Ricky for KatxHorror666

My power went out so this took longer than I would have liked .__. [[wooo board games]]

Here we go:

Becca//Kat's P.O.V

I was lying upside-down on the couch as my brother, Chris, and his bandmates played mariokart.

There was a box of chips ahoy next to me, along with two empty boxes on the table.

.... And now there are three empty boxes. Muahaha.

"Hey... Hey.... Ryan...." I continuously poked him with the empty box of cookies.


"You should let me play now since I haven't for likE AN HOUR."






Chris reached over and grabbed the controller from Ryan, then placed it in my lap.

Without batting a fucking eyelash.

I cheered before picking Bowser as my character and waiting for the guys to decide on which course to take.

Here's how the whole character thing is now;

Me- Bowser

Chris- Luigi

Ricky- Princess Peach

Balz- Wario

And Ryan was Mario.

"THE FUCKING RAINBOW TRAIL ARE YOU SERIOUS" I yelled as my eye twitched up a storm. "WHY"

My brother shrugged with a smirk. "It's more fun since you and Rick seriously get into it. I wanna see who throws their controller first."

I stared at him as my eye continued its twitch parade.

"Go draw your fucking eyebrows on, ya' cunt."

So, you might have figured that with my brother in the band, I was bound to fall for one of the other members.

And you'd be very correct.

I like Ricky, he's adorable, sweet and hilarious. The downside is..... Chris knows.

He's convinced we'd make "da cutest wittle couple ever". I guess he decided to take it upon himself and use every opportunity to give Ricky the hint.

Sadly, Ricky either has gotten the hint and just won't acknowledge it, or is too dense to get it.


The race started and Balz drove off the trail ten seconds later. Out of anger, he smacked Ryan in the face, who was going to smack him back but decided it wasn't in his best interest.

About thirty seconds later Chris was flung off the edge of the trail by a banana peel [[...hehe...]] and the rest of us were struck by lightning.

Ricky and I both started screaming at the TV.




You get the idea.

"Guys!" Balz laughed. "Calm down, before you break something and/or start having violent sex with each other."

"Yeah, save that for later."

I hit Ryan over the back of the head while waiting for Bowser to be placed back on the trail.

Why is the whole band convinced Ricky and I are-

"We need to talk." Ricky muttered as he stood from the floor and grabbed my hand. Before I could object, he dragged me off to the kitchen.

I felt fear bubble inside me as Ricky stood silently, seeming to search for what to say. Maybe he picked up on the subtle hints after all and just didn't want to hurt my feelings...

"Okay, so... " He paused again and licked his lips.

Then he rapped an arm around my waist, pulled me to his chest, and kissed me. My eyes widened before snapping shut again. I grabbed onto his hoodie and pulled him in even closer, kissing back with as much passion I could.

Finally, we both pulled away, breathless.

"I like you Kat..." Ricky whispered, biting his lip and looking at me shyly. "And... I'm guessing that you like me too?"

I grinned and pecked his lips. "Of course."

His smile widened, "That's great! So... go out with me?"

"I'd love to.... but just know that I will get back at you for making me lose that race. Bowser will have his revenge."
