Naruto was standing atop of a tree branch, overlooking around 10 shinobi who were gathered around. It was nothing but a bunch of monkeys going through the count of their latest planned conquest. Humans really did disgust him. Pathetic low life creatures that preyed on the weak and only sought nothing but pain and destruction to those they got their hands on.

Humans had plenty of masks they could wear: if it was not the monkeys of Konoha, it was the demons that paraded around the elemental Nations, enjoying their lives by violating others. Whether Konoha's people or not, humans were despicable monkeys. Naruto wasn't going to say that there were not those who were good people. It would be a lie to say everyone was evil and needed to be killed.

There had been good people that he had seen and talked with. But these before him were trash. He wasn't going to waste time with them. Talking to them wasn't even an option. He had no need to speak to lowly insects. They could not understand each other. They spoke a different language and all that was there was for him to squash the bugs before re-joining the Sandaime Hokage.

Sighing thinly, Naruto took out his sword and jumped down the ground, landing on both his feet. He hadn't made a sound when he landed, but they were quick to notice his presence.

"What the fuck do you want brat?!"

Such a foul language. Well, it was to be expected. He was dealing with rotten pieces of trash that needed to be disposed of. He had their death warrants in his hands and he would deliver it without fear or favour. That was why he was here anyway and nothing more would make his itching hands stop.

The blond closed his eyes for a moment: he was alone with no one watching him. He could go wild. He didn't like going wild when there were people watching him. There would be a lot of questions that would annoy him if he were to go wild with people watching him. Annoying talk about his morals would have to be avoided at all costs.

Naruto gripped his sword firmly before he took three steps towards the group. The movements were slow at first but after more steps, he started running towards one man in particular. The shinobi raised his right foot, intent on smacking it with his face. Naruto bent down slightly, facing up as he slid below the high foot.

As he was sliding, Naruto sharpened his sword with wind chakra before slashing it in one fast and fluid movement towards the man's balancing leg. The sword cut through flesh and bone as if were paper, and as soon as Naruto was behind the man, he straightened himself and held his sword in a reserve grip.

The man whose leg he had cut just above the knee joint, blinked as blood begun to gush out of his leg. "Huh?" he couldn't feel pain and he hadn't felt anything. He doubted anyone had seen anything. Pain shot through his leg and he cried as he started to lose his balance with the cut piece of his body separating from the rest. This forced him to fall towards Naruto.

Naruto had anticipated this and as the man was falling towards him; he stabbed him through the back without even looking. His sword pierced through the back around the lower regions and went through the front, appearing around the man's stomach. The blond twisted the sword slightly, causing the man to cry out in pain.

He grabbed the little piece of steel that was visible with his teeth gritted in silent curses and ushered harsh words from his lips. "What are you doing still standing there you worthless pieces of shits! Get over here and attack this little bastard."

He was holding the sword, and he knew he was going to die. He had lost his freaking right foot and blood was leaking out of his mouth. That sword had pierced through some essentials in the insides. He was certain he was going to die. At least he wanted to see the blond chopped into pieces before that.

Naruto reacted quicker than the people he saw as monkeys. He leaned forward as if he were falling forward before raising his left foot. He then kicked back, landing a hit on the man behind him. The kick forced the man to stumble forward. Because neither had let go of his sword, the man was cut through his hands by the blade of the sword as Naruto pulled it.

The blond straightened himself and before he could think of making a move, he was forced to sidestep a punch driven towards his face. The blond took a step to the left while twisting clockwise. He stopped on the side of the man, standing up on his side. He channelled chakra into his left foot and kicked out...well more like stomped on the man's right leg, just around the knee. There was so much force behind the attack that there was sickening crack as the man's leg bended in ways it shouldn't.

What followed then was another cry of pain.

As the man was falling down the ground, clutching his broken leg, Naruto spun around before slamming his outstretched right foot on the man's temple. The kick connected with the forehead brutally and sent the man crashing towards a tree branch.

"Why you little bastard!"

Another shouted, charging towards him. This time another followed the example. They were attacking him front and back. Naruto stood still for a moment. He jumped up when they were just a second from landing hits on him. His jump had been chakra enhanced, and had occurred quickly.

The blond outstretched both his feet once he had reached a good height. Both feet landed on the two attackers, sending them tumbling backwards. Naruto suddenly blurred away from between the two. He appeared behind one of them, with his sword still in hand. He didn't waste time in driving it towards the back of his neck. The blade pierced through, appearing from the man's throat.

Naruto removed the sword by pushing his latest victim towards his next. The man was trying to balance his footing but was still able to catch his bleeding ally. It sickened him seeing blood gushing out of his ally's throat. He tried putting his hand on the gash in order to stop the bleeding.

His body froze when he felt something cold in his chest. He pushed his ally away and looked down and as he did, blood begun to drop out of his mouth. He saw a sword, sticking out of his chest. It had unmistakably pierced through his heart. How come he was still alive then?

Naruto removed the sword and walked a couple of feet away from the falling man before flicking his sword to get rid of the blood on it. That was just about six remaining. Since they were weak, he wouldn't need to spend too much more time with them.

Without any more thoughts, the blond disappeared.

Five of the six were lying on the ground, dead with just the remaining one held by Naruto's right grip. The blond was able to lift up the tall man because he didn't have both his feet. Naruto had brutally cut them from the knees. He didn't mind the blood gushing out of the man.

He channelled chakra into his finger muscles before snapping the man's neck. Without even batting an eyelash, he threw the body away from him and picked up his sword from the ground before sheathing it.

