Young Dad

A/N I have seen a few of these and loved them so i thought why not write one of my own.

Peter Parker and his Girlfriend MJ were 18 and were expecting a child. This was not a mistake the little angel was planned. They discussed it and they thought that as Peter was Spiderman the chances of a fatal injury were high, (even though they didn't want to admit it). So, they decided that he should be able to experience everything he wanted during life just a bit early. Mj was 9 months pregnant at this point and the only person that knew was Ned. Not even Mr. Stark knew. Peter was scared that he would not accept his and MJ's choice. Him and Mj had found a lovely little apartment close to stark towers and moved in together after May passed away from cancer.

Peter was already extremely protective over his little girl. He couldnt wait to meet her and watch her grow up as much as he possibly could. It gave his a reason to keep getting up in battles and low points in his life and he couldnt thank her enough.

1st person pov

I woke up gave my wonderful girlfriend a kiss and rolled out of bed. I decided not too go to college as I already had a stable job and now worked at SI full time. i put my mask on and swung high through the streets of New York City. I swung with precision through a window on the penthouse floor.

"Good morning Mr. Stark"

"Mornin' Kid"

" What are we doing today"

"you can continue your project that you have been working on and then join us for lunch"

"Ok, thank you Mr. Stark"

" Call me Tony!!!" He shouted after me.

I loved the project i was working on. It was.... a......fully........functioning................LIGHTSABER!!!!!!!!!!

Could it get any cooler. I mean I had had a bit of trouble getting the light to retract and the chemicals to stay in one place rather than exploding my lab. But last night i came up with a solution and i just had too change the equation a bit and do the finishing touches and voila a flipping LIGHTSABER!!!!

I had just done the finishing touches when FRIDAY called for me.

"Hi Peter, Its time for Lunch"

"Thanks FRIDAY"

I got in the elevator and went up to the penthouse. There sat Tony, Pepper, Morgan, Clint, Nat and Bruce. Pepper had made me a sandwich.

" So Kid hows the project doing"

" Awesome I just finished it you should come and see it after lunch"

" will do Kid"

3rd person pov

Just then Peter got a phone call....

It was from MJ. 'oh no' he thought.

He picked up the phone with panic in his eyes.

" Pete Please come get me I think its time!!!!!!"


The rest of the group just sat there with confusion spread across their faces.

" Umm I got to go ill see you at some point byeeeeee"

peter left.

"What the hell was that" said Clint.

" Ill tell you what that is the exact same reaction I had when i found out that Morgan was being born." said Tony

"wait you dont think?!!" said Nat.

"nah hes 18. maybe MJ is in trouble, if thats the case then poor kid."

"speaking of MJ peter hasnt brought her round in months. FRIDAY how long has it been since MJ came to the tower"

" It has been 39 weeks 4 days and 15 hours since Miss Jones came to visit."

" Huh, surely thats just a coincidence right" Tony said

" Maybe we should just look at his tracker" Nat said

"Good plan"

They opened up the tracker and there was peter moving at great speed through the streets towards the hospital. tony knew that he shouldn't go after him in case, but he wanted to make sure his kid was ok.

Peter Pov

I was swinging as fast as ii could towards the hospital. I still had MJ on the phone the whole time and she just told me where she had been admitted to so I headed straight for the window hoping it was open. Luckily it was, but there were a whole lot of very confused nurses in the room.

" Pete!"

" Hi MJ come on you got this"

" I wanna see yoour face Pete"

" ok"

I took of my mask and a gasp spread across the room from all the nurses helping.

" Hi my names Peter and im the Father"


"yup, now come on you gotta help"

"right sorry that was unprofessional"

_______________________Time Skip_________________________________

Here she was My Deae (goddess in Latin day-i). As Beautiful as ever. I was still in my suit so everyone in the hospital knew who i was at this point. I kept taking Mj for walks through the halls. She was amazing no words to describe. I could of sat and stared at her for hours more when a nurse came in and told us we had some people coming to see us.

I had no idea who it was ned was at College and nobody else knew.

" umm let them in?"

Then In walked Tony and Nat. The baby was behind a screen in a little bassinet so We could get some sleep so they couldnt see her.

"Pete what happened"

" oh MJ was in a car accident"

" it wasnt to serious So shes alright but is just having a rest"

" Ye i dont believe you."

" Why?"

" Peter what ward are we in"

There was one thing that he forgot about. They were in the maternity ward. He had no choice but to tell them. All he did was pull the screen back to reveal his little angel. Nat and Tony Bothh looked over in shock at what they saw.

" Is she yours"

Peter nodded his head slowly.

" Kid come here" Tony pulled Him into the tightest hug he had ever felt. Peter felt amaing like everything in his life was perfect.

Then they heard crying. Deae was awake.

" do you want too meet her"

" umm of course!"

Peter went over to her and picked her up being very careful. he walked back over to Tony and placed her in his arms. Tony was welling up with tears. Peter had noticed this and almost started crying at the moment.

" her name is Deae, it means ....2

"Goddess, suits her perfectly"

________________________time skip________________________________________

It had been 4 months. She had stayed a secret from the rest of the avengers since then (everyone else tracking him thought MJ was in an accident). Peter and Deae were in Stark Towers as Tony had convinced peter to bring her there once a week. Peter said he needed to go to the toilet and left her with Mr. Stark. A minute later the elevator doors opened revealing all the avengers. They walked in all arguing when Tony shouted


" why are we whispering" said Steve

Tony pointed at the little baby asleep on the sofa.

"Tony why the hell is there a baby here. is is it yours!!!!"

" no of course its not mine."

At that moment peter walked back into the room and said

" hows my little girl" before turning around and seeing all thhe avengers staring at him.

" aww peter is this your sister"

" Guys im an Orphan you know that by now"

" then whose Child is it"

He knew he would have to do this at some point.

"m-mine" Peter said.

" What!!!"

" but your only 18!!!"

" i know but the truth is with being a superhero me and MJ decided that we would speed through life just in case i never got to experience it at an older age"

" god kid, im proud of you"


"Wanna come meet her"


That was when his life felt complete because everyone he wanted too know did. All in a pile surrounding his pride and joy.

