Violet Mackenzie

A/N: I'm so so sorry that I haven't updated in a while. I have had a crap ton of homework from school and I have had no good ideas and really bad writers block. My updates might become less consistent because of school and events. Thanks so much guys for being the best.

Hiya! I'm Violet Mackenzie, you can call me Violet, V or by my last name Mackenzie, I don't really have a preference. I have chocolate brown eyes, long, wavy, dirty blonde hair and bangs. I am a junior here at Lester Peyton High School, (I am going to call it L.P high so if I say that I'm referring to the school). I have some great friends here at L.P High. They are the best people in the world.

I have a confession to make. I have a crush on the amazing Annabeth Chase, the smartest and most gorgeous girl in the school. Yup, you heard that right, I have a crush on a girl. I am bisexual and who cares. I love myself for who I am, and nobody is going to tell me that I'm not a good person. I am really hoping that Annabeth feels that same way because I have had a crush on her since the first day of school. We are really good friends, and I thought it would stay that way but then I started getting a crush on her and now here we are. I am going to ask out after our Greek Mythology class.

Annabeth knows everything about Greek Mythology, she aces the class. She is also already fluent in Greek too. She never pays attention in class but gets everything right and sometimes even corrects the teachers. We have to take these classes because the Greek Gods and Goddesses revealed themselves to our world about six months ago. I have always thought that the Gods and Goddesses were really cool so when they revealed themselves I thought that it was awesome but also really weird at the same time. Oh, I gotta get going to math class so I'm not late, Mr. Frasier would hate me if I was late.

<<<<<<<<<<<Time skip to the last five minutes of Violet's math class>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I was sitting in my math class talking to my friends when the overhead speakers came on. "Violet Mackenzie to the office please, Violet Mackenzie to the office please," said the monotone voice on the intercom. Huh, I wonder what that's for, I haven't done anything bad, or at least I don't think I have. I packed up my stuff and walked out of math class, while kids in my class were whispering about if I did something bad or not. When I finally got to the office, because my class was across the school, I saw a boy with windswept raven black hair and swirling sea green eyes. He was wearing a blue hoodie and some jeans and white nikes.

"Violet there you are," said the office lady Ms. Connie, "This is Percy Jackson and he is a new student. Do you mind showing him around today?" Ms. Connie asked me politely.

"No Ms. Connie, I don't mind." I said to her, then I faced the boy and introduced myself, "Hi, I'm Violet Mackenzie." I said and held out my hand.

"Hi, I'm Percy Jackson but you already know that," he says and takes my hand and shakes it. "Can you read me my schedule? I'm dyslexic and I don't want to be standing here for twenty minutes trying to figure out what it says," says Percy, vehicle handing me his schedule.

"Sure," I say while taking it, "You have Greek Mythology, then Greek language, lunch and then Marie Biology. Actually we have the same classes, I can show you to all of them if you want me to," I say to the boy.

"That would be great, thanks a lot," he says. We make our way out of the office and down the main hall on our way to Greek Mythology. When we get there, I sit in my normal spot and Percy went up to introduce himself to the teacher. The teacher had him sit by me.

I was watching the door for when Annabeth would walk in. When she did walk into the classroom, her stormy grey eyes scanned the room and landed on Percy. Her face automatically lit up. She walked over to him, smiled and sat down next to him. The teacher called Percy up to introduce himself.

"Hi, I'm Percy Jackson and I moved from New York. I am in a very committed relationship so please don't ask me out." He said, then he walked back to his seat.

"Alright class, we are going to partner up and write a paper about a Greek God or Goddess of your choice, don't pick their Roman counterparts because we will be getting to those later. Once you pick yours come check with me because we will not be having two groups doing the same God or Goddess," said our teacher. Percy and Annabeth looked at each other and partnered up. Dang it, I was gonna partner up with Annabeth so I could ask her out, and if she had a partner already. I wouldn't have minded working with the new kid Percy, he seemed nice enough. I partnered up with my friend Alyssa, who was also in this class.

Percy got out of his seat and went over to Annabeth's desk. I could hear their conversation from my seat so I decided to eavesdrop so I could hear what Greek God or Goddess they were choosing.

"I think that we should do the best god ever Poseidon," Percy said with a smug smile.

"No, I don't want to do him as our choice. Plus Athena is one thousand times better than Poseidon is," Annabeth said.

"I don't want to do Athena so who do you want to do?" Percy asked, then he added, "I will not do Ares, Hera or Zeus. You know how much I hate them." After he said that there was a huge bang of thunder and lighting.

"Ok I can agree with you. But as you heard, you made the Drama Queen mad again. How about we do Hestia? She is your second favorite anyways," Annabeth said.

"When is he not mad at me though, but I will do Hestia." Percy said, he walked up to our teacher and told him their Goddess was Hestia. Then he went back to Annabeth, pulled up a chair next to her and then they started working.

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Time skip to the beginning of lunch\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

I walked into lunch and sat at our normal lunch table. It consisted of Alyssa who you have met from Greek Mythology class, Sawyer, Isabella (Pronounced Isa-bella) but we call her Isa, Ashton, Hudson and Annabeth. Isa and Ashton are dating. Hudson and Sawyer are dating, they are both gay and some of the kids at the school make fun of them but Annabeth protects them when she is around.

Annabeth walked in with the new boy Percy Jackson. All of the girls were swooning over him, and to be honest, I was a little jealous of all the attention the new kid Percy was getting. They walked over to our table and sat down.

"Hey guys, this is Percy," she said, "Percy these are Alyssa, Sawyer, Isa, Ashton, Hudson and -"

"Violet right?" He asked me, cutting off Annabeth. 

"Yes," I said.

"Cool, thanks for showing me around this morning," Percy said.

"You are very welcome," I said kindly. 

