
You've been married for years, yet your husbands most recent prison stretch causes a series of new complications. Including the loss of your memory.

In 2012, the trauma surrounding your husbands near death injuries and arrest were enough to cause you to spiral into amnesia. You were bed ridden for months, struggling to adapt to blank memories. Everything had to be fed to you carefully. Your name, where you lived, how old you were.

Whilst in prison, Kiryu didn't suspect anything was wrong. Your inward destruction only began when he went into prison. He'd been in prison before, you'd both mutually agreed that you wouldn't visit him to avoid any unwanted attention. He hoped and prayed that you and the children were safe.

The children. 8 beautiful orphaned children. Morning glory orphanage. You'd completely forgotten that you were the manager there and that 8 beautiful children were under your care. As soon as your doctor said you were fit for purpose, Haruka took you back to Morning Glory orphanage. Under strict orders to drip feed you information so you didn't react with a mental breakdown.

As years went by, you were slowly reintroduced to your old society. Your old life, the children and your day to day tasks before the incident. Haruka tried her best to remind you of your husband but you didn't seem to grasp that.

"Do you recognise this man?" She asked, holding a picture of your husband.

You frowned whilst sitting with Izumi. "No, I don't think so."

Eventually you caught the swing of things and were a hollow shell of your former self.
