end on another road, slowing and ducking into the shadows to stay hidden. Though not a Main Street, it was still fairly well lit for a side road. A lamppost across the street granted just enough light for Izuku to take in the scene before him.

There was a tall, inhumanly muscular guy in a ski mask, with a gun pointed at a person whom the mugger had pressed against the storefront, to the left of the alleyway.
Izuku couldn't make out the victim, but he did notice the woman standing on the other side of the street, a few feet away from the lamplight.
She had a tiny dog on a leash, cowering behind its owner, who stood frozen in fear.
'The screamer.' Izuku thought to himself.

His eyes quickly go back to the scene as a rough, hard voice growls out, "I said, Give me your money and all your jewelry or I'll shoot your ugly ass face off!"
He's got one arm against his victims throat, the other holding the gun point-blank in the persons face.

He hasn't noticed Midoriya yet...

Quickly, he surveys the trash and other shit in the alley around him.
There isn't much... days old food, a number of half torn garbage as well as other full trash bags, a few knocked over cans and lids...
The lid!
One of the cans is metal!

Izuku quietly but quickly moves to the lid and hefts it up, weighing it in his hands.
It's not all that heavy, maybe 5-7 lbs, but 'it'll have to do'...

As he creeps up to the end of the alley, he catches the eye of the woman, the witness, and motions/mouths for her to flee.
White as a sheet, she scoops her dog and bolts.

The woman's departure doesn't escape the muggers notice, and angry he shouts, "You've got 3 seconds asshole!" Putting the muzzle of the gun to the persons temple.



"1!" Midoriya shouts, springing from the shadows, lid raised. He smacks the guy hard and directly in the face.

The muggers completely blindsided by the attack. He stumbles back, his hands flying to his face on instinct. "What the FUCK!" He shouts.

That's when the victim takes their chance, pushing off the wall. But he doesn't run- Izuku can see now that it's a man, thinner, leaner than their attacker, but almost as tall; dressed in all black...
The man reaches out towards the mugger, a sudden blue flame bursting from his hand as he shouts.

His glowing blue fist connects solidly with the muggers temple, and as he slumps toward the ground the victims other arm shoots out, taking the gun from the unconscious man.

Bent towards the light, Izuku can finally see his face.

"I-it's y-you!!"