"Sorry to ask, but you guys look like you know each other. So how long have you known each other," Isa asked them.

"Annabeth and I have been going to the same summer camp and have been best friends since we were 12 years old," Percy said.

"On Percy's sixteenth birthday, I finally asked him out and he said yes. Then our whole camp threw us in the canoe lake," Annabeth added on.

"Awww, that's so sweet," Isa said. Dang it, I am starting to hate this new kid a little bit more. He took my crush, but also I can't be mad at them because they are super duper cute. Lunch was going just fine when all the sudden there was a silver arrow that came straight towards the back of Percy's head. I was about to tell him to watch out when he spun around and caught the arrow right before it would have hit him.

"Thalia, watch out, you could have hurt someone," Percy said to a girl across the lunch room. She had black spikey hair with blue tips and blue eyes the color of lighting. She was wearing a death to Barbie t-shirt, a silver parka and she had a silver circlet on the top of her head. She had a bow in hand and a quiver on her back.

"Percy give me back my favorite hunting knife. I know you took it last time the girls and I came to camp." The girl dubbed Thalia said to Percy while giving him a murderous glare. Then she turned and said "Hi Annie, how are you doing? Don't mind if I beat up your boyfriend and my Kelp Head of a cousin do ya?" She asked Annabeth

"Hi Thals, I'm pretty good. You can beat up Seaweed Brain as long as you don't hurt him too bad," she said, "Also please try to not break his nose for the fifth time, I don't want it to be crooked."

"Thanks Annie, you're the best, also I will try not to but there are no promises and you should know that," Thalia said. "Come on Kelp Head give up the knife," Thalia said to Percy.

"Fine, but after I do this," he said. The bathrooms behind Percy exploded and water went all over Thalia, making her soaking wet. She was looking like she was going to murder him. Annabeth muttered something under her breath something like, "Not this again, I actually liked this school."

"Oh no you didn't," Thalia said and all of a sudden a lightning bolt came down and hit Percy.

"Guys are you serious. I was starting to like his school. Now we have to reveal ourselves." Annabeth said while glaring daggers at the cousins.

"Ok fine Annabeth. I'm sorry, Thalia and I had a fight but now we can go back to camp," Percy said.

"I'll go first since mine is the shortest," Thalia said to the couple.

"Kay, thanks Thals," Percy said.

"Thalia Grace, daughter of Zeus. Lieutenant of Artemis. I was a tree that protected a Camp for a while but now I am human. Fought in the second titan war. Heroine of Olympus. Girlfriend of Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano," Thalia said.

"Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena. Returner of Zeus's master bolt. Returner of Hades Helm of darkness. Survivor of the Sea of monsters. Returner of the Golden Fleece. Made it off of Circe's Island. Survived through the Sirens. Wander of the Labyrinth. Defeater of many monsters. Found Pan the lord of the wild and watched him fade. Fought in the battle of Manhattan. Took a cursed blade for Percy. Been to the Underworld and back. Helped with the Great Prophecy and one of the seven in the Prophecy of seven. Found the Athena Parthenos and followed the Mark of Athena. Defeater of Arachne the weaver. Survivor of Tartarus which is the deepest part of the underworld. Drank from the river Phlegethon. Survived the curses of the arai. Survived the Death Mist. Became friends with the friendly Titan Bob and the friendly giant Damson. Fought in the second Titan war and the giant war. I held up the weight of the sky. Head counselor of cabin six. Two time Heroine of Olympus. Percy Jackson's Girlfriend," Annabeth said.

"Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon, Returner of Zeus's Master Bolt, Returner of Hades Helm of Darkness. Defeater of Ares at age twelve. Defeater of the Mintour at age twelve. Defeater of Medusa at age twelve. Survivor of the Sea of monsters. Returner of the Golden Fleece. Made it off of Circe's Island. Survived through the Sirens. Wander of the Labyrinth. Defeated many Empousi. Found Pan the lord of the wild and watched him fade. Blew up Mt. St. Helens. Lead the battle of Manhattan. Bathed in the River Styx. Been to the Underworld and back multiple times. Main demigod in the Great Prophecy and one of the seven in the Prophecy of seven. I drank gorgon blood. Freer of the god Thanatos. Returned the Fifth cohort's golden eagle. Survivor of Tartarus which is the deepest part of the underworld. Drank from the river Phlegethon. Survived the curses of the arai. Survived the Death Mist. Became friends with the friendly Titan Bob and the friendly giant Damson. Lead the second Titan war and the giant war. I held up the weight of the sky. I am the only male that Artemis approves of. I was offered immortality by Zeus himself and I turned it down to stay with the love of my life. I am also the best swordsman in 300 years. I became Praetor of Camp Jupiter in five days. Head councilor of cabin three and Annabeth Chase's boyfriend. Two time hero of Olympus. (I'm hoping I got them all)" Said Percy.

Once they all finished saying their titles a golden light surrounded them. When it went away they all had on traditional Greek armor. They looked down at themselves and muttered "Mom" and "Dad."

"Well we have to go now," Thalia said.

"We will probably never see you again, so goodbye," Annabeth said.

"Bye guys had fun knowing you," Percy said.

Annabeth, Thalia and Percy walked out of the school and I never saw them again. Well that was until the Gods and Goddesses talked about the most powerful demigods in history. They were all there. I am still bummed that I never got to ask Annabeth out. But it's all cool because Alyssa and I are dating now and we are very happy. 

Authors Note:

Wow, that one has to be my longest one yet it has almost tripled the size of my first story. I really enjoyed writing that, the ideas were just flowing and it felt good writing it down. I am so sorry again for not updating for the past week, my life has been very crazy. I hope to update again by next week. Thanks again you guys for reading these stories of mine. Word count is 2435 words.

-The writer/editor, Kate