A clone puffed up on his right. The blond didn't have to tell it what to do. The orders were clear. The clone did katon jutsu to burn the bodies as to remove evidence while Naruto left the scene: The brutality of his actions not even on his mind. They were just monkeys. He didn't care.

'I wonder what sort of plan the Sandaime will come up with if he gets a sniff of your thoughts,' Kurama said in a calm tone, yet a sinister grin spreading through his large lips. 'Well, he already knows you have no value for human life.'

Naruto hadn't been intending to speak to the Bijuu but since it had spoken, he could speak. He slowed his movements and landed on the ground, opting to walk instead seeing that he was going to reach the Sandaime in a few minutes even in a walking pace.

'Tell me, do you think humans deserve to be let alone to their own devices?'

The more he thought about humans and their behaviour, the more he thought that some humans didn't deserve to be allowed to live on their own devices. They needed to be controlled for them to stop causing trouble and living in the right way. When left alone, they just did despicable things to others. It was just better to just control them.

Naruto had been thinking that humans needed to be managed for this world to be a better place. Left alone and they would just be doing the same thing over and over again regardless of how much the truth slapped them on their faces and how much they were led towards the correct path. That repetition of the same mistakes troubled Naruto greatly.

Kurama was amused. Naruto was smart. He knew how to act in front of other people. If the Sandaime was thinking that there was just a little bit of darkness inside Naruto, then he was in for a shock. There was so much more that the blond didn't even reveal to his mother; So much more that he was sure that cunning old man would freeze over before he could think of what to do.

'What, thinking of putting the whole world under your spell?'

Naruto shrugged indifferently. 'I am merely considering things. Konoha's population doesn't disgust me as it used to, but they can turn in at any moment and I still don't like them. In case something happens, I must have options.'

'How about taking in everything without a question? You have been that lately. You even left your mother surrounded by those snakes.'

'There is a time to listen and a time to take action. Right now, I am merely acting within my limits,' the blond said. 'Things in Konoha can change at any moment. Without the Sandaime Hokage, I will not be able to get what I want. That will be problematic.'

Kurama laughed. 'Is this why you're playing along with the old man? When he dies, someone you can't manipulate will take charge and you will no longer have the freedom to do what you want...' the Bijuu paused for a moment. 'It almost makes me think that you'd be willing to manipulate Konoha's leadership in order to get what you want.'

Naruto didn't respond to the statement. The conversation was no longer going in the direction he had intended and with the Bijuu not answering his question, there was no need to continue with it. And so, the blond stopped talking and increased his pace slightly.

The blond reached the Sandaime's company minutes later with the old man being flanked by an Anbu. He hadn't questioned why the old man had sent him instead of the experienced Anbu walking beside him. Being that he was given an order, he had simply followed it without question. He could make out the Sandaime's reasons later on.

The Sandaime Hokage smiled at Naruto, seeing him return in one piece. He was relieved that the blond was okay, even though he had sent him knowing that he would return just fine. Naruto wasn't some weak shinobi who could be taken out just by anyone.

"Everything sorted out?" Sarutobi asked, his eyes dancing around Naruto's form.

"Yes," the blond responded quietly with a small nod.

The Sandaime was curious about how Naruto went about his business, but the thought that came to mind was that Naruto killed everyone. Even though the blond was this young, the Sandaime didn't have to worry about him getting all worked out over killing someone. Naruto wouldn't care and he wouldn't have sleepless nights over it.

The blond didn't care about other people after all. The Sandaime highly doubted he even saw those kind of people as humans. It was probable that he saw them as a waste of breath or just trash that was polluting the Elemental Nations. Getting rid of them was the only to go about it and so there would be no regrets.

The Third Hokage was not really fine with that kind of thought. Really, the mind-set bothered him and he was having a hard time trying to figure out how to go about things. He had Naruto enter Anbu because he believed more about the blond would be exposed and he was beginning to see what needed to solved. He couldn't try to solve what he didn't know.

But of course what he was discovering didn't make him the least happy. Naruto was someone who could grow into the perfect emotionless robot Danzo would rejoice to have in his possession. The only thing that made him stray away from Danzo's principle was that Naruto was willing to allow Konoha to burn if it meant protecting his mother.

That was the greatest weakness Naruto had: his mother.

"How has life in Anbu treating you?" the Sandaime said to strike up a conversation with the blond.

It was unusual these days: Naruto talked less with him when they were together. The conversations they usually had were dying little by little and unless he engaged in a talk, Naruto entered the silent mode.

The Sandaime thought it to be dangerous to allow someone with Naruto's mind to spend time in his thoughts. The Sandaime was willing to go as far as to say that the boy was a genius. Rasa had been nothing but full of praises for the blond. But of course he did note if things were not handled carefully, the blond would turn out to be dangerous.

The Sandaime knew that first hand before anyone. Perhaps the other person who knew this was Itachi. The Uchiha had had an understanding with Naruto and they had worked well together. Still, that didn't hide the dangers that Naruto posed.

"Fine," Naruto said. He merely responded out of respect of the Sandaime Hokage. It was a waste of time for the old man to ask him the question when he knew he had people watching his movements. If he was struggling then the old man would know. Well, that is if he allows something to slip.

The possibilities of something like that happening were as rare as rain falling down in the Village Hidden in Sand.

"Just fine, huh?" The Sandaime Hokage paused for a moment before speaking again. "Well I am glad you're doing well. I have been meaning to ask, Jiraiya says your skills are low Jonin at best, why is that?"

