chapter fifteen

"Tommy , would it be alright with you to go to the police station on friday? Sam called saying they have your biological brother but they arent sure" Phil told him 

Tommy was prepared for everything to come out of his fathers mouth , really everything but just not that. It had been a few days since he came home late and it was now Wednesday. It was a normal day for him till Phil came up to him in the livingroom with a nervous look on his face and asked to talk to him alone. They were sitting in Phils office now and tommy was extremly worried what he might get told but now he was rather shocked. 

'what do you mean they're not sure?' he finally asigned after a few seconds , not feeling up to ask the question with his voice

"Sam said that both of your biological brothers are in town at the moment , they both got an invite to the police station for questioning. He also told me that it would be better if we go to the police station for you to see them and tell us which one it was because they're build differently and you told us that you faintly noticed how tall he was" Phil explained as calm as he could be at the moment, he looked rather worried and calm while Tommy was out of his mind as he looked to the floor. Both of his brothers? he hadn't seen one of them for more years than the other which was why he didnt mention him , but still.. could it be him?

"Tommy? its okay if you need some time to think about this" the older blond told him , holding one of the youngers hands in his to help him calm down and not panic. 

"o-oh yea no-no its fine" Tommy finally said and looked back up from the floor to Phil "we can go see them on friday" he decided , of course not going over the fact that Phil looked worried for him, 

"are you sure? we co-" Phil started but was stopped by tommy chuckling "yes im sure dad , i promise i'll be alright aslong as you're there with me" Tommy smiled at him , the older blond sighed before smiling back at his youngest. 

From then on it was settled that they'd go to the police on Friday. Tommy had asked Phil not to tell the twins yet since he wanted to tell them himself , they both knew the twins would freak out and try to come with them as protection to help him if Phil would tell them but if Tommy would explain the situation and how he wants to handle it then they'd obvisouly be alright with it aslong as Phil would be there with him. 

 and here they were now. Infront of the police station. Tommy was more than nervous , everyone could see that right away when they entered the police station for Phil to tell them who they are and for what they are there. 

"you alright Toms?" Phil asked him putting a hand on Tommys shoulder to get his attention. Tommys eyes quickly flew up to him in shock before he got a slow nod in response , not the best but it was alright. Once Sam finally showed up Tommy seemed to relax more again Phil had noted , probably because he was an trusted officer for them , not like the other officers they didnt know yet.

"hello Phil ,Tommy" Sam greeted them "Dream and Theodor are both in the interview room we have ready. They were both in town to may be able to have attacked Tommy which is why they're both here now , they both said it wasnt them but i will trust your word in this Tommy" Sam told them ,starting walking to the interview room the two were in. 

"do you need some more time or can we go in? and please dont forget that they cant see you but we can see them" the officer asked Tommy , he seemed to think about it for a few seconds while taking deep breaths before looking up at Sam 

"we can go in , im ready." the younger blond told them , Phil and Sam both nodded at him before they entered the room. Once they were inside Tommy looked  in the other room you could see from glass/mirror wall. It was from the other side like a mirror while it was from the room they were in like seethrough glass. 

"Dream.." Tommy said under his breath , quickly walking over to the side where Dream was standing in the other room , he had a small smile on his face to finally see his oldest brother again. 

"what did you say Tommy?" Phil asked ,walking up to him and putting his right hand on Tommys right shoulder again having Tommy lean on him while looking at his brothers.

"thats my oldest brother , Dream" Tommy explained with a small smile on his face as he watched Dream ,he had a confused expression which is expectual if it wasnt him and he doesnt know what happened. "i didnt see him since i was three years old but i remember it like it was yesterday, i still remember how he would read bedtime storys to me and would sometimes even stay with me till i was finally asleep.." Tommy chuckled , Phil looked at him with a frown and small smile

"sorry to intrude but once we're done here we'd like to talk with you Tommy , about what happened before and after the carcrash with your Brothers like how your relationships were" Sam told them , Tommy nodded at him.

"can we get this done please?" Tommy asked ,completly forgetting Phils question but they both knew he would tell them all later after this was done. 

"yea of course, Theodor will be in there soon , a police officer will stay with them inside to make sure they wont hurt each other while we're here" sam told them , right then the door of the other room opened and theodor walked inside with handcuffs on and a police officer behind him. His brothers glared at each other for a second before Sam took their attention 

"Dream and Theodor Innit , please do as we say and do not act out" Sam told them, there was a small button that unmuted the microfone like thing they had for them to hear him while he wasnt in the room , they both nodded to let him knew they heard him "ok good" he said and muted again. 

"Tommy what did the intruder in your house say to you that night?" Sam asked him , Tommy hadnt leant away from Phil and was still leaning on him thankfully because he really needs to know someone else is there with him or he'll panic. 

"they said it's your fault they're dead." Tommy said taking a deep breath , Phil squezed his shoulder to let him know he did good and that he wont be left alone which made tommy calm again. 

"thank you Tommy" the officer nodded at him before unmuting again

"ok thank you , Dream please say it's your fault they're dead" Sam said making Tommy look away from the middle child of their family and to the oldest of his brothers. Dream nodded and took a deep breath

"it's your fault they're dead." He said but his voice sounded to soft for him to have been the one to do it. Tommy sighed in reliefe to know it wasnt him , he already could see it from his bodybuild but he could have thought wrong.

"Theodor please repeat the same thing." at that Theodors eyes widened before he glared right to the spot where tommy stood as if he could see him and was glaring right into his soul. 

"it's your fault they're dead." Theodore eventually said , Tommy looked at him and it was like they'd look right into each others eyes but theodor couldnt even see him which was good. His voice sounded way more like the one from that night , he always hated tommy since day one so it made sense. 

Before Tommy was born Theodor was the youngest and the Angel of their family , he got all the attention from their family Dream once told him but even then Dream had loved him and when they heard tommy would be born Dream was excited to get another younger brother. On the other side Theodor was mad , he didnt like to not be the angel and baby of the family anymore. Dream told him that even if hes not the baby anymore hes still loved and that he has no reason to hate Tommy but Theodor still did.  He hated every minuted with Tommy which was why Dream took care of him most of the time when his parents were busy. 

"Tommy?" Phil asked and squezed his shoulder to get his attention , seemed like tommy had zoned out. Tommy gave a low hum for them to know he was back with his attention as he looked at Phil "Sam asked you if you know who it was?" his father asked him with a look of concern. 

"I do.. yes.." Tommy mumbled and looked back into the room "Theodor. It was him. I have many reasons to believe he tried to kill me." he said before looking away from his brothers to look at Sam. 

"thank you Tommy , lets  go into a private conversation room and talk about your relationships and your reason to believe it was him, yes?" he asked him ,Tommy nodded and followed him out of the room with Phil behind him.

Sorry that it took me so long to upload , i was sick then i didnt have motivation to work on any of my fancitions till i had something to do and still couldnt work on it cause of that but now i finally got back,
I hope you enjoyed this chapter , i dont know when i will upload the next chapter but lets hope its not to long again and that i get this fanfiction finished before im going away for a week with my class :,)
