Hazel x Alexander (based in DSS)

Inside, I was jumping for joy at the fact that Alex and George were here, in Egypt one of the most intriguing countries in the world. But on the outside when I first saw them I had to contain myself as to not seem suspicious to my Father.

Daisy and I greeted them as soon as they came aboard. They were instantly really excited to see us.We led them into our room so that we could talk properly without all the other grownups around.

I felt a slight tinge of embarrassment as we walked into our cabin together as all my personal belongings  were exposed. I bounced down onto my bed, a huge smile creeping across my face as Alexander came to sit down next to me, a reddish tinge spread across my cheeks.

"TODAY WE SHALL ALL GO EXPLORING", Daisy suddenly yelled from the middle of the room.This took everybody by surprise including me,although i had expected that she had been planning something like this last night.

I jumped,accidentally nudging Alexander, because suddenly her voice had escalated to new heights. "EVERYBODY LETS GO". We literally had no choice as she was ushering me and Alex out of the door and onto the front deck.

The whole started to climb down the boardwalk chatting and laughing the whole way when I forgot to tell my Father where we were going.I asked Amina to come back with me because we all know how my Father doesn't approve of Daisy. 

We rushed back as quickly as we could then suddenly bumped into my Father on the ships deck."Wong Fung Ying", I know when my Father calls me by my Chinese name then he means business.I rose as elegantly as I could from the ground with Amina helping me up because I seemed to have frozen.

"Hello Father" I said as politely as I could.He glared at me as if he knew my innermost thoughts and feelings, I jumped back and unfocused my eye contact from him.Slightly uncomfortable.I asked him if my friends and I could go wherever Daisy planned for us, (i told him we were just going on an adventure)and surprisingly he agreed.As Amina and I began to walk away from him I glanced back at him, he seemed to stare right into my very soul as he watched me walk down the gangplank, he eyed me carefully.I knew he was trying to read my mind and see what I was thinking.

It was at that moment when I realised that, on this holiday I really would have to stay out of trouble.If only for my Father's benefit and obviously not Daisy's.

As we both arrived back on the boardwalk we met up with the group.Just as I was about to ask them which way to go, Daisy and George careered off down towards a carriage parked next to the road, galloping and yelling like the wild untamed animals that they are. Amina, trying desperately to catch up to Daisy, sprinted as fast as she could but unable to get there.This left Alexander and I to talk to each other without anybody else interrupting as they usually would.

He started talking about his school which is of course Weston and telling me about all of the cases that him and George have solved recently as I already knew about the older ones as he told me in his letters.I enjoyed talking to him a lot and I'm starting to feel a lot more comfortable in his presence than I was when I first met him.

The other three had already jumped into the carriage (Daisy, did it as unladylike as possible as always).We had to race to be able to get there in time as the horses were getting ready to go.Alexander held out his hand for me to take as I climbed up the steps and sat down, as I waited for Alex to sit next to me.

Daisy told the coachman to take us to a nearby temple, I loved learning about the history of Cairo, seeing as I have wanted to go here for so long, the whole group seemed excited to be embarking on this daily adventure of Cairo.Even though, secretly, I prefer exploring and detecting at night.

It was quite a short drive, but halfway through I felt the urge to hold Alex's hand, so I slid my fingers gently into his,it felt as though they were meant to be there, as I did this he looked at me and blushed, a reddish hue spreading across his face. It felt as if nobody else was there with us in the carriage.I stared up into his blue eyes.

I was rudely awoken from the fantasy of Alexander when George coughed really loudly as if signalling for us to stop. I looked away from Alex, as to not make everybody else u but still held his hand out of sight, letting him know that I was still there.