Naruto raised an eye brow at the question. "I don't follow," he said. That wasn't really true. He did get where the old man was going with things, but they had a policy that they ought to be clear with everything that they say.

"While it is impressive that you've reached this level at this stage, I think someone of your genius should have been much stronger, especially when protecting your mother has been the reason you live," The Sandaime explained lightly.

Naruto had also received training from him and Kakashi. Given how much the blond liked to get his hands dirty when fighting for his mother, the Sandaime expected something much bigger than what the blond was showing. Itachi had also trained him and that Jiraiya had done so as well. During the years he was away, he focused on his training it hadn't been a training regime that a normal person could survive.

Naruto had been pushing himself to his limits with his training. So why hadn't he reached his limits for someone his age?

Naruto's eyes went towards the Anbu walking beside the Sandaime Hokage and looked back at the road ahead of them. "What do you want to know?"

"Is this all you can do?"

"That is a good question that will have an answer one day," Naruto answered calmly. He wasn't going to add anything to it even if the Sandaime does try to push for more details. Fortunately, the old man got the hint and went on to another matter.

"I have been thinking," the old man started in a mildly serious tone. "You have been highly tolerant of my requests lately and seem to just accept everything that is ordered for you to do..." the aged eyes of the god of shinobi turned towards the young boy on his right.

Their eyes met: Naruto was looking back at him with calculating eyes. There was just a flash of it for a moment before they turned expressionless. He blinked and looked back at the road ahead, but did not say anything.

The Sandaime Hokage spoke once again. "I think that you preparing for the future."

Naruto looked amused for a moment before he wiped off the look with acid. "The future, huh? How do you prepare for something that you cannot control? We certainly do make plans for our futures, but time doesn't always favour us and life often drags surprises in a bundle. Some things cannot be planned for. We just have to wait for tomorrow to arrive and tackle it."

The Professor was silent for a few moments. "It is certainly true that there are things that are beyond our control, but there are things that are not. When you observe people keenly, you are will be able to predict what they will do tomorrow and how they will react when something happens. With that information, you're able to make your own plans having taken into account the possibilities that may or may not occur."

Well, that is essentially about manipulating people and Naruto was not afraid to point it out. "You're talking about manipulating people," the blond said. "If you cannot get what you want, you will try to push things to get in your favour."

The old man merely smiled. "Don't we all try to push things to work in the way we like? If we allowed things to just go the way life wants, nothing in life would really please us. Every one of us has a desire we will pull and push in order for that desire to be fulfilled," he paused for a moment, as he looked up. "I'm saying that even you have your desires and will do what you can to make sure they are realized."

Naruto said nothing. It wasn't because he agreed or disagreed with the Sandaime's statement: he just didn't have anything he could add. No, he could add something. The old man just hadn't asked him anything. He had merely made a statement and Naruto had the freedom to choose whether he could respond to it or not.

"You have not made it a secret that your mother comes first before Konoha and those elders as well as clan heads know very well that you'd forsake the village in the blink of an eye if it meant protecting your mother."

Naruto showed no emotion to it, but he did respond. "A foolish mistake on my part," he said.

The wisest thing to do had been to keep it to himself not broadcast it for all to see. He really hoped that it doesn't come back to haunt him in the days to come. Well, he had been young back then. It couldn't be helped.

The Sandaime was very much aware that the foolish part Naruto was referring to wasn't that he didn't care about Konoha; it was that he hadn't bothered to hide it in the eyes of those people that he didn't care about the village. Granted his position, it had been a risky move, but one that had allowed the old man to make his movements.

"You can say that," the old man said calmly.

He really wished that there could be a day that the blond would say he cared for Konoha, but the reality was that Naruto had no attachment to Konoha and that would prove to be a problem in the future. No one would want a Jinchuriki who would rather have his village destroyed than save it.

"There haven't been movements to try to educate you to love Konoha because I have been firm on my stance with you," the old man continued. "If it were really up to some people, they would have had you taken up by Danzo to be raised by him. With the early signs of indifference towards Konoha you showed, they would have done so if I had been weak.

"But since your return from your time away, you haven't been bluntly showing that you don't care about Konoha. Really, you have been doing nothing but work for the village. Of course that will not convince some people, but it might convince some. Loyalty is a very important thing in a shinobi's life. Towards Konoha, you do not have that and that makes some people nervous. You have discovered this, haven't you Naruto?"

"I have," Naruto said without going into detail about it.

"And you have realized that you have been safe because of my efforts. But should I disappear, everything will change. I will no longer be able to stop anyone from doing anything to you. Jiraiya will definitely be on your side, but that doesn't guarantee anything. This is why you're taking corrective measures now," the Sandaime paused, as he put on a serious mask on his face. "What would you do if they turned on you, Naruto?"

Naruto's answer didn't need to be searched - it was right at the tip of his tongue. "Whatever is necessary," that was his response.

The Sandaime Hokage frowned. He had feared something like that. Naruto would do anything to protect himself and his mother. That old man had no doubt about that. He needed to play his cards right to ensure that Naruto learned a few things and that no one had any plans to do something towards Naruto in case something happens to him.

Sarutobi had no doubt that if someone tried something, there would be hell to pay.

Naruto was willing to let some things slide, but he was sure betrayal was not one of them, especially if it would have an effect on his mother. He had little doubt that Konoha would see a vengeful Naruto in that moment and given how much of 'player' the blond was, nothing good would come out of it.

