2.Oh My shritless GOD right there.✨

I continued to walk down the halls to the library. Forgetting what happened I was happy to be with Loki.


I pushed open the library doors to see Loki without a shirt. "Loki?" He came out from behind a bookshelf and smiled. His toned chest and just the way his body was gave me life. "Like what you see love?" He snapped me out of the trance his body put on me. 

"Well I saw it last night and this morning so, yes I like what I see." 

"You're quite the mix my dear." His hands found my waist and pulled me to him.

"I know. But you like it." He smiled and kissed my forehead. "I do quite enjoy it. Shall we read now?" I nodded and we walked to the couch we sat on every time we came. He read his book to me as I messed with his hair. I put my hands on his chest as he read. He stopped and looked where Thor's ring was supposed to be.

"What happened to Thor's ring?" He closed his book and sat up. I sighed and looked at the ring he gave me. "Thor was with a Midgard woman who he claimed to be his friend. When Thor would take me to Midgard, Thor and Jane would hang out. I was forgotten every time."  Loki pulled me closer to his chest as I let out small sobs.

*Loki's POV*

Why would Thor do such a thing?!  (Name) is a wonderful person. Why to her? She deserves someone who will care for her. 

"Mother, can we talk?"

"Why of course my son. What bothers you?" 

Her voice was soft and caring. "Mother you know about (Name)?" I looked into her blue eyes. "Why of course my son. She was going to marry your brother. Did something come up?" She said looking into the raven haired prince's eyes. "Mother, Thor has been with another woman from Midgard. (Name) came to me because she had no one else to go to. And we read in the library once in a while." I kept a straight face while speaking.

" Thor did what?" The tone in her voice was filled with disappointment and gilt. "Is (Name) ok?"  She walked to a small desk and sat down.

"Yes, but she walked in on Thor with the Midgard women." 

" I will take care of your brother. You go take care of (Name). Thank you my son for coming to me" she said while cupping my cheek.

*Your POV*

I was sitting on the couch reading (F/b). When the doors opened to Loki walking in with a shirt on and then it was gone in a green haze. "I told my mother she will take care of Thor and the Midgard women." He said while putting his arms around my neck. "Shall we continue our readings?" He said in my ear. "I don't know if we can if you're up by my head." I said moving my head to kiss him.

We sat in the library for what felt like hours. I was on his chest listening to him read. He was reading while his fingers were in my (H/c) hair. I drifted off into sleep for a small amount of time before Frigga came in. 

"Loki, (Name) are you still here?" 

Loki put a shirt back on and walked up with me in his arms. "Yes mother. We are here." He said softly. I have no clue what it was but his voice was so soothing and I could fall back asleep to it. I stood up and Loki held me since I was half asleep and half awake. 

Frigga walked closer to me and grabbed my hands. "My dear may I speak with you?"

"(Name) I'm so sorry for what Thor did to you. We will call off the wedding and you can still hang around with Loki since you two are friends. Loki can also help you get over Thor." She sounded as if there was another option. 

But I'm sure it was going back to a maid. "I'm fine with that. Thank you Frigga." She smiled and held my hands in hers."You can call me mom. (Name) you're like the daughter I never had." One of her hands found my cheek and brushed my (h/c) hair behind my ear. "Now before I leave, do you have feelings for Thor or someone else?" She looked at Loki and back at me. I looked at him and all he did was nod.

"I never had or liked Thor. He would rush me on things he wanted to do. When I was reading with Loki the other day he grabbed me by my wrist and was almost dragging me out. But I did have feelings for Loki and still do." I said while looking back at Loki. Who was taking the magic off the ring. Frigga just was in shock and hugged me. " I will keep this between us 3." She smiled and walked out.


Loki and I walked back to his room when Thor ran out in front of us. "(Name)!" the blond man yelled. "Please (Name) I'm sorry. I ju--" Before he could finish he grabbed my hand and looked at the ring." You and my brother?!" His brows frowned as he looked at the ring. "No Thor, it's a gift. Since all you did was ask for sex. Loki gave me a gift to help with what I had to see!" I yelled. Nice save me. The blond man walked away in anger and rage.

I walked into Loki's room and jumped on the bed. "You seemed to handle that well." Loki said, while shutting the door and locking it. He walked over and picked me up bridal style. 

I wrapped my legs around his waist feeling his hard erection under me. I could feel the heat pooling in my legs. Loki began kissing me around my neck and chest. He laid me down on the bed as a green haze took off his shirt and all of my clothes. Yep, just all of mine classic. He began sucking and biting my breast. It felt good. The pain and overwhelming pleasure. He later made it down to my throbbing clit. He took 2 fingers into me while licking flaps of my clit. 

"Loki." I managed to say. While letting out moans and cussing out a few words. Loki still had his fingers in me while with his other hand began taking off his pants. Before he entered me I thought it was a good idea to push him on his back on the bed. I was going to take control.

"(Name)" he groaned. He tried to grab my hair, which I slapped his hand away. "No touching." I said teasingly. I sat his hard cock on his abdomen and brushed my throbbing pussy over it. I could feel the tip of his cock by my entrance. Which made him want me more. I kissed him while playing with his raven hair, he broke the kiss and groaned my name in a 'fuck me now way'. I slowly sat on his cock. He bucked his hips up and I pushed his hips down. "Stop teasing or else." He said while slowing grunting. "Or else what?" I said teasingly.

I rode him for a little bit before we switched spots. And he was in control now. His past was slow but got faster in a short amount of time. All I could do was yell his name mixed with a moan. The room was filled with my loud moans and Loki's soft yet loud grunt. We both sensed our ends were nearer.  Mine was closer. I could feel my stomach turning in pain. "Come." Loki said in my ear. I released it with a moan. Soon he let out his.

I layed on his chest with his cock still in me. I did not care. We both drifted off to sleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I forgot how short I made these first few. And I'm sorry. But this is another edited chapter.

