Untold Tales save file

Hewooo taking a small break from clans and showing off old cats I made when I was 10. Fun right? Pic of camp at bottom

If you don't know what Untold Tales is, it's a game made by a dude named Falcon_star or something and now ya need to look it up cuz I can't explain it well any further. Sorryyyy

Some names for the clans originated here. Describing them like they are in game, so no eye color qwq.("+" means siblings)

Welcome to Mossclan!

Crystalshine- black and yellow tortoiseshell she-cat with a white underbelly

Heathergem- gray she-cat

Waterlily- light blue(like sky blue) she-cat with white speckles

Stonepoint+Lightfrost (familiar, hmm? Description back in Berryclan w/ Rockpoint and Lightfrost)

Leafstem (also familiar, description  w/ Cloverstem in Dappleclan)

Moonshadow (first oc that I elaborated on lol) dark blue tom with blue underbelly

Hawkpaw- Tiger-ish tabby tom with tan underbelly. Was gonna be Hawkwing


Scorchpaw- Calico she-cat. Was gonna be Scorchfire

Cinderflame- navy-black tom.


Nightpaw- navy-black she-cat. Was gonna be Nightfur

Spottedstream- sky blue she-cat with white speckles


Sandstripe-  full Light brown tabby 

Owltail (Dappleclan and Mossclan deputy! Destiny calls.)

Barkfang- black and yellow tortoiseshell tom


Poppyseed (as a warrior this time. Go to Dappleclan for description~)


Orangeberry- Orange tabby tom with white underbelly

Mudpaw (med cat apprentice) dark blue tom with blue underbelly. Was gonna be Mudbeetle.

Rosepetal (med cat) sky blue she-cat with white speckles. All I can say is... I know her name is super creative, and I can feel your jealousy from here :D

Skypaw+Icepaw (inseparable, literally. They were so close together that I couldn't click only one..) +Thornpaw+Shadepaw

Skypaw-sky blue spotted white tom. Was gonna be named Skywhisker I think?

Icepaw-dark blue tom with blue underbelly. Was gonna be named...Icecloud. I hadn't read many books at the time ok?!

Thornpaw- brown tabby she-cat. I completely forgot to write down her warrior name so...making one up now and she is now gonna be Thornbramble

Shadepaw- light orange she-cat. Was gonna be named Shademint.(I don't know where the name came from but I actually like that one. Maybe if I change some things to make her fit...hehe)

Cliffleap- basically Cliff in Wingclan. Fun fact I didn't realize that I completely forgot about dis cat so when I went to make Cliff in Wingclan ta-da I accidentally remade Cliffleap. Not so forgettable now are we huh

Ivy-(mate, I called her Ivygaze.) white she-cat

Snow-(daughter I got with Ivygaze, called her Snowheart) white she-cat

Smokecloud- I got stuck in the Ember Easter egg* sooo alternate universe time and we got an orange tabby friend here with Mossclan next to the og 4 clans. (I played as Smokecloud cuz I had just gotten him as kittypet irl at the time.)

*(turns u into permanent orange tabby)

Well that's done. I also remember killing some dude named Lavender for no reason other than "I don't know what to name you so off you go into Riverclan to die". I think there's an old clangen on this computer too if I feel inspired to put that on here. Overall I'm procrastinating making more clan stuff. 

Also I'm at that point where some things in the plot won't make sense in some spots so I'll probably be changing thing and updating the clans here randomly with new ideas, fixed spelling/grammar, etc. So don't be surprised by a bunch of update alerts if you have any of those on.

Weeeeeee thanks for readin byeeeee