Ah, his job was really troublesome. When were things just going to come easy for him? When faced by situations like this, he had to make troublesome decisions that would end up making him look like a cold monster. But that came with the job. Sometimes the only choice he had to make was one that would leave him looking like he had stolen an idea from Danzo's playbook.

"Let us hope that things will not take us to the extreme," the Sandaime said in a tired tone. If it came to making a choice, the Hokage would make a choice. That is what he took the job for.

Naruto didn't offer a response, but he really hoped that things would not lead him to make some choices of his own. He was not about to walk into that kind of tomorrow without making plans to counter things. He needed to be comfortable with his life and his mother needed to stay happy in the Hidden Leaf. Her life couldn't be happy anywhere.

But of course he had learned that she could also adapt to other places. The village they'd been living in during their time with Jiraiya had proved that much, but she was a lot happier when she was in Konoha. Naruto was willing to respect that, and besides, he would rather not have the entire Hidden Leaf coming after him.

He was a Jinchuriki of the Kyuubi and those people wouldn't want him to take away their weapon away from them. The Bijuu could be used against them and so they would rather he not leave. They would be more than willing to strip him of the Bijuu if they had to do. Naruto was sure Danzo would be willing to offer the way out for him if he could.

Naturally, Naruto wasn't going to allow that to happen. The Bijuu was sealed into him and they would only be separated by death. He was not going to allow anyone to separate them.

The Sandaime looked at the silent blond for a moment before looking at the road ahead; they should be reaching the capital in about an hour or less. So they could afford to keep this leisurely pace. Once they do get to the Daimyo, they would hold the talks and sleep in for the night and by tomorrow morning; they would be disappearing from the capital. He could not really allow his presence to be missing for far too long in the Hidden Leaf with Danzo still breathing.

Daimyo's Palace

Although Naruto didn't show any outward reaction, he was really surprised to see such a large building. Well, it really shouldn't be a surprise. The Daimyo controlled the entire Fire country and was the leader of the government. He had to be loaded, especially with the fact that this country was the strongest of the Five Greatest Nations.

What would he do with all these power the man had in his command? The answer was really obvious. He would use it for his own desires. Humans could stay in their shackles for all he cared. He truly hoped that the Daimyo will be more than a monkey though. It would be a disappointment if the man turns out to be conniving snake.

Naruto shook his head at the hypocrisy. Was it just wrong when someone was doing it and not him?

The Sandaime Hokage smiled at the guards as they were led into the palace. Naruto was as calm as he usually was. The air around him seemed untouchable. He was sure the blond had a motive for coming here and the old man wasn't going to make it easy for him to play his game.

He didn't have to worry about Naruto showing the right manners in front of the Feudal Lord. The blond's attire was formal. It really gave the old man thoughts about it. Naruto could follow formalities, but his choice of wearing formal attire really stood out. The 'why' bothered him as it didn't give him any answers. Or perhaps he just frowned at the answers he got.

"Hiruzen," the Feudal Lord called with a smile as his fellow old man was escorted into his office within the palace.

"Daimyo-sama," the Sandaime Hokage responded politely. "You will have to forgive me for requesting that we talk within my arrival. I really cannot afford to be away from Konoha for far too long. With shinobi, something is always lurking and you must be there to stop it."

The Feudal Lord waved his hand dismissively. "It is quite alright, but I do expect you to stay the night."

"Of course," the Sandaime Hokage said. He pointed at his right, "This is young Naruto," he said.

Naruto bowed slightly as he spoke. "Uzumaki Naruto," the blond said. "I was most honoured when I was informed that you wanted to see me, Daimyo-sama."

The Daimyo smiled as he sat down. The blond didn't appear stiff as if he was being forced to bow. It seemed to just come naturally like he had been doing it for some time. "I'm glad you could make it, young Naruto," the old man said. "Please have a seat."

The two did as told before the Sandaime took out a file from his robes. "I came with gifts," he said as he handed the file to the Daimyo.

The Feudal Lord took the file and looked through it for a few moments. His eyes showed no surprise at what he was reading. He looked back at the Sandaime Hokage before placing the file inside a drawer on his desk.

"You can never really trust anyone these days," the Feudal Lord said. "When you think you can trust people, they do this to you. Can I trust you, Hiruzen?"

"Haven't I always been supportive?" The Sandaime responded calmly.

The Feudal Lord nodded. "Yes, you have always been supportive. We have been working together for far too long. You have been Hokage for too long. Say have you thought of leaving the job for someone?"

Hiruzen smiled. "I will retire when you do, Daimyo-sama."

The Feudal chuckled slightly. "Well, you will have to wait a little longer," he said before turning to Naruto. "I presume that you have been training him. I have to ask this question, can I trust you, Naruto-kun? I have had a good working relationship with the Sandaime and I think I would get along with anyone who was trained by the Sandaime Hokage."

Naruto smiled. "Trust is the string that holds a relationship together. Without trust, a relationship cannot be fruitful. There will always be second guessing and suspicious assumptions. Having said that, I know that trust isn't something that can be gained just like that," he paused for a moment, bowing his head slightly. "But to answer your question: you can trust me, Daimyo-sama and I hope my actions will be enough to prove that I am trust worthy."

The Sandaime was officially worried. It was apparent that Naruto had learned to play around people. the blond of before wouldn't have bothered smiling to the Daimyo and he certainly wouldn't be acting like this. This was truly a problem. What was Naruto really after?

Did he want to get in the good books of the Daimyo just so he could have a safe passage in case something happens in Konoha? That was the only thing the Sandaime Hokage could think of and it was the only scenario that seemed likely, especially given the kind of person Naruto was.

The Feudal Lord did not have the same thoughts as the Sandaime Hokage. He merely smiled at Naruto. "You're a shinobi, correct?"

Naruto nodded, "Yes," he said.

"Have you killed someone before?"

"Yes," Naruto said. Killing worthless monkeys wasn't all that difficult. He had done it before and he wouldn't be against doing it again. Well, he was a shinobi and death came with the job.

"Excellent," the Daimyo said happily. "I'm sure the Sandaime knows everything about the matter he just brought to me. I want you to handle it this night. He will brief you. The people in my council are here in my palace because tomorrow we will be discussing your budget proposal. If Naruto solves this little problem without any troubles, I will make sure that by tomorrow night, the new budget is signed."

"Consider it done, Daimyo-sama," Naruto responded calmly.

The Sandaime was not too pleased by this development, but he wasn't all worried about Naruto. On their way to this place, Naruto had been killing some people. But he didn't like the thought that killing was becoming a regular thing in Naruto's life that he didn't even think twice when the task was put before him.

On the other hand, he was glad that Konoha would get some improvements on the budget. That would really lesson the burden a bit.


Danzo looked at the Uchiha before him. He could call it luck that the Sandaime was away from the village. This meant that he could turn his eyes on the Uchiha. If things had gone his way, the boy would have become the last remaining Uchiha. Well, he wasn't complaining. The remaining Uchiha were a bit harmless and the clan needed to be rebuilt. He figured that process will never be completed until Sasuke steps into his mother's shoes.

Danzo cursed that woman for being stubborn. She refused to allow him to train her son, but was willing to 'forget' that he approached her because she didn't want trouble. It was apparent that she wasn't fond of him. The war hawk didn't give a damn about that. He just wanted to have the young Uchiha under his control.

If he could do that, then would in the future he would have the Uchiha clan under control. Because of her stubbornness, Danzo had contemplated in having her removed. It was without doubt that it was her presence that was making the boy to grow some attachments. He needed something bigger to motivate him. Losing his mother would be a big motivation.

For now, the thought was out of the window though. He wanted to play it safe.

"Uchiha Sasuke," the war hawk stated, his eyes looking down at the young Uchiha.

"Who are you?" Sasuke more or less demanded, eyes firmly glaring back at the crippled war hawk.

He had been abducted from his training by some goons because he had simply refused to go with them. He wasn't about to just be ordered around by just anyone. It was enough that Naruto ordered him around, but having someone else he didn't know try to boss him wasn't acceptable. He hated it and would not allow for it.

"Shimura Danzo, an elder in this village," Danzo responded calmly. He could allow the disrespectful tone to slide for now.

"What do you want?"

"I wish to offer you the power you require. I am in charge of an elite organization that is better than Konoha's Anbu. I can train you to become strong enough to kill Itachi. He was after all one of my agents at some point," Danzo stated calmly.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes. "What kind of power are you talking about?"

"You can only see it if you agree to my offer. But I do assure you, if you accept it, I can make help you get the same eyes as Itachi in no time..." Danzo snapped his fingers. "Let me show you what my trained children can do."


Security within the palace was really lax, well, just around his target's quarters. The Feudal Lord had done his part to ensure that things went up easy. He really didn't need his palace in scream mode should someone discover this during the night. The old man wanted to have his good night sleep and he would deal with everything tomorrow. If things are discovered in the morning, he would have the time and energy to hide things.

Well since he was planning it, he would be able to handle things without too much fuss. Of course there would be a demand for some investigation and since the old man didn't want it to look as if he was the one who ordered the assassination, he would have people do an investigation.

This just meant that Naruto had to be careful as he goes about his duty. He didn't have to make a mess of things like leaving a trace of his presence behind or anything that would be traced back to him. He needed to do this cleanly and return to the Sandaime without anyone noticing him. He had to be quiet about it even since there were guards outside the quarters.

Naruto had used the ceiling to sneak into the place of his target as it was safe and he could get in and out without anyone noticing his presence. The blond jumped down on the floor silently and followed the layout of the place within his head as he moved towards the man's room.

He calmed his breathing standing next to the door. How was he going to go about this? Should he use a kunai? A kitchen knife or just a senbon? He decided the latter would do. He just had to make his movements right and everything would be well.

Naruto placed his hand on the door knob and silently twisted it. After a few seconds, he slowly opened the door. The door made a sound, causing him to halt. He peeked through the door and saw no movements and the lights were still switched off. He sighed in relief before continuing to open the door.

Once there was enough space for him to slip in, Naruto went inside the room. The bed was clearly visible. It was a large bed that was housing two people. One was a young lady and the other was fat old man who had his hands all over the young lady.

Naruto stared with disgust. How could a young lady defile herself by sharing a bed with such trash? It was really disgusting. But he was not here for that. He just had to kill the fat scumbag and get out of the place. But of course, he would have to do something about the young lady. It would be a disaster if she wakes up in the middle of the night and finds her partner dead. The loud scream that would cause trouble would certainly fill the palace.

The blond snaked towards the left side of the bed. There was a stinking smell and the blankets were kicked all over the bed. Filthy pigs.

Naruto's index finger glowed with chakra before he placed it on the lady's head. It was a technique he learned with becoming Anbu. It would make sure that the woman remained sleeping throughout the night regardless of what happened beside her. Of course she would wake up with a major migraine, but Naruto wasn't worried about that.

With the partner silently down, Naruto moved to the other side of the bed and slowly climbed with a senbon on his right hand. As he was doing so, the fat big didn't move a muscle. Naruto was forced to turn him over because he wanted the forehead.

The eyes of the target suddenly snapped open. Naruto didn't make a sound. He just froze his body and whispered a few words with his eyes staring at the target. He used genjutsu before adding wind chakra into the senbon on his hand. In a fluid movement, he flung the senbon straight into the man's forehead. The projectile pierced through the head, causing the man to come out of his genjutsu.

Naruto quickly placed his hand on his mouth, covering it and then drove his left hand towards the man's throat. The silent struggle only occurred for a few seconds before the man stopped struggling. Just to make sure the man was dead; Naruto pulled the senbon out of the man's head and pierced through the heart.

He didn't leave the senbon behind as he silently disappeared.

When he returned to the given rest place, he found the Sandaime Hokage waiting for him, but the Anbu he had come with was nowhere to be seen. The old man had his pipe blowing some smoke. "I trust everything went well," he said.

Naruto took off the blank mask he had been wearing and nodded. "I'm going to bed," he said before walking past the old man.

Once he was out of the way, an Anbu flashed beside the old man. "No mess, Sandaime-sama," the Anbu said.

The old man nodded. "You should take some rest as well. I wish to stay a little bit longer to think over some things."

With Naruto

When Naruto walked into his room, he was welcomed by a loathsome presence that was responsible for the way his life had turned out. The mask and that hateful Sharingan. There could only be one person who wore that mask and that was the person who extracted the Kyuubi from his mother and then forced his father into sacrificing himself.

This was the man who called himself Uchiha Madara and a person Naruto didn't like very much. Perhaps that was an understatement, but this was still the man who was responsible for the pain his mother experienced.

Even so, when faced by the masked man, Naruto's expression was just blank. There was not even a raise of the eye brow or a slight twitch on his face. He just stared at the man before him as the door shut behind him. There was not even a thought of charging towards the man. It would be a foolish move and Naruto had graduated from the fools' academy to be making such amateurish decisions.

The man wore that cloak: Akatsuki cloak. He was the same person Itachi feared, but Naruto did not. He wasn't like Itachi.

"Uzumaki Naruto," Obito started, looking at the young boy before him. "Itachi speaks highly of you with his partner. I can see that he has not been exaggerating..."

The blond didn't look like he was going to attack and his presence hadn't drawn the slightest of reactions from him. The blond looked calm as if before him wasn't the man who was responsible for the Kyuubi's rampage. What a curious child.

"What do you want?"

Obito looked on for a few moments before he responded. "I don't really know what you talk to Itachi about, but I know that there is lot more happening and I know the truth about the Uchiha incident that had Itachi named as an S-rank criminal."

If Obito was looking for a reaction from Naruto, he did not get it. In fact, Naruto's response was a simple, "So?"

Obito had to blink at that baffling response. That wasn't expected. Really. "I'd come to see if Itachi has been talking to you about with regards to our organization. I know he still has connection with you."

Naruto stared at the man for a long minute. "I'm not at liberty to discuss anything with you and really, I don't like you very much to be talking to you in this kind of position."

Obito took slow and purposeful steps towards the blond. Still, there wasn't that reaction from Naruto that would make him happy. The blond just stared back at him with that expressionless face of his. Really, he could not tell if the blond really hated him or not. He could not begin to figure out what was going inside that small head.

The blond was just completely unreadable.

"There will be a time that I will request what is inside of you, and if you really do love your mother, you will give it."

Naruto's flickered into a cold generator for a split second. "I see," he said.

"If you become obedient, perhaps you can be of some use. You hate the people of this world and I want to create a world that will not have those kind of people you hate. The world I wish to create is one that is gentle and one that you can actually be happy and not even for a second will you have to worry about your mother," Obito stated. "Not even for a second. If you want your father back, you can even have him back. It will be a world where even your deepest desires can exist."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Itachi won't stop telling you things, but he also won't refuse doing what we order him to do. I need his power for my dream. That means I must accommodate you as well as you're a precious Jinchuriki..." having said that, Obito disappeared.

Naruto's expression was replaced by a really really deep scowl as the man disappeared.

He had three Mangekyo Sharingans in his possession, he could work something out. Itachi had given him Shisui's eye. He could reprogram it to do what he wanted. It didn't matter who the person was and how powerful the person was. That Sharingan could enslave anyone. Not even Itachi who was a genjutsu master could escape from its power. it had the ultimate genjutsu after all.

Naruto had found his first target.

'I really like you when you think like this,' Kurama said. 'For the first time I will be happy at the use of the cursed doujutsu. The Uchiha's use it to manipulate others, it will be a joy to see them being manipulated by their own doujutsu. I will be more than willing to give you my power to make it happen.'

'How do we go about that?'

'Implant the Sharingan into your eye socket. You don't have to be good at it; I will heal any damage incurred. When that human comes to you again, you will use it, and to make it effective, I will give you my chakra. You can even drag him to my domain and use that other Sharingan as backup,' Kurama offered. 'I can make it happen, but only on one condition.'


'After the deed is done, you will remove that cursed eye.'

Naruto snorted. 'Paranoid are we? You are afraid that I will also use it on you?' Naruto didn't wait for a response. Well, he was certain the Bijuu wouldn't respond to that. 'Fine, you have an agreement.'

The Following Day

The Sandaime Hokage had to close his eyes as he enjoyed the comfort of his chair within his office. It had just been a day, but for how long had he been waking to stare into these walls? It had been too long. Very long and yet he was still looking forward to many more years in this chair.

For now, there was no one who could take the position and so he had to stay in the game. Really, he didn't need anyone who would be taking over from him just to bend to the demands of his former teammates and Danzo's schemes. At least the war hawk was staying away from Naruto for now. He had been very serious about hanging the war hawk's head at the Hokage Monument if he made a move on Naruto.

Speaking of the blond; the Third looked at Naruto before speaking. "You have the next two days off. You can spend the time with your mother and reacquaint yourself with Ino-chan," the old man paused for a moment. "When was the last time you spoke to her?"

"Some days ago," Naruto said a bit indifferently.

"You shouldn't forget your friends Naruto," the old man said firmly. "Well, it isn't like that girl will allow you to forget her. She has a rather strong personality," the old man with a smile.

"She does," Naruto said with a nod. "I will take my leave now..." Naruto said before disappearing from the office.

The Sandaime Hokage just blinked before shaking his head. He stared at the stacks of paper that were on his desk and frowned. Suddenly, he wished he had remained at the Feudal Lord's palace for a little while longer. But then he thought, if he had stayed a bit longer, the paperwork would have been hitting the ceiling.

Uchiha Compound

When Naruto didn't find his mother at their house, he was almost certain that he would find her at the Uchiha compound. Sure she did go out a bit more often these days, but this place had been like their other home. Could he really forget that he used have dinners with the Uchihas those days Fugaku was still breathing and Itachi was still visible around the village?

Things had changed now, well not completely. They were still close to the Uchihas. What had changed was how people viewed Itachi. Naruto found it to be amusing that they now cursed his name and said he was a crazy bastard who got corrupted by power and turned on his own clan. They had been praising him as a different breed from all other Uchihas and now they cursed his very existence.

Of course the rumours didn't really bother Naruto too much to actually worry or be mad about it even though he knew the truth. Itachi knew what he was getting himself into when he made the choice and since it was really human nature to turn quickly, Naruto wasn't surprised.

"Naruto," Kushina said happily as Naruto walked into the kitchen within Mikoto's house. "You're back in one piece. I was thinking perhaps the Feudal Lord would try to have a piece of you remain in his palace."

Naruto smiled at his mother as he walked up to her side. He stood beside her before he responded. "Even if he is the Daimyo, I would have said no right there and then. It would have been a firm no even."

Kushina laughed. "I can really imagine you saying that," she said with a shake of her head.

"The Sandaime would try to play the peace maker after that kind of response," Mikoto added with a smile of her own. "How was the trip though? Did they treat you well?"

Naruto nodded. "The food there was rather pleasant and the atmosphere wasn't all that bad at all," Naruto responded calmly. "The journey was as safe as it could be. I trust nothing bad actually occurred in my absence."

"All is well," Kushina said.

Naruto nodded. He was conflicted right now as he didn't know which choice to make. He could choose to stay here and join in the ladies in their conversation, but he really didn't want to intrude. With Sasuke within the compound, he could go on to train the Uchiha for about an hour and then return home along with his mother.

That could work. He still had the rest of tomorrow all free. He could do something with his mother together tomorrow. Naruto nodded to himself. Other than dinner and a few conversations, he hasn't been doing anything with his mother like he used to and he was missing those days. He could make it possible.

"Sasuke is at the training ground," Mikoto said to Naruto.

The blond nodded and looked at his mother. "Don't leave without me. I wont take much time with Sasuke. So we can leave together later on."

Kushina smiled. "Just go. I wasn't planning on leaving you behind anyway," she said calmly. "Don't forget to get along with Sasu-chan," the redhead Uzumaki said.

"Hai hai," Naruto said with a wave of his right hand as he disappeared from the presence of the two women.

"He is growing," Mikoto said looking at the space Naruto had been occupying moments earlier. "I mean things have really changed."

"Well, I have been forcing him to learn to live without seeing me every time he blinks. He needs to get used to it because things will not always be like that as he grows. If I'd allowed things to go as they were, I would have a problem when he does grow," Kushina said.

Mikoto nodded. "Well, you want him to grow up enough to learn to live on his own and maybe get someone to love, huh," she said with a small smile.

Kushina nodded. "Well, there is Temari and Ino. I have grown to love Temari though," the woman said.

"I must meet her one these days," Mikoto said. "I wish to approve of anyone who wishes to take my Naruto away from me," the woman added with a smile. "We both have problems though. I have mine that is called Sasuke and his obsession with his brother," she added with a frown.

"He is getting better," Kushina offered.

"Yes," Mikoto said with a nod. "He is, but I still worry. Well, at least he doesn't snap when someone mentions Itachi and he does smile a bit more these days. Having a mother really does help. I can't really imagine how he would have turned out if I wasn't here."

"Well, let us be happy that you are alive to raise him," Kushina said. "Raising both Naruto and Sasuke would've been the death of me."

"I can't help but agree with that," Mikoto said with a nod.

Training Ground

Sasuke stopped his excises as he looked at the incoming blond. What to do? Naruto had really started as a bully before him and his mother was insisting that he get along with the blond. She wanted for them to become friends, but the blond was nothing of that kind. Really, Sasuke didn't see the need to go that far, but his mother was insisting. Now that he thought of it, Naruto's mother had been pushing for the blond to make friends as well.

Were had that disappeared off too?

The young Uchiha shook his head and stared at those expressionless eyes for a long minute. With Naruto's help, he was really improving and if the blond was in Anbu, it meant that he was really strong. Sasuke didn't doubt that Naruto was strong, but how strong was really the question that begged an answer.

Naruto stopped just in front of Sasuke and settled down. "I'm a bit worn out today," the blond started. "I won't be doing anything that will be too taxing," he said calmly.

Sasuke just grunted in response. It was always like this. How was he supposed to be friends with someone who spoke to him like this? Obviously, the blond saw him as just the Uchiha he needed to bully in the pretence of training.

"Speak your mind," Naruto said to Sasuke seeing that the Uchiha was having an internal struggle.

Sasuke raised an eyebrow in curiosity. There was no usual sternness in Naruto's tone, but just an invitation. "Why are you being like this?"

Naruto looked on for a moment, "I've grown fond of your mother and if I'm bad to you, it doesn't really please her," the blond said. "Besides, it is rather troublesome having to be rough all the time. I get tired of all the yelling and hitting. Sometimes I just wish for words without threats to get through," the blond explained lightly.

Sasuke stared at Naruto before shaking his head as he sat down as well. "Why do you not hate Itachi?"

"Who said I don't hate him?" Naruto asked curiously as the question from the Uchiha.

"You have never spoken anything bad about him, nor does my mother and I have noticed that you seem to get along with her. In any case, I can tell that you don't really hate him," Sasuke said in a firm tone.

"Is it wrong that I don't hate him? Would you prefer it if I hate him?" Naruto asked in a quiet tone.

"I don't know if it would be right or wrong, but I would have understood it if you hated him. He was your friend and you really did get along with him, more than I was willing to permit. Honestly, I was jealous of your relationship with him. He trained with you more than he did with me, his own brother!" Sasuke ended by shouting bitterly.

Naruto tilted his head to the side as his eyes looked at the Uchiha calculatedly. "I see you are now using that head of yours," he said.

Sasuke glared at Naruto. This was what he hated.

Naruto waved his right hand, "I was complementing you," the blond said calmly.

"By insulting me?" Sasuke demanded. He calmed himself and turned to the main subject. "MY mother doesn't hate him as well. All she speaks about him are good things and she still smiles when she speaks of him. It frustrates me. How can she not hate him after what he did? How can you not hate him after what he did?"

"Your mother doesn't hate him because he is her son and no matter what happens, Itachi will always be her son. Whether you hate him or not, he will always be your brother. You can deny it and shout to the heavens and say that man is not my brother, but no matter what, he will always be your brother, and to your mother, you will always be her second child. Nothing can change that. It is what you call a mother's love," Naruto explained slightly. "As for me, I don't hate him because he is my friend and he has not wronged me. Also, I understand the why."

"Why what?!"

"Why he did what he did?"

"He did it because he wanted to test his powers. That is what he said to me!"

"Really?" Naruto asked with his head tilted to the side. "How little do you know your brother? Did you really know your brother, Sasuke? Had it occurred to you that he may have been lying about that? If you think about how much your brother loved you, and compare it to what you have in your mind right now, can you really say they are the same people?"

Sasuke frowned deeply. It was true that the images were a contrast and that his brother was a loving person while 'that' Itachi was a murderous person. Still he could not forget what he saw. He could not forget what that man said to him.

The Uchiha shook his head and changed the subject. "Danzo appeared. Well, he dragged me," Naruto had said to tell him if Danzo approached him.

"What did he want?"

"He was offering me power to kill that traitorous brother of mine," Sasuke said.

"You will not accept his offer," Naruto said firmly.

Allowing Danzo to train Sasuke would be a failure on his part. Itachi had tasked him to protect and look after his younger brother. Danzo was a corrupt and conniving devil that he could not allow near Sasuke. The war hawk would certainly fill the Uchiha's head with some nonsense and that would undo all his work.

This meant that he had to have a talk with that man. A serious talk.

Naruto stood up, "Let us see how you have come," he said inviting Sasuke to attack him.

About an Hour Later

When Naruto returned to the house, he was welcomed by Mikoto, who smiled warmly at him. "Have you managed to do something about what we talked about?"

Naruto nodded, "I have," he said. "I will try to convince him if he needs to be convinced the next time I do see him. It won't be long though," the blond said. "Has Danzo approached you about Sasuke?"

Mikoto looked stared for a moment before she responded. "Yes," she said.

"I see," Naruto said. "Well, Mikoto, I will see you tomorrow hopefully and you need not worry about Danzo. I will not permit him to go near Sasuke. That corrupt monkey will not do anything to your son. For everything he has done, he has some nerve sneaking up to Sasuke."

Although he was still just a child and Danzo was a war veteran, Mikoto believed it when Naruto said she would not allow Danzo get near her son. How could she not believe the words of her beloved hero? He was not the one to be joking around.

"I will reward you one of these days. Well, when you have grown old enough," Mikoto said a bit slyly.

Naruto looked confused for a moment but he just nodded and turned away from the woman. He found his mother waiting for him at the entrance. The Uzumaki held out her right and Naruto felt no shame in taking it as the two left Mikoto's house.

"Everything went okay with Sasuke?"

"Surprisingly, yes," Naruto said. "He surprised me today," the blond added. "I'm not on duty tomorrow. Can we do something together?"

"At lunch or later on," Kushina said. "I took a part time job at the flower shop. You know, it isn't being fun being around the house all day. I need to do something when I'm not helping Mikoto-chan. Besides, what kind of a mother would I be, if I am content with allowing my 12 year old son to be the one to bring food to the table?"

"A mother who enjoys being taken care of by her son?" Naruto offered.
